Use either the
as appropriate and place onto the
Drip tray
3. Fork
Use this accessory for solid pieces of meat e.g. joints etc. Ensure that the meat is set in the
middle of the fork such that it doesn’t tip over. If it does tip then simply reposition the meat joint
accordingly. Before switching the oven on, ensure that the meat joint rotates freely and doesn’t
come into contact with the
Heating element.
If it does then trim the meat joint accordingly. As a
guide, there should be at least 2 - 3cm gap between the meat joint & the element.
4. Trestle
This accessory is used mainly for poultry such as Chicken or Duck. The
is designed so
that hot air can circulate within the cavity of the bird, ensuring even cooking throughout. Ensure
that the giblets have been removed & the cavity is washed before positioning the poultry over
. Before switching the oven on, check that there is adequate space between the
poultry & heating element (2-3 cm). If not then trim accordingly. As a guide the oven should
accommodate a 1.6kg chicken comfortably. Anything larger may suffer scorching from the
heating element. Wings/legs that stick out can either be tied back or wrapped in tin foil to
prevent scorching. You can cook poultry on the
accessory if you wish but increase cooking
time by 10% or so.
5. Cooking guide
Please note that cooking times may vary. Always ensure that meat is cooked right through
before serving. One way to test is to stick a skewer into the meat through to the bone/centre,
remove the skewer & note the colour of the meat juice that comes from the hole. This should be
clear in colour. If it is a red colour then it is likely that the meat requires further cooking.
6 minutes per 100g. eg: 1.6kg = 96 minutes
10-12 minutes per 100g depending on bone content
10 minutes per 100g depending on bone content
Note: The vertical oven is NOT suitable for defrosting meat. Always ensure meat is
properly defrosted before cooking.
6. Removal after cooking
Always use oven gloves when removing cooked meat from the oven. Be particularly mindful of
the drip tray, which will contain a quantity of very hot fat. Allow the meat to cool slightly (or even
go cold) before carving.