AdvAntAge - digitAl vAv diffusers
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Thermostat Installation
Careful thermostat installation will reduce field
Do not twist or kink the blue CAT5 thermostat
Damaged cables are difficult to troubleshoot!
Thermostat cable product code:
35 foot plenum rated cable included
with thermostat (PIC-CABLE)
General Description
thermostats are all physically the same size and mounting instructions will be typical.
1. The Price Intelligent Controller (PIC) Thermostats must be mounted to a wall and wired to the PIC
controller via the supplied plenum rated 35ft CAT-5 cable. This cable plugs into the thermostat
and the PIC controller with the ease of RJ-45 connections. Note: the cable run can be extended
to 70 ft using a Price cable coupler and additional 35ft cable.
2. Mount the required thermostat in a place that is convenient for the end user, but the following
should be taken into consideration:
Do not mount a thermostat in direct sunlight
i.e. across from a window where heat can alter
thetemperature reading.
• Should not be installed on an outside wall
Keep away from hot equipment
like computers, monitors and heaters etc.
• Ensure nothing will restrict vertical air circulation
to the thermostat. (Do Not Cover)
***Ensure wall is NOT pressurized! Hot/cold air from a pressurized wall will direct blow
onto the thermostat’s temperature sensor causing ‘bad’ readings. ***
1. The back plate on each thermostat is removable and can be mounted to a standard electrical box
or directly to drywall using anchors supplied by others.
2. Run the CAT-5 cable through the center hole in the plate. Connect the cable to the thermostat,
and then secure the thermostat onto the wall plate inserting the top portion of the thermostat first,
and then snapping the bottom half in.
3. All thermostats will come equipped with a 0.050” Allen key for the set screw at the bottom.
Wall Fasteners
by others
Surface Mount Detail
thermostat installation
General Description
The Advantage thermostats are all physically the same size
and mounting instructions will be typical.
1. Thermostats must be mounted to a wall and wired to the
controller via the supplied NETC35 (35ft plenum rated CAT
5 cable with RJ 45 connectors) cable. This cable plugs
into the thermostat and the Advantage with the ease of
RJ-45 connections. Note: the cable run can be extended
to 70 ft using a NETCC cable coupler and additional
NETC35 ft cable.
2. Mount the required thermostat in a place that is
convenient for the end user, but the following should be
taken into consideration:
• Do not mount a thermostat in direct sunlight i.e.
across from a window where heat can alter the
temperature reading.
• Should not be installed on an outside wall.
• Keep away from hot equipment like computers,
monitors and heaters etc.
• Ensure nothing will restrict vertical air circulation to the
thermostat (Do not cover).
• Ensure wall is not pressurized! Hot/cold air from a
pressurized wall will direct blow onto the thermostat’s
temperature sensor causing ‘bad’ readings.
1. The back plate on each thermostat is removable and can
be mounted to a standard electrical box or directly to
drywall using anchors supplied by others.
2. Run the NETC35 cable through the center hole in the
plate. Connect the cable to the thermostat, then secure
the thermostat onto the wall plate inserting top portion of
the thermostat first, then snapping the bottom half in.
3. All thermostats will come equipped with a 0.050” Allen key
for the set screw at the bottom.
1.25” (32)
surfACe MOunt detAil
netC35 35 fOOt PlenuM rAted CABle - inCluded
Careful thermostat installation will reduce field issues!
Do not
twist or kink the blue NETC35 thermostat cable.
cables are difficult to troubleshoot!