To ensure safe and reliable operation, take note
of the safety precautions as follows:
a) Operation and maintenance of the
motorcoach must be performed only by
qualified personnel.
b) Before driving, conduct a walkaround
inspection to check for security of all
baggage compartment doors and equipment
access doors.
c) Make sure good visibility is maintained at all
times. Keep windshields clean and free of
d) Adjust the driver's seat so that all controls
can be reached easily.
e) Always wear the safety belt when driving.
f) Check the instrument panel frequently. Do
not operate the motorcoach when dials or
indicators are not in the normal operating
g) Always pay attention to pedestrians passing
in front and behind the vehicle. Always yield
to pedestrians at pedestrian walkways.
h) Do not drive over obstacles on the road.
Empty cartons, piles of leaves, and
snowdrifts could conceal hidden dangers
that could damage the motorcoach
suspension and underbody.
When turning or changing lanes, signal your
intention well in advance.
When approaching to make a right turn,
reduce the space between the motorcoach
and the curb to make sure another vehicle
cannot pass on the right. Since the
motorcoach makes wide turns, allow enough
space to make safe turns.
k) Switch from high beams to low beams when
meeting or following other vehicles within
500 feet (150 meters).
Never leave the motorcoach unattended
with the engine running, or with the key in
the ignition. Turn off the engine, remove
keys and apply the parking brake before
leaving the vehicle.
m) Shut-off the engine before refueling, adding
oil or performing maintenance or servicing
tasks, unless stated otherwise.
n) Fuel is highly flammable and explosive. Do
not smoke when refueling. Keep away from
open flames or sparks.
o) Do not run the engine or HVAC system with
access doors left open. Close compartment
doors before operating any equipment.
p) Do not remove the surge tank filler cap or
the cooling system pressure cap when the
engine is hot. Let the engine cool down
before removing filler caps.
q) Do not attempt to push or pull-start a
motorcoach equipped with an automatic
r) The service life of the motorcoach depends
on the kind of maintenance it receives.
Always record any problems and report
them immediately to maintenance
s) Do not use the trailer hitch before reading
the safety, technical and operational
requirements on page 1-9 of this manual.
t) For additional information about safe driving
practices, contact the local department of
motor vehicles authority.
Defensive driving
a) For city driving, allow a four to six second
travel interval between the motorcoach and
the vehicle ahead. Increase this travel
interval to six to eight seconds for highway
driving. Use increased travel interval for
night driving and in bad weather.
b) Be prepared to stop when approaching an
intersection. The stopping distance of the
motorcoach increases with the weight and
speed of the vehicle.
c) Establish eye-to-eye contact with other
drivers and with pedestrians. Use
headlights, high beams and low beams, turn
signals and horn as needed.