Prevelo frames are hand crafted from 6061 Aluminum Alloy requiring only minimal
• Wash using a soft sponge, diluted dishwashing soap and a bucket of warm water.
• Note: If using a hose, choose a gentle spray as opposed to a harsh jet.
• Dry with a clean cloth.
To Clean:
• Use a soft-bristled brush to clean away any dirt or debris from the chain, derailleur and
• Spray bicycle chain cleaner/degreaser onto the chain, derailleur and cassette. Using a
rag, wipe clean while turning the crank.
• Dry with a clean cloth.
To Lubricate:
• Chain: Using only a bicycle chain lubricant, apply a drop to each link. Turn the crank a
few times to allow the lubricant to settle. Use a dry rag to remove any excess lubricant.
• Derailleur: Using only a bicycle chain lubricant, apply a few drops onto the pullies only.
Use a dry rag to remove any excess lubricant.
Alpha Zero Brake:
The Alpha Zero is equipped with a rear V-Brake controlled by a hand brake lever. An adult
should perform regular checks on the operation and condition of the brakes to ensure
Check both brake pads to ensure they have not worn down past the wear lines. Replace
both pads at the same time.
Check for proper brake pad alignment. The pads should contact the rim without contacting
the tire.
Do not allow the brake pads to come into contact with oil or lubricant.