DCY-2058 and DCY-2059
Page 11
3.0 - Operation
3.1 - Normal Operation
The DCY-2058 and 2059 Auto-Manual / Auto / Manual Stations are provided with
two operational modes: normal operation mode and configuration mode.
In normal operation mode we can further have the automatic operation mode and
the manual operation mode, depending on the configuration of the Station. See
section 3.2.1 on General Level configuration.
In the automatic operation mode, the Station receives the input signal which is
retransmitted to the output. See section 3.2.3 on Output configuration.
In the manual operation mode, the user himself determines the output by using
the UP and DOWN keys to increase or decrease the analogic output value.
The selection between the automatic and manual modes is made through the
automatic/manual (A/M) key on the front panel of the DCY-2058 and 2059 Stations.
When in manual mode the green LED indicating the manual state is illuminated. The
Manual Station maintains the green led on and the A/M key has no function. The
Automatic Station maintains the green led off. The A/M key has no function too.
The normal operation mode of the stations, in which they operate most of the
time, will be named level zero. In this level the upper display can show the following
- ‘OUT1’ in single loop Stations,
- ‘OUT1’ or ‘OUT2’ according to the loop selected in dual loop Stations, and
- ‘CONF’.
The lower display shows the value of the selected analogic output (V_OUT 1 or
V_OUT 2), given in engineering unit.
When the input is enabled, the upper display shows the value of the input signal
(PV.1 or PV.2) in place of OUT1 or OUT2 mnemonics.
Whenever the Stations are powered on, they display the last selection shown
before they were turned off. In order to switch to other options of the operation level, use
the ENTER key, as illustrated in figure 7.
Figure 7, below, illustrates all these display presentations possibilities at the
operation level for the DCY-2058 and 2059 Stations.