7. Position canner on a level burner
and range only. Use on a tilted
burner or range may interfere
with the operation of the pres-
sure regulator. To prevent dam-
age to the pressure canner, do
not use on an outdoor LP gas
burner or gas range over 12,000
BTU’s. Using
a relatively high
heat setting, heat the pressure canner until a steady flow of
steam can be seen, heard, or felt coming from the vent pipe
(Fig. I). Exhaust air from the canner for 10 minutes by allow-
ing steam to flow from the vent pipe. Reduce heat, if necessary,
to maintain a steady, moderate flow of steam.
8. Place pressure regulator on vent pipe. If heat was reduced
for exhausting, adjust to a relatively high setting and heat
canner. As pressure develops in the canner the air vent/cover
lock will lift and lock the cover on the canner. The air vent/
cover lock is a visual indicator of the presence of pressure.
When in the up position pressure is in the unit, when in the
down position there is no pressure in canner (Fig. J). Also, as
pressure builds the pointer of the gauge will move across the
face. Continue heating until the pressure gauge registers the
correct pressure. Adjust heat to maintain the correct pressure
on the dial gauge. The pressure regulator will rock ONLy at
15 pounds of pressure.
9. Processing time begins when the pressure gauge registers
the correct pressure. Adjust heat to maintain correct pressure
on the dial gauge. If pressure drops below desired setting, it
will be necessary to bring pressure to the correct setting and
begin processing countdown from the beginning for the full
amount of time.
Helpful Hint: To more easily maintain pressure, it may be
beneficial to reduce the heat when the dial gauge registers
1½ to 2 pounds less than the desired pressure. However, do
not begin the processing countdown until correct pressure is
10. At the end of processing time, turn burner to “off” and remove
canner from heat source.
Lift pressure canner to
remove it from burner. Sliding cookware can leave scratches
on stovetops.
11. Let pressure drop of its own accord. Do not attempt to speed
the cooling of the canner, which can cause jar breakage, liquid
loss from the jars and other problems. Pressure is completely
reduced when the air vent/cover lock and overpressure
plug have dropped and no steam escapes when the pressure
regulator is lifted. Do not use the dial gauge as an indicator
for when pressure is completely reduced.
12. When pressure has been completely reduced, remove
pressure regulator from vent pipe and let canner cool for
10 minutes. Do not remove the
pressure regulator until pressure
is completely reduced and the
air vent/cover lock has dropped.
Always remove pressure regulator
before opening the cover.
13. To remove cover, turn counter-
clockwise until cover hits stop
(Fig. K). Cover handles will be
Fig . I
Air Vent/Cover
Lock in UP Position.
Pressure in Unit.
Air Vent/Cover Lock
in DOWN Position.
No Pressure in Unit.
Fig . J
Fig . K