Prestigio Nobile1580W User Manual Download Page 21




Mouse Driver

If you are using an external mouse your operating system may be able to auto-configure your mouse during its
installation or only enable its basic functions. Be sure to check the device’s user documentation for details.

Audio Features

You can configure the audio options on your computer from the Sounds and Audio Devices Windows control panel,

or from the Realtek HD Audio Manager/Realtek HD Sound Effect Manager icon 

 in the taskbar/control panel (this

will bring up the Realtek Audio Configuration menus). The volume may also be adjusted by means of the Fn + F5/F6
key combination.

Summary of Contents for Nobile1580W

Page 1: ...creators of this publication exceptforcopieskeptbytheuserforbackuppurposes Brandandproductnamesmentionedinthispublicationmayormaynotbecopyrightsand orregisteredtrademarks oftheirrespectivecompanies Theyarementionedforidentificationpurposesonlyandarenotintendedasanendorse mentofthatproductoritsmanufacturer January 2005 Trademarks This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is pro...

Page 2: to connect I O devices to this equipment You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer for compliance with the above standards could void your authority to operate the equipment IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Follow basic safety precautions including those listed below to reduce the risk of fire electric shock and injury to personswhenusinganyelectric...

Page 3: ... on Donotdisassemblethecomputerbyyourself Perform routine maintenance on your computer 5 Takecarewhenusingperipheraldevices Useonlyapprovedbrandsofperipherals Unplug the power cord before attaching peripheral devices Power Safety Power Safety Warning Before you undertake any upgrade procedures make sure that you have turned off the power and disconnected all peripherals and cables including teleph...

Page 4: ...ate and local laws it may be illegal to dispose of this battery into the municipal waste stream Check with your local solid waste officials for details in your area for recycling options or proper disposal Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced Replace only with the same or eqivalent type recommended by the manufacturer Discard used battery according to the manufacturer s instructi...

Page 5: ...uggestionsinthispreface andChapter Troubleshooting keepthese pointsinmind Hand carry the notebook Forsecurity don tletitoutofyoursight Insomeareas computertheftisverycommon Don tcheckitwith normal luggage Baggagehandlersmaynotbesufficientlycareful Avoidknockingthecomputeragainsthardobjects BewareofElectromagneticfields Devicessuchasmetaldetectors X raymachinescandamagethecomputer harddisk floppydi...

Page 6: ...dcontrasttolevelsthatallowyoutoseethescreenclearly Position the display directly in front of you at a comfortable viewing distance Adjustthedisplay viewingangletofindthebestposition Quick Start Guide System Startup 1 Removeallpackingmaterials 2 Placethecomputeronastablesurface 3 Securelyattachanyperipheralsyouwanttousewiththenotebook e g keyboardandmouse totheirports 4 AttachtheAC DCadaptertotheDC...

Page 7: ...e Operation Aboard Aircraft Theuseofanyportableelectronictransmissiondevices e g WLANorBluetooth aboardaircraftisusuallyprohibited MakesureanywirelessmodulesareOFFifyouareusingthecomputeraboardaircraft Usetheappropriatefunctionkeycombinationtotogglepowertoanywirelessmodules andchecktheLEDindicators to see if any modules are powered on or not Audio DJ Power Button Make sure that the Audio DJ player...

Page 8: ...y has Reached Critically Low Power Status Green The Battery is Fully Charged Second Battery Indicator Colors Displayed as Above Green Hard Disk Activity Green The PC Camera Module is Powered On Green The Bluetooth Module is Powered On Green The WLAN Module is Powered On Blinking Amber New Mail Has Arrived Ap Key Buttons Keyboard ThesebuttonsgiveinstantaccesstothedefaultInter netbrowserande mailpro...

Page 9: ...iatefunctionkey F3 F12etc Key Function Fn Function Fn Function Key Fn F3 Mute Toggle Fn F4 SleepToggle Fn F5 Decrease Audio Volume Fn F6 Increase Audio Volume Fn F7 Display Toggle Fn F8 Decrease LCD Brightness Fn F9 Increase LCD Brightness Fn F10 PC Camera Module Power Toggle Fn F11 Wireless LAN Module Power Toggle Fn F12 Bluetooth Module Power Toggle Fn NumLk Number Lock Toggle Fn ScrLk Scroll Lo...

Page 10: ...ilt instandaloneaudioCDplayergivesdirecthardwarecontrolforaudioCDs DVDswhenthecom puterisshut down buthasaworkingpowersource 1 Makesurethatthecomputerisshutdown i e theoperatingsystemisnotrunning butyouhaveaworkingpower source eitherbatteryorACPower 2 Press the Audio DJ power button 3 Press the open button on your CD DVD device or press the stop button 9 twice and carefully place an audio CD ontot...

Page 11: ...ash Stop the disk first then eject it or press the stop button twice Rear View 1 Vent FanIntake Outlet 2 S PDIF Out Jack 3 Line InJack 4 2 USB 2 0 Ports 5 DVI OutPort 6 CATV Jack Enabled WithTVTuner Only 7 RJ 11PhoneJack 8 RJ 45LANJack 9 S Video Out Jack 10 DC In Jack 11 SerialPort Overheating To prevent your computer from overheating make sure nothing blocks the Vent Fan Intake Outlet while the c...

Page 12: ...the emergency eject hole Do not use a sharpened pencil or similar object that may break and become lodged in the hole Media Warning Don t try to remove a floppy disk CD DVD while the system is accessing it This may cause the system to crash Changing DVD Regional Codes GototheControlPanelanddouble clickSystem Hardware tab clickDeviceManager thenclickthe nexttoDVD CDROMdrives Double clickontheDVD RO...

Page 13: ...elydischargeandchargethe batteryatleastonceevery30daysorafterabout20partialdischarges Windows XP Start Menu Control Panel Mostofthecontrolpanels utilitiesandprogramswithinWindowsXP andmostotherWindowsversions areaccessed fromtheStartmenu Whenyouinstallprogramsandutilitiestheywillbeinstalledonyourharddiskdrive andashortcut will usually be placed in the Start menu and or the desktop You can customiz...

Page 14: ...rredsettinginScreenarea resolution 1 5 Clickthearrow andscrolltothepreferredsettingInColors Colorquality 2 6 YoucanalsoaccessDisplayPropertiesbyright clickingthedesktopandscrollingdownandclickingProperties Click Settings tab andadjustasabove 7 OpentheDisplayPropertiescontrolpanel andclickAdvanced button 3 tobringuptheAdvancedpropertiestabs Clickingthroughthesetabsallowsyoutomakeanyvideoadjustments...

Page 15: as the monitor or hard disk by means of Power Schemes or you may use either Standby or Hibernate mode to conserve power throughout the system Pay attentiontotheinstructionsonbatterycarein BatteryInformation Thecomputer spowerbutton sleepbutton Fn F4keycombination andlid closingthelid maybesettosendthe computerintoeitherStandbyorHibernatemode Power Saving and Performance PowerSchemesmayhaveanaff...

Page 16: ...VD Device Thereisabayfora5 25 optical CD DVD device 12 7mmheight Theactualdevicewilldependonthemoduleyou purchased Theopticaldeviceisusuallylabeled DriveD Loading Discs ToinsertaCD DVD presstheopenbutton 1 andcarefullyplaceaCD DVDontothedisctraywithlabel sidefacingup usejustenoughforceforthedisctoclickontothetray sspindle GentlypushtheCD DVDtrayinuntilitslock clicks andyouarereadytostart Thebusyin...

Page 17: ...he CD or DVD Do not drop or subject the CD or DVD to shock CD Emergency Eject If you need to manually eject a CD e g due to an unexpected power interruption you may push the end of a straightened paper clip into the emergency eject hole However please do NOT use a sharpened pencil or similar object that may break and become lodged in the hole Disk Eject Warning Don t try to remove a CD DVD while t...

Page 18: ...ver in the card reader when not is use This will help prevent foreign objects and or dust getting in to the card reader 1 Card Reader PC Card Slot ThecomputerisequippedwithaPCMCIA3 3V 5VslotforonetypeIIPC MCIACardBusPCCardSlot Makesureyouinstall thePCMCIA CardRead erCarddriver Inserting and Removing PC Cards AlignthePCCardwiththeslotandpushitinuntilitlocksintoplace ToremoveaPCCard simplypresstheej...

Page 19: ...n inthetaskbar ifyoudonotseetheiconinthetaskbargotoStart Programs AllPrograms AutoMailChecker AutoMailChecker Rightclickingontheiconwillbringupthefollowing options menu If you have not input your mail account data then you will be prompted to do so Select Open to bring up the control panel for the program You may then configure the options for your mail server name password program and method s of...

Page 20: ...ivericon inthetaskbar 2 SelectSetupfromthemenu scrolltoApplication1andpressEnter 3 AnOpendialogboxwillappearonthescreen 4 Browsetothedirectorywherethedesiredapplication exe seethesidebar programexists 5 Double ClickontheprogramfileorchooseOpen TouchPad and Buttons Mouse TheTouchPadisanalternativetothemouse however youcanalsoaddamousetoyourcomputerthroughoneofthe USBports TheTouchPadbuttonsfunction...

Page 21: ...functions Besuretocheckthedevice suserdocumentationfordetails Audio Features You can configure the audio options on your computer from the Sounds and Audio DevicesWindows control panel orfromtheRealtekHDAudioManager RealtekHDSoundEffectManagericon inthetaskbar controlpanel this willbringuptheRealtekAudioConfigurationmenus ThevolumemayalsobeadjustedbymeansoftheFn F5 F6 keycombination ...

Page 22: ...ny one of the ports to connect the printer InstallInstructions 1 Setuptheprinteraccordingtoitsinstructions unpacking papertray toner inkcartridgeetc 2 TurnONthecomputer 3 TurnONtheprinter 4 Connecttheprinter sUSBcabletooneoftheUSBportsonthecomputer 5 Windowswillidentifytheprinterandeitherloadoneofitsowndriversoraskyoutosupplyone Followtheon screen instructions Parallel Printer Aftersettingupthepri...

Page 23: ...herearofthecomputer 2 PlugtheACpowercordintoanoutlet andthenconnecttheACpowercordtotheAC DCadapter seesidebarifyou areusingtheoptionalPortReplicator 3 Raisethelid LCDtoacomfortableviewingangle 4 Press the power button to turn On Battery Thebatteryallowsyoutouseyourcomputerwhileyouareontheroadorwhenanelectricaloutletisunavailable Battery life varies depending on the applications and the configurati...

Page 24: ...skdrivehasnotbeenaccessedforaspecifiedperiodoftime ifthesystemreadsor writesdata theharddiskmotorwillbeturnedbackon Theschemesmayalsobesettosetaspecifiedtimeforthesystem toenterStandbyorHibernatemodes Resuming Operation ThesystemcanresumefromMonitororHardDiskStandbybypressingaleyonthekeyboard theSleep Resumekey combination Fn F4 or power button EachWindowsPowerSchemewillalsoadjusttheprocessorperfo...

Page 25: ...yinsteadofinhibernation IttakesalongertimetowakeupthesystemfromHibernatemodethanfromStandbymode Standby Standbysavestheleastamountofpower buttakestheshortesttimetoreturntofulloperation DuringStandbythehard diskisturnedoff andtheCPUismadetoidleatitsslowestspeed Allopenapplicationsareretainedinmemo ry When youarenotusingyourcomputerforacertainlengthoftime whichyouspecifyintheoperatingsystem itwillen...

Page 26: ...eep Button YoumayalsoconfiguretheSleep Resumekeycombination Fn F4 fromthemenu InWindowsthisisreferredtoas theSleepbutton Battery Information Pleasefollowthesesimpleguidelinestogetthebestuseoutofyourbattery New Battery Alwayscompletelydischarge andthenfullycharge anewbattery Battery Life Yourcomputer sbatterylifeisdependentuponmanyfactors includingtheprogramsyouarerunning andperipheral devicesattac...

Page 27: ...stementerssleep mode Disconnectanyunnecessaryexternaldevices Proper handling of the Battery Pack DONOTdisassemblethebatterypackunderanycircumstances DONOTexposethebatterytofireorhightemperatures itmayexplode DONOTconnectthemetalterminals toeachother Damaged Battery Warning Should you notice any physical defects e g the battery is bent out of shape after being dropped or any unusual smells emanatin...

Page 28: ...allalldriversandutilitiesfromthebuilt inCDdeviceanditisassignedto DriveD Inaddition allfile extensionscanbeseen Inthiscase D isthedrivespecifiedforyourCDdevice Notallcomputersaresetupthesameway andsomecomputers havetheCDlistedunderadifferentdriveletter e g ifyouhavetwoharddrives orharddiskpartitions onemaybe designatedas DriveC andtheotheras DriveD InthiscasetheCDdevicemaybedesignatedas DriveE Ple...

Page 29: ...cedure YouwillreceivethismessageincaseswherethedriverhasbeenreleasedaftertheversionofWindowsyouarecurrently using Allthedriverspro videdwillhavealreadyreceivedcertificationforWindows Version Conflict Message During driver installation if you encounter any file version conflict message please click Yes to choose to keep the existing newer version Updating Reinstalling Individual Drivers Ifyouwishto...

Page 30: ...youhaveinstalled 5 Ifthecomputerneedstorestartafterinstallingadriver youwillusuallyneedtoclickthe Yes Finish buttonwhen promptedtorestartthecomputer 6 To get back to the NoteBook Driver Installation screen click Start menu Run and navigate Browse to D AUTODR3P EXEandclickOK Manual Driver Installation Ifyouwishtoinstallthedriversmanually clicktheExitbuttontoquittheNoteBookDriverInstallationapplicat...

Page 31: ...stallation Makesureyouinstalltheappropriateservicepackforyouroperatingsystembeforeinstallingany Chipset 1 Double clickChipsetfromtheNotebookDriverInstallationmenu OR ClickStart menu Run andnavigate Browse toD Drivers 00Chipset Setup exeandclickOK 2 ClickNext Yes Next 3 ClickFinishtorestartthecomputer Video VGA ATI Video Driver Installation Makesureyouinstallthedrivers 1 Double clickVIDEOfromtheNot...

Page 32: ...Taskbar Icon YoucanalsoaccessATIMobilityRadeonX700 X800XTPropertiesbyright clickingtheATIiconinthetaskbar Pointto SettingsandclickATIDisplaySettings thenclickSettings tab ThemenuswillalsoallowaccesstoHelp TroubleshootingandSchemesetc Help Menus Right clickonalmostanyiteminthetabstobringupthe What sThis button Clickthe What sThis buttontobring upthehelpmenu PowerPlay Menu Themenuspicturedinthischap...

Page 33: ...ngTheaterModeOptions button intheOverlaytabfromtheATIMobilityRadeon Properties TheaterModeenablesyoutodisplayvideoplaybackinfullscreenonasecondarymonitor TheaterModeisnotsupportedifyouhavetheTVTunermoduleinstalled Monitor and TV Tuner Ifyouareconnectingbothamonitor flatpaneldisplaytotheDVI Outport andacable aerialtotheoptionalTVTuner module makesureyouattachthecable aerialtotheTVTunerfirst thenthe...

Page 34: ...ay to show a copy of the Primary desktop The Clone display in an Extended Desktop environment will show the portion of the desktop extended from the Primary display Single Onlyoneofyourdisplaysisused Multiple Clone Mode CloneModesimplyshowsanexactcopyofthePrimarydisplaydesktopontheotherdisplay s Thismodewilldrive multipledisplayswiththesamecon tentandeachdisplaydevicecanbeconfiguredindependently M...

Page 35: ...erent monitors support different resolutions and refresh rates experiment for the best setting Extended Desktop Mode ThesystemsupportsExtendedDesktopinmultipledisplayenvironmentsinWindowsXP AnExtendedDesktopcreates adesktopspanningmultipledis playsandactsasalargeworkspace Togetthiseffect 1 AttachyourexternalmonitortotheDVI Outport orTVtotheS VideoOutport andturniton 2 SelecttheDisplaystabintheATIM...

Page 36: ...n the other monitor 12 OnedisplaywillbesettoPrimary ThedisplaysmaybeswitchedaslongasoneassettoPrimary InthispicturethenotebookLCD ExtendedDesktoppanelistheprimarydisplay andthedesktopmaybeextendedto anyattacheddisplays 13 To switch from Extended Desktop mode back to Clone mode first uncheck the tick box to disable the Extended DesktopandclickApply 14 Repeattheprocedurein AttachingOtherDisplays mak...

Page 37: ...n aTV connect theTV to your computer by using an S Video cable from theTV to the S Video Outjackattherearofthecomputer FurtherhelpisavailabletohelpyoutroubleshootyourTVconnectionthroughthemenusaccessedfromthetaskbar TheTVPropertiestabsallowyoutoadjusttheTVsettingsandTVFormatetc ...

Page 38: ...p exeD Drivers 03Modem Setup exeandclickOK 2 ClickOK OK clickContinueAnywayifaskedifyouwanttocontinueatanytime 3 Themodemisreadyfordial upconfigura tion Modem Country Selection Be sure to check if the modem country selection is appropriate for you Control Panel Phone and Modem Options LAN 1 Double clickLANfromtheNoteBookDriverInstallationmenu OR ClickStart menu Run andnavigate Browse to oneofthefo...

Page 39: ...llationmenu ORClickStart menu Run andnavigate Browse toD Drivers 11Automail SETUP EXEandclickOK 2 Tocontinue click Next Next Finish Module Drivers See the following pages for the driver installation procedures for any modules included in your purchase option Wireless LAN Wireless Device Operation Aboard Aircraft The use of any portable electronic transmission devices aboard aircraft is usually pro...

Page 40: ...thenetworksettingsyoucanviewtheUserGuidefromtheIntelPROCD ROM Intel WLAN Driver Installation 1 Makesurethemoduleispoweredon theninserttheIntelPROSet WirelessCD ROMintotheCD DVDdrive 2 ClickInstallSoftware button 3 ClickthebuttontoacceptthelicenseandclickNext Next OK 4 ClickOKtocompletetheinstallation 5 YoucanconfigurethesettingsbygoingtotheIntel R PROSetWirelesscontrolpanel Start Programs AllProgr...

Page 41: ...riatesoftwareCDprovided for your module BeforeinstallingtheBluetoothdriver makesurethattheoptionalBluetoothmoduleison theBluetoothLEDwillbe green UsetheFn F12keycombinationtotogglepowertotheBluetoothmodule Makesureyouinstallthedrivers Bluetooth Driver Installation 1 Makesurethemoduleispoweredon theninserttheBluetoothCDROMintotheCD DVDdrive 2 Theprogramwillrunautomatically 3 Choosethelanguageyoupre...

Page 42: ...ickAdvancedintheDevicevolumetab 3 ClickOptions scrolldownandclickProperties 4 SelectBluetoothAV HSAudiofromtheMixerdevicemenu 5 ClickOKandclosethewindows ToResettheAudioforRealtekAudioRecording 1 GototheStartmenuandpointtoSettings orjustclickControlPanel andclickControlPanel thendouble clickthe Sounds AudioDevicesicon Sounds Speech andAudioDevicesinCategoryView 2 ClickAdvancedintheDevicevolumetab ...

Page 43: ...nsertthePCCameraCD ROMintotheCD DVDdrive 3 Theprogramwillrunautomatically 4 ClickInstallProducts 5 ChoosethelanguageyoupreferandclickOK 6 ClickNext clickContinueAnywayifaskedifyouwanttocon tinue 7 WhentheFoundNewHardwareWizardappearsclicktheNo notthistimebutton andclickNext 8 Selectinstallthesoftwareautomatically Recommended andclickNext clickContinueAnywayifaskedifyouwant tocontinue 9 ClickFinish...

Page 44: ...2 GototheCapturemenuheading ifyouwishtocaptureaudiocheck PCCameraAudioSetup onpage7 10 and selectStartCapture 3 Onthefirstrunoftheprogram ifyouhavenotsetthecapturedfile youwillbeaskedtochooseafilenameandsize seethesidebar Pre AllocatingFileSpace forthecapturedfile 4 ClickOKtostartcapturingthevideo andpressEsctostopthecapture 5 Ifyouwishto youmaygototheFilemenuandselectSaveCapturedVideoAs chooseafi...

Page 45: ...theBisonCapprogram 2 GotoOptionsandscrolldowntoselect VideoCaptureFilter 3 Click either 50Hz or 60Hz under Frequency in Property Page tab TV Tuner Options TV Tuner Module Options You may have one of two possible optional Mini PCITVTuner modules sup plied with your computer depending on your purchase configuration The op tional TV Tuner allows you to watch TV play music CDs video conference and cap...

Page 46: ...rtthecomputer 6 Run the program from the Start Programs All Programs Life View and select the LifeView DTV program or double click the icon on the desktop User Manual InserttheTVTunerCD ROManddoubleclickAcrobatReader button andfollowtheinstructionstoinstalltheprogram ifyouhavenotalreadydoneso Double clickUserManualfromthemenutoaccessthemanual YUAN PVR Mini PCI MPC622 MCE TV Tuner Module If your pu...

Page 47: ...ns theFn F4keycombination orpowerbuttontowake upthesystem Brightness CheckthebrightnessofthescreenbypressingtheFn F8andF9keystoadjustthebrightness DisplayChoice PressFn F7tomakesurethesystemisnotsetto externalonly display Boot Drive Make sure there are no floppy disks in any connected drive when you start up your machine this is a commoncauseofthemessage Invalidsystemdisk Replacethedisk andthenpre...

Page 48: ...sureyouhaveinstalledthedriversforanynewhardwareyouhaveinstalled latestdriverfilesareusuallyavailable todownloadfromvendor swebsites Thoroughly check any recent changes you made to your system as these changes may affect one or more system components orsoftwareprograms Ifpossible gobackandundothechangeyoujustmadeandseeiftheproblemstill occurs Don tovercomplicatethings Thelessyouhavetodealwiththenth...

Page 49: ...rniton Thescreensaverisactivated PressanykeyortouchtheTouchPad No image appears on the external monitor I have plugged in and powered on You haven t installed the video driver and configured it appropriately from the Control Panel You forget the boot password Ifyouforgetthepassword youmayhavetodischargethebatteryoftheCMOS Contactyourservicerepresentativefor help Password Warning If you choose to s...

Page 50: ...odule Notebook Ports and Jacks Item Description Built In Microphone The built in microphone allows you to record on your computer Card Reader Port The card reader allows you to use some of the latest digital storage cards Push the card into the slot and it will appear as a removable device CATV In Jack Use this jack to connect a CATV cable if you have included the optional Mini PCI TVTuner in your...

Page 51: ...ore Serial Port Connect a serial type mouse to this port S PDIF Out Jack This S PDIF Sony Philips Digital Interface Format Out Jack allows you to connect your DVD capable PC to a Dolby AC 3 compatible receiver for 5 1 or dts surroundsound S Video Out Jack Connect your television to your computer and view DVDs VCDs or anything else your computer can display You will need an S Video cable to make th...

Page 52: ...Cache 533MHz FSB 1 6 1 73 1 86 2 2 13 2 26 GHz IntelCeleron MProcessor 478 pin Micro FCPGAPackage Models 350 350J 360 360J 370 380 390 µ0 09 0 09 Micron Process Technology 1MB On die L2 Cache 400MHz FSB 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 GHz Core Logic Intel 915PM ICH6 M Memory Two 200 Pin SO DIMM Sockets Supporting DDRII DDR2 533 MHz Memory Expandable up to 2GB 256 512 1024 MB DDRII Modules Note DoNotUs...

Page 53: ...und SRS TruSurround TruBass Focus Enhancement Supplied as a factory option Interface Communication Four USB 2 0 Ports One Mini IEEE 1394 Port OneDVI OutPort OneMicrophone InJack OneLine InJack OneHeadphone OutJack OneS PDIFOutputJack OneSerialPort OneS Video OutJack 300KPixelPCVIdeoCameraModulewithUSBInterface FactoryOption OR 1 3MPixelPCVIdeoCameraModulewithUSBInterface FactoryOption Bluetooth 1 ...

Page 54: ...dOptionalBattery 6CellSmartLithium IonBatteryPack 3 8AH Environmental Spec Temperature Operating 5 C 35 C Non Operating 20 C 60 C RelativeHumidity Operating 20 80 Non Operating 10 90 Physical Dimensions Weight 360mm w 287mm d 26 39mm h Min 3 4 kg 3 With8CellBattery OpticalDevice Optional OpticalDriveModuleOptions DVD CD RWComboDriveModule DVD DualDriveModule 8CellSmartLithium IonBatteryPack 4 4AH ...

Page 55: ...tooth 1 2 Module with USB Interface USBFloppyDiskDrive 2ndBattery 6CellSmartLithium IonBatteryPack 3 8AH 2ndPATAHardDiskDrive Mini PCIHybridTVTunerCard Mini PCIMCETVTunerCard HardwareDecoder SonicHomeTheater Roxio 7 0 CD Burner Software ...

Page 56: ...56 PRESTIGIO NOBILE 1580W ENG Notes ...
