Prestigio NOBILE 1560 User Manual Download Page 21




Using simultaneous display

Your computer takes advantage of Windows multi-display capability, allowing you to use your computer for presentation
purposes. So whatever is displayed in your computer will likewise be displayed on the other external display.
To use simultaneous display, connect an external display device to the external monitor port or S-video output jack. You can
then toggle the display output location by pressing Fn-F3 to make the image appear on both the computer LCD and external
display device.


The S-video port allows you to output to a television or display devices that support S-video input. This is useful if you want
to do some presentations or watch movies on a bigger screen.

External keyboard

This computer has a keyboard with full-sized keys and an embedded keypad. If you feel more comfortable using a desktop
keyboard, you can connect a USB external keyboard to an available USB port.

Summary of Contents for NOBILE 1560

Page 1: ...tationsorwarranties eitherexpressedorimplied withrespecttothecontentshereofandspecifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose Record the model number serial number purchase date and place of purchase information in the space provided below The serial number and model number are recorded on the label affixed to your computer All correspondence co...

Page 2: ...ack for the first time fully recharge the battery then disconnect the adapter to use up the battery before recharging again Perform this action twice to condition the battery pack 2 ConnectoneendoftheACadaptertotheDC inport onthecomputer srearpanel 1 connectthepowercord totheACadapter 2 andtheotherendtoaproperly groundedpoweroutlet 3 3 Pressthedisplaycoverreleaselatch 1 andopenthe display 2 toacom...

Page 3: ...y fromallpotentialtraffic Whenunpluggingthepowercord donotpullonthecorditselfbutpullontheplug Thetotalampereratingsoftheequipmentpluggedinshouldnotexceedtheampereratingofthecordifyouare usinganextensioncord Also thetotalcurrentratingofallequipmentpluggedintoasinglewalloutletshouldnot exceedthefuserating Taking care of your battery pack Herearesomewaystotakecareofyourbatterypack Useonlybatteriesoft...

Page 4: ...features A tour of your computer Letusshowyouaroundyournewnotebookcomputer Note Computer housing design might differ from the illustrations Front view Item Description 1 Display cover latch Press to unlatch the display cover 2 Optical drive Accepts a CD or DVD 3 LED indicator Lights up when the optical is active 4 Eject button Press to eject the drive tray 5 Emergency eject hole Insert a pin to ej...

Page 5: ...n like the left and right mouse left and right buttons 8 Palm rest Comfortable support area for your hands when you use the computer 9 Keyboard Inputs data into your computer 10 Speakers Outputs sound 11 Audio DJ control panel Control buttons for playing audio Left view Item Icon Description 1 Volume control Adjusts the volume 2 4 in1 card slot Accepts a Secure Digital SD Memory Stick MS xD Pictur...

Page 6: ... Connects a phone line only for models with an internal fax data modem 5 Network jack Connects to an Ethernet based network 6 IEEE 1394 port Connects to a IEEE 1394 compatible 4 pin device e g digital video camera 7 USB ports Connect to USB devices e g USB digital camera 8 Line in jack Accepts audio line in devices e g audio CD player stereo walkman 9 S PDIF line out jack Connects to audio line ou...

Page 7: ...tcolordepthwithIntel 915GMchipset Memoryupgradeableto2GBwith2PC2 3200 PC2 4200 400 533MHzDDR2 soDIMMslots SATAharddisk Lithium Ionbatterypack Powermanagementsystem Dualviewcapability SimultaneousLCDandCRTdisplay Externaldisplaysupportupto1024x768 85Hzorhigher resolution Multimedia AudioDJpanelforplayingmusicCDswithoutpoweringonthesystem AC 972 2 compliantstereoaudio S PDIFline outjack Built inmicr...

Page 8: ...imefaceyouraudience Youcanalsoconnectotheroutputdisplaydevices suchasLCDprojectionpanelsforlarge audiencepresentations Power management Thepowermanagementsystemincorporatesan automaticLCDdim featurethatautomaticallydimstheLCDwhenthecomputeris poweredbyabatterypacktoconservebatterypower See Powermanagement formoreinformationonpowermanagementfeatures Opening and closing the display Toopenthedisplay ...

Page 9: ...Fn F11 Lights when Numeric Lock is activated Keyboard Thekeyboardhasfull sizedkeyswithanembeddedkeypad separatecursorkeys twoWindowskeysandtwelvefunction keys Special keys Lock keys Thekeyboardhasthreelockkeyswhichyoucantoggleonandoff Lock Key Description Caps Lock When Caps Lock is on all alphabetic characters typed are in uppercase Num Lock When Num Lock is on the embedded keypad is in numeric m...

Page 10: ... control on embedded keypad keys Main keyboard keys Hold Fn while typing letters on Type the letters in a embedded keypad normalmanner Windows keys ThekeyboardhastwokeysthatperformWindows specificfunctions Key Description Windows logo key Start button Combinations with this key perform special functions Below are a few examples Windows logo key Tab Activates next Taskbar button Windows logo key E ...

Page 11: ...le Switches display output between the display screen external monitor if connected and both the display screen and external monitor Fn F4 Screen blank Turns the display screen backlight off to save power Press any key to return Fn F5 Speaker on off Turns the speakers on and off mutes the sound Fn F6 Touchpad toggle Enables or disables the touchpad Fn PgUp Home Functions as the Home key Fn PgDn En...

Page 12: ...pondsasyoumoveyourfingeronthesurfaceofthetouchpad Thecentrallocationonthepalm restprovidesoptimumcomfortandsupport Touchpad basics Thefollowingteachesyouhowtousethetouchpad Note Computer housing design might differ from the illustration Moveyourfingeracrossthetouchpadtomovethecursor Presstheleft 1 andright 2 buttonslocatedontheedgeofthetouchpadtodoselectionandexecutionfunctions These twobuttonsare...

Page 13: ...rsdryandcleanwhenusingthetouchpad Alsokeepthetouchpaddryand clean Thetouchpadissensitivetofingermovements Hence thelighterthetouch thebetterthe response Tappingtoohardwillnotincreasethetouchpad sresponsiveness Launch keys Locatedatthetopofthekeyboardarefivelaunchkeysusedtolaunchfrequentlyusedapplications Item Icon Description 1 Wireless communication This button is used to enable or disable the wi...

Page 14: ...DDualorDVDSuperMultidrivegivesyouportablemultimediaaccess Thedriveallows youtowatchDVDmovies andthecombodrive inaddition letsyouburnyourdataontoaCDrecordabledisc INSERTING THE DISC Toinsertadiscintotheopticaldrive presstheejectbuttontoejectthedrivetray Pulloutthedrivetrayandplaceadiscsecurelyonthespindle thenclosethedrivetray REMOVING A DISC Beforeejectingadisc makesurethatnoprogramsorapplications...

Page 15: ...tion Region code Country or region 1 U S A Canada 2 Europe Middle East South Africa Japan 3 Southeast Asia Taiwan Korea South 4 Latin America Australia New Zealand 5 FormerU S S R partsofAfrica India 6 People s Republic of China Note To change the region code insert a DVD movie of a different region into the DVD drive Please refer to the online help for more information YoucanusetheAudioDJpaneltoc...

Page 16: ...10 100Mbpsstandard 10 100 1000Mbpsoption network Tousethenetworkfeature connectanEthernetcablefromthenetworkjackontherearofthecomputertoanetworkjack orhubonyournetwork Note Computer housing design might differ from the illustration Fax data modem Thecomputerhasabuilt infax datamodem availableinselectcountries Warning Thismodemportisnotcompatiblewithdigitalphonelines Pluggingthismodemintoa digital ...

Page 17: ...atewithotherwirelesscommunicationdevices Youcanmanuallyturnoffyourwirelesscommunicationfeature Audio Yourcomputerincludes16 bithigh fidelitystereoaudio Thespeakerlocatednearthekeyboard directsoundtowardsyou tofurtherenhancesoundoutput Thereareaudioportsontherearpanelofthecomputer See Rearview forthelocationoftheseports Alsosee Audio devices formoreinformationonconnectingexternalaudiodevices ...

Page 18: ...Ds Item Description 1 Previous track Jumps to the previous track 2 Next track Jumps to the next track 3 Play pause Plays and pauses the media playback 4 Stop eject Stops playback ejects the drive tray 5 Status LCD Displays current media status 6 Power Turns the Audio DJ feature on and off Adjusting the volume Arotaryknoblocatedneartheleftrearsideofthecomputerallowsyoutoadjustthevolume Turnittoward...

Page 19: ...lock Somekeylessmodelsarealsoavailable Passwords Passwordsprotectyourcomputerfromunauthorizedaccess Whenset noonecanaccessthecomputerwithoutenteringthe correctpassword Therearethreetypesofpasswordsyoucanset SupervisorPasswordsecuresyourcomputeragainstunauthorizedentrytocriticalparametersintheBIOSUtility UserPasswordsecuresyourcomputeragainstunauthorizeduse andallowslimitedaccesstotheBIOSUtility Se...

Page 20: ...asterthebatterypackself discharges Thebatteriescanberechargedabout400timeswhenusedasdirected Excessiverechargingdecreasesbatterylife TakecareofyourbatterypackandACadapter See Careandmaintenance chapterofthepreface Peripherals and options Yourcomputeroffersexcellentexpansioncapabilitieswithitsbuilt inports connectorsandbays Thischapterdescribeshow toconnectperipheralsandhardwareoptionsthathelpyouus...

Page 21: ...theexternalmonitorportorS videooutputjack Youcan thentogglethedisplayoutputlocationbypressingFn F3tomaketheimageappearonboththecomputerLCDandexternal displaydevice S video TheS videoportallowsyoutooutputtoatelevisionordisplaydevicesthatsupportS videoinput Thisisusefulifyouwant todosomepresentationsorwatchmoviesonabiggerscreen External keyboard Thiscomputerhasakeyboardwithfull sizedkeysandanembedde...

Page 22: ...onnectaUSBprintertoanavailableUSBport Seeyourprintermanualforoperatinginstructions Audio devices Audiodevicesareeasytoconnectwiththeaudioportsaccessiblefromtherearofthecomputer Youcanpluganexternal microphone oranaudioline indevice intotheline injack Amplifiedspeakersorheadphonesconnecttotheline outjack Theline outjackalsosupportsdigitalaudiooutput S PDIF ...

Page 23: ...bilitieslongaffordedby desktopPCs PopulartypeIIcardsincludeflashmemory SRAM fax datamodem LANandSCSIcards CardBusimproveson the16 bitPCcardtechnologybyexpandingthedatapathto32bits Note Refer to your card s manual for details on how to install and use the card and its functions INSERTING A CARD Insertthecardintotheslotandmaketheproperconnections e g networkcable ifnecessary Seeyourcardmanualfor det...

Page 24: ... cardmanufacturers andrepresentativesfromallotherpartsofthePCCardindustryasthenextgeneration of plug in I Ocards TheExpressCardstandardsupportsboththeUSB2 0andPCIExpressinterfaces Note Refer to your card s manual for details on how to install and use the card and its functions INSERTING A CARD InserttheExpressCardmoduleintotheslotandmaketheproperconnections e g networkcable ifnecessary Seeyour car...

Page 25: ...yofdigitaldevicessuchasdigitalcameras digital camcordersandmobilephones Insertacard labelsideup intotheslotuntilitclicksintoplace ThecardnowappearsonMyComputerasaremovablestoragedevicethatyoucancopyfilestoandfrom Toremovethecardfromtheslot doasfollows 1 Makesurenooperation e g filecopyingordeletion isusingthecard 2 Pressthecardfurtherintotheslottoreleasethecard youhearaclick thenpulloutandremoveth...

Page 26: ...nectingaUSBdevicefromyourcomputer clickontheSafelyRemoveHardwareicononthetaskbarandclick onthedevice Whenthedevicecanbesafelyremoved disconnectthedevicefromthecomputer Seeyourperipheral s documentationfordetails IEEE 1394 devices Thecomputer sfastIEEE1394portsallowyoutoconnectIEEE1394supporteddeviceslikeadigitalvideocameraorexternal storagedevices BeforedisconnectinganIEEE1394devicefromyourcompute...

Page 27: ...oodpracticetohaveasparebatteryaround especiallywhenyoutravel TheLi ionbattery coupledwiththepower managementfeaturesofyourcomputer suppliesyouwithmorepoweron the go ACADAPTER ThecompactACadapterchargesyourbatterypackandsuppliespowertoyourcomputer YoucanorderaspareACadapter soyoudonotneedtocarryitfromtheofficetoyourhomeordestination ...

Page 28: ...yclickingonStart AllPrograms andthenLaunchManager Pressingonanunassigned launchkeyalsobringsuptheLaunchManager BIOS Utility TheBIOSUtilityisahardwareconfigurationprogrambuiltintoyourcomputer sBIOS BasicInput OutputSystem Yourcomputerisalreadyproperlyconfiguredandoptimized andyoudonotneedtorunthisutility However ifyouencounter configurationproblems youmayneedtorunit PleasealsorefertoTroubleshooting...

Page 29: ...gointoasub menu PressEscwhileyouareinanyofthemenustogoonemenulevelhigher Note You can change the value of a parameter if it is enclosed in square brackets Navigation keys for a menu are shown at the bottom of the screen Please refer to the help information that displays on the Item Specific Help pane of the BIOS Utility as you select a parameter Foroptimumsettings pressF9toloadsetupdefaults thenpr...

Page 30: ...quireopeningupthecomputer Donotattempttoopenandservicethe computerbyyourself Contactyourdealeroranauthorizedservicecenterforassistance Frequently asked questions Thisisalistofpossiblesituationsthatmayariseduringtheuseofyourcomputer anditgiveseasyanswersandsolutions tothesequestions I PRESS THE POWER SWITCH BUT THE COMPUTER DOES NOT START OR BOOT UP LookatthePowerindicator Ifitisnotlit nopowerisbei...

Page 31: ...heleftrearsideofyourcomputer InWindows lookatthevolumecontrolicononthetaskbar Clickontheiconandadjustthelevel Ifheadphones earphonesorexternalspeakersareconnectedtotheline outportonthecomputer srearpanel theinternal speakersautomaticallyturnoff THE KEYBOARD DOES NOT RESPOND TryattachinganexternalkeyboardtotheUSBconnectoronthecomputer srear Ifitworks contactyourdealeroran authorizedservicecenterast...

Page 32: ... Extended memory not working or not configured properly at offset nnnn at offset nnnn 0250 System battery is dead The CMOS clock battery indicator shows the battery is dead Replace the battery Replace and run SETUP and run Setup to reconfigure the system 0251 System CMOS checksum bad System CMOS has been corrupted or modified incorrectly perhaps by an application Default configuration used program...

Page 33: ... address of the failure in System Extended or Shadow memory Invalid System Configuration Data Problem with NVRAM CMOS data I O device IRQ conflict I OdeviceIRQconflicterror One or more I2O Block Storage There was not enough room in the IPL table to display all installed I2O block Devices were excluded from storage devices the Setup Boot Menu Operating system not found Operating system cannot be lo...

Page 34: ...olutiondisplaying in32 bitcolordepthwithIntel 915GMchipset SimultaneousLCDandCRTdisplay Dualdisplaysupport Externaldisplaysupportupto1024x768 85Hzorhigher resolution Audio Built inspeakersandmicrophone SoundBlasterPro andWindowsSoundSystem compatible Separateaudioportsforline in microphone inandline out S PDIF devices AudioDJaudiopanel Keyboard and pointing device 84 85 88 keyWindowskeyboard Touch...

Page 35: Operating 5 C 35 C Non operating 10 C 65 C Humidity non condensing Operating 20 80 RH Non operating 20 80 RH System MicrosoftWindowsXPoperatingsystem Power Batterypack 65 WattHourLi Ionbatterypack 1 5 hourrapidcharge 2 5 4 hourcharge in use ACadapter 70 Watt 19VACadapter Autosensing100 240Vac 50 60Hz Options 256 512 1024MBPC2 3200 PC2 4200 DDR2 400 533 soDIMMmemorymodules AdditionalACadapter Ex...

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