Macro Editor Window
Macro Editor allows user to record/define Commands, collect them into
one single Script, and store the Script as Macro function in the Macro List
for button assignment.
Please follow below procedures to edit Macro:
Double-click response type to cycle through from
(Commands are
executed once),
(Commands are executed repeatedly, and
(Commands are executed 3 times).
Place a check mark on Record the duration or intervals option to
record all time duration or intervals between keystrokes/mouse clicks.
Click on
to start command recording session. Press keys on
keyboard, click buttons on mouse, or combination of both to record
command inputs. Click on
or press Pause Break on
keyboard to stop recording. Click on
to clear all Commands
on Macro Editor window.
Click on, hold, and drag the Commands from Macro Editor window to
a Group in Macro List window to save as Macro function. Type in
desired character strings (up to 28 alphanumerical characters). Press
Enter or click on anywhere other than the text box to confirm and
complete naming.