Operating Instructions - Battery Grease Gun
3.1 Reasonably foreseeable misuse
Foreseeable misuse could be:
– Using the battery grease gun with a cartridge that is not conform to the DIN 1284 standard.
– Use greases that do not comply with the NLGI 2 viscosity class.
3.2 Design and functional description
The battery grease gun is powered by a lithium ion battery. It is driven by a small low-voltage electric mo-
tor which is connected to a gear drive.
The technology integrated in the battery grease gun includes the following:
1. A motor protection preventing an overload due to an excessive power consumption. In this case, the
motor stops and the display flashes red.
2. An LCD display indicating the battery charge, the delivery speed and the delivery volume.
3. An LED light to illuminate the lubricator / grease nipple.
4. A grease flow monitoring system and the indication of the delivery volume
The measurement accuracy for the delivery rate is +/- 10 % at ambient temperatures from 0°C to 35°C
and at counter pressures from 0 to 250 bar. Outside these parameters, accurate measurements of the
delivered volume are not possible. The accuracy of the measuring device applies for the use with
NLGI 2 grease, the resolution is 0.1 g.
Fig. 3.2 -1: Structure battery grease gun
85 277
18 042
12 672
Push rod
with T-grip
12 642
Battery release button
On/Off switcher
Operating button
Anti-kink spring
Anti-kink spring
81 871