Every time when emergency situation occurs you should:
● switch off the working assemblies of the plate
● disconnect power supply
● call in the service
● as some minor faults can be removed by the user in accordance with the be low specified
instructions, before calling the Customer Service please go thro ugh the Table checking
every point.
1.The appliance is not wor-
- power supply failure
-check the in-house electric
sys tem fuse, replace if ne-
ces sa ry
2. The appliance does not
re spond to the entered set-
-control panel has not been
switched on
- switch it on
- sensors have been to uched
for less than one se cond
- touch the sensors for a bit
lon ger
- several sensors have been
to uched at the same time
- always touch only one sen-
sor (except when switching
off a hotplate)
3.The appliance does not
re spond and emits a short
si gnal
- children lock has been
- switch off the children lock
4.The appliance does not
re spond and emits a long
si gnal
-improper operation (im pro per
sen sors have been to uched
or pro per sensors have been
touched for too short time
- again activate the plate
- covered or dirty sensor
(sen sors)
- uncover or clean the sen-
5.The whole appliance swit-
ches off
- no settings have been en-
te red within 10 seconds from
swit ching the plate on
- again switch on the control
panel and im me dia te ly enter
the settings
- covered or dirty sensor
(sen sors)
- uncover or clean the sen-
6. One heating zone swit-
ches off, and ”H” is on the
- limited time of operation
- again switch on the hot-
pla te
- covered or dirty sensor
(sen sors)
- uncover or clean the sen-