Premier E6 ABA Diesel Engine
This locomotive is equipped with two coil-wound Proto-Couplers on the
master A unit and one on the slave A unit for remote uncoupling action.
Because the Proto-Coupler is controlled through the Proto-Sound 2.0
microprocessor, it does not require an uncoupling track section or modification
to your layout to function. You can fire the coupler(s) from neutral or while in
motion. Use the codes shown below (and in the chart on pg. 5) to fire the
Rear Coupler:
The master A unit includes a
coupler lock switch (see Fig. 3)
to control the function of the rear
coupler, when this switch is in
the off position, the master A
unit’s rear coupler will fire.
When in the on position, the
slave A unit’s front coupler will
be fired. To fire the rear coupler,
press the Bell button once
followed immediately by three
pushes of the Whistle button.
The sound of the liftbar and air line depletion will play, and the knuckle will
be released.
Front Coupler:
To fire the front coupler, press the Bell button once followed immediately by
four pushes of the Whistle button. The sound of the liftbar and air line
depletion will play, and the knuckle will be released.
Speed Control:
M.T.H. engines equipped with Proto-Sound 2.0 have speed control capabilities
that allow the engine to maintain a constant speed up and down grades and
around curves, much like an automobile cruise control. You can add or drop
cars on the run, and the engine will maintain the speed you set.
While the engine is programmed to start with the speed control feature
activated, you can opt to turn it off. This means the engine’s speed will fall as
it labors up a hill and increase as it travels downward. It is also affected by the
Coupler Selection Switch
Figure 3. Coupler Selection Switch