Premier Bark & Actvity Counter User Manual Download Page 2

LCD Display


Figures 4-8


Figure 6 -

 Bark – Displays the 

following information viewed 

through scanning: Session 

number, duration (time), Total, 

RPH (rate per hour of barking) 



Figure7 - 

Activity Displays the 

following information viewed 

through scanning: Session 

number, duration (time), Total, 

RPH (rate per hour of activity) 



Figure 8 - 

Time – Displays 

the time






Figure 9 - 

Date – Displays 

the date




To retain accurate information for each session, you’ll need to set 

up the date and time on your Bark & Activity Counter. To set up 

the correct date and time, 
•  Time: Press the “Mode” button until you see the clock icon 

flash – Use the “scan” button to change from hour to minute 

to AM/PM, then use the - buttons to select the correct 


•  Date: Press the “Mode” button until you see Month/Date/Year 

icon flash – Use the scan button to change from month to date 

then year, using the - buttons to select the correct 


• You can also update the time and date on the unit when it is  

  plugged in to your computer, by going to the Command menu    

  and clicking, “RTC Synchronization.”
Lock setting– By pressing the scan button and the Toggle - but-

ton at the same time, you are able to lock the Bark & Activity 

Counter. When locked, the letters LOC will flash in the LCD 

screen. In order to unlock the device, press the scan button and 

the Toggle - button at the same time again. The device will lock 

automatically after one minute of no activity.  

Understanding the Data

i.   Barking – The Bark & Activity Counter counts the actual 

number of times your dog barks in a session. In households 

of more than one dog or where there is excessive noise, these 

results may be skewed due to the necessary sensitivity of the 

microphone. In order to record the data as accurately as pos-

sible, make sure your pet is the only pet in a quiet setting.

up the USB connection between 

the Bark & Activity Counter and the 

computer, indicated by “USB” in the 

display (

Figure 3)

The Bark & Activity Counter can 

store up to 3000 sessions, each be-

ing up to 999 hours and 99 seconds 

in length. A “session” refers to a 

period of time beginning when the 

“start” button on the Bark & Activity Counter is pressed and ending 

when the “stop” button is pressed. 

Key Functions - see Figure 4



 On/Off  –

 Hold this button for three seconds to power the unit 

on or off. 




 – Use this button to scan between Bark Mode, Activity 

Mode, Time & Date Mode and to confirm what kind of com-

puter will be connected.



 – Scrolls up through your training sessions to view 

data on the display screen. 



 – A combination by pressing the Mode and + 

toggle button at the same time once to begin recording a 

session. Press again to stop recording a session. 




 – Once you are in the Settings, use this button to scroll 

between sub-sections. Example: For time, scroll between hour, 

minute, am/pm.


   Toggle  -

 - Scrolls down 

through your training ses-

sions to view data on the 

display screen.




 – A combina-

tion by pressing the Scan  

and - toggle button at the 

same time once to lock 

the screen. Press again to 

unlock. The screen will lock automatically after one minute of 

inactivity. (See 

Figure 5





 – This indented button is hidden on the back side 

above the USB port. Use a pin, pen, paperclip or other small 

tool to press this button and reset the device. Pressing this 

button will not clear the date and time information that you 





USB Port

 - Connect the Bark & Activity Counter to your PC to:


  a. Charge the unit.


  b. Transfer training data to your computer.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction   

II. Getting Started 

III. Analyzing Files on your PC

I. Introduction

The Bark & Activity Counter is an essential diagnostic tool for 

veterinarians and dog trainers to distinguish between separa-

tion anxiety and owner-absent barking and activity potentially 

caused by improper or a lack of training. Excessive barking and 

increased activity can happen when the owner is away from 

home because they may have tried to suppress the dogs normal, 

natural and necessary behaviors with punishment.
 There is usually a burst of activity right after the owner leaves 

— more likely  to be caused by “separation fun” than separation 

anxiety. Activity drops off during the day but then increases prior 

to the owner’s return, as the dog looks forward to the owner’s 

return but also becomes anxious wondering whether he/she will 

be punished. Barking and activity due to separation anxiety 

usually start to increase as the owner prepares to leave home, 

remain high while the owner is away and stop as soon as the 

owner returns.

II. Getting Started

When around the neck of the dog, the location of the device 

should always be hanging at the bottom of the collar next to the 

lower part of the dog’s throat. The location of the device on the 

collar is vital to tracking the correct data. 
A standard nylon quick snap collar is included in the package. 

A different collar of the owner’s choosing may be used to hold 

the Bark & Activity Counter, as long as the nylon fits in the back 

insert on the device;  however we recommend silencing the dog 

tags with rubber bumpers or attaching them to a location that 

will not let them interfere with the sound detection. 
Also included in the package is a USB cord. This cord is used to 

charge the battery of the Bark & Activity Counter as well as to 

download data to the software.  
To charge the device, plug the USB cord into your computer, then 

plug in your Bark & Activity Counter. Turn the Bark & Activity 

Counter on by holding the power 

button for three seconds. On 

average, the BAC takes two and 

a half hours to charge to full 

strength. You will see the bat-

tery charging indicator on the 

LCD display. Once fully charged, 

the battery will last for more 

than one week.
Once the device is plugged 

in and turned on, the display 

will also show either “MAC” 


Figure 1

) or “Win” (

Figure 2

to indicate a MAC OSX computer 

or a Windows computer.  Select 

either “MAC” or “Win” using the 

“+” and “-” buttons. Once the 

correct computer is selected, 

press the mode button to set 

User’s Manual

Figure 2

Figure 1

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9








Figure 4

Figure 3

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