Installation Instructions
Visit the Premier Mounts website at http://www.premiermounts.com
Page 5
Installing the MVW46
Dual-Pole Cart Or Stand Installation
Step 1
The Premier Mounts MVW46 Videowall Frame is designed for use with Premier Mounts’ dual-pole carts and stands,
as well as for flying from above. You may use one MVW46 as a standalone mount, or multiple MVW46s to create a
videowall display.
Please read through the safety instructions before installation.
Are you mounting the MVW46 to a cart or stand, or flying from above?
cart or stand,
continue to
Cart Or Stand Installation
flying from above,
go to
Flying Installation
on page 8.
Illustrations show only some of the installation
configurations possible with the MVW46s.
Figure 1
Insert the tubing of the Premier Mounts dual-pole cart(s) or stand(s) into the 2” circular cutouts of the MVW46(s)
depending on the installation (Figure 1).
Make sure the MVW46 keyhole mounting slots point down so that they can support the flat-panel display(s) later
(Figure 2).
Figure 2
The keyhole mounting slots should point