Premier Mounts GearBox GB-MS2 Installation Instructions Download Page 2


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Installation Instructions



Step 8

Step 7

Follow the rest of the instructions in the CTM-MS2 manual (starting on 
page 8) to attach the mounting brackets and extension brackets to the 

flat-panel and wall plate.


If you are using the horizontal support brackets, attach the  

flat-panel mounting hardware to the 

horizontal support brackets


instead of the mounting brackets (Figure 1).


If you are 


 using horizontal support brackets, attach the flat-panel 

mounting hardware directly to the 

extension brackets

 instead of the 

mounting brackets (Figure 2).

The flat-panel mounting hardware is included with the CTM-MS2.

Once the flat-panel is hung, route cables and electrical wiring through the 

openings in the CTM-MS2 and media box.

Front view of CTM-MS2 and GB-MS2 with  

horizontal support brackets

Figure 1

Figure 2



Flat-panel mounting pattern 

smaller than width of media box.

CTM-MS2 not shown.

Flat-panel mounting pattern  

wider than media box.  

CTM-MS2 not shown.


Step 6

Use four (4) M8 nylon nuts to attach 
two (2) horizontal support brackets to 
the extension brackets (Figure 1).

Insert the nuts on the pegs 
that are on the backs of the 
horizontal support brackets 
(Figure 2).

M8 nylon nut

Figure 1

Figure 2

Screws are not to scale.
