12 602-308_GB / 02.2016
Instructions for Use for Preising Full Body Harnesses
type tested according to EN 361
series PASA (with rear support)
These instructions for use have been created and are valid for
German speaking countries. Any person who forwards this
Preising product to another country or to another person is
responsible for forwarding these instructions for use in the
respective language.
This person shall be liable for any damages arising from
noncompliance with this legal obligation. Preising can supply the instructions for use only in
the relative language of a country that the client has used for the order (language of the
order = language of the instructions for use).
In compliance with all legal and other official rules and regulations, before using the equipment
it must be ensured that the user is physically suited for such and has received instructions on
all relevant safety rules and regulations in using personal protective equipment against falls
from a height.
Health related restrictions (e.g. cardiovascular conditions, being under medication) may affect
the safety of the user working at a height.
Any user shall use a full body harness that has been adjusted to his/her personal measures.
This full body harness shall be assigned to him/her personally.