Invlalid GPS
The orange and green LED will blink very rapidly in alternating succession when there is invalid
or NO GPS data. Fast alternating orange/green LEDs means that you will not be able to send
tracking position reports to predict wind no matter the state of the Internet connection. Read
section “Configuring the GPS Feed” to address this problem.
No Internet
With valid GPS positions a NO Internet connectivity issue is displayed by a slow blinking orange
LED. The Orange LED blinks once every 3 seconds when there is no active Internet
Spooled Position Reports
With valid GPS positions a slow blinking green LED indicates that position reports have been
sampled but not sent to PredictWind for processing. Normally you see slow blinking green
along with slow blinking orange. The blinking orange LED indicates no Internet while the slow
blinking green means that you have position reports queue but not sent.
When an Internet connection avails itself the DataHub will automatically send the position
reports and the green LED will be turned off.
Verifying Internet Connectivity
The DataHub provides several methods to determine if you are Internet connected. The
simplest way to know if you are connected to the Internet is to WiFi connect to the unit and try to
browse pages online. Try Google.com. If the page shows up then you are Internet connected.
Alternatively a solid orange LED on the top of the DataHub indicates a valid Internet connection.
There is a detailed Internet status page found under “Services->Settings” under the Internet
Status tab. A green square represents an active internet connection. In the image displayed
below we see that “wwan” or wireless wan(wide area network) is active as well as wan(the
ethernet WAN connection). The squares indicate that the interfaces are online and the uptime
for the connection. A red blox means that the interface is available but there is no internet
connection through it. In other words the interface exists but its offline. A yellow box indicates
that there is no interface. In this case an Android phone or USB LTE modem has been detected
by the DataHub.