Monthly Maintenance Tasks
The monthly maintenance check is a comprehensive inspection of the entire bike frame and hardware in addition to the weekly maintenance tasks.
▪ Inspect the bike for rust or corrosion.
▪ Turn the bike upside down to thoroughly examine the underside components.
▪ Flywheel
▪ Check lywheel alignment and belt tension. If these require adjustment, contact Precor Customer Support.
▪ Clean the hardware with a lint-free cloth and apply a light coat of multi-purpose oil such as Tri-Flow®.
▪ Use a soft nylon scrub brush to remove rust build-up in small crevasses, such as pedals and pop-pin threaded stems.
▪ Pedals
▪ Clean the hardware with a lint-free cloth and if required, use a soft nylon brush to remove rust formation.
▪ Apply a light coat of multi-purpose oil such as Tri-Flow® to the pedal hardware.
▪ Inspect all wear items for adjustments or possible part replacement. Give particular attention to the following:
▪ Inspect gap between brake and lywheel.
▪ Inspect seat pads for wear. Rips, tears, or excessive movement indicates replacement is required.
▪ Tighten seat hardware.
▪ Inspect pedals for excessive movement. Excessive movement indicates replacement is required.
▪ Tighten pedal toe straps and toe clips.
▪ Inspect and tighten resistance knob assembly.
▪ Level feet.
▪ Clean and lubricate
the seat and handlebar posts.
▪ Remove the seat post and clean the inside plastic. Apply a small amount of dry silicone lubricant to a lint-free cloth and apply it to the post.
▪ Raise handlebars to the highest position and clean post and apply a small amount of dry silicone lubricant to a lint-free cloth and apply it to the post.
DO NOT remove the post unless the communication cable is disconnected.
▪ Clean and seal the bike frame. Sweat can corrode the bike frame. Precor recommends that you seal the bike frame at least once a month.
To seal the bike frame:
1. Wipe the bike frame using a clean lint-free cloth dampened with 30 parts water to 1 part non-abrasive detergent.
2. Rinse the bike frame using a clean lint-free cloth and dampened with water only. Dry completely with another clean lint-free cloth.
3. Seal the bike frame using wax or a polish to repel sweat and liquids. For best results, apply the wax or polish per manufacturer’s instructions.
Replacement Parts
Depending on the use and maintenance of the product, certain items can be replaced on a schedule. Precor recommends that you replace the belt and
pedals every two years to keep the bike in top working order.
Belt Adjustment
Improper belt tension will cause premature wear and may void the Precor Limited Warranty. If the belt requires
adjustment, DO NOT adjust the belt yourself. Contact Precor Customer Support.
Insert a screwdriver into the tension inspection window and use a sonic tension meter to assess the belt tension. A
properly tensioned belt should be 60 Hz (40 lb of tension).
Spinner Chrono and Climb
Maintenance Guide
P/N 304565-102 rev
© 2018 Precor Incorporated
May 2018