5.33 Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer
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Procedure 6.5 - Upper Display does not Illuminate
Serial codes CR and ST are equipped with two fuses in the A.C. power module and two fuses on
the lower PCA. Serial code AAAB is equipped with two fuses in the A.C. power module and no
fuse on the lower PCA.
Serial codes CR and ST have two LED’s, one green and one red on the lower PCA. Serial code
AAAB has one green LED on the lower PCA.
Set the on/off switch in the “off” position, unplug the line cord from the wall outlet.
Remove the F3 fuse from the lower PCA, serial codes CR and ST, only. (See Diagram 6.5)
Remove the fuse(s) from the power entry module. (See Procedure 7.29)
Check the fuse(s) with an ohmmeter. They should read approximately 1
or less. Replace
any fuse that reads significantly high.
Replace the fuses in the power input module, do not replace the lower PCA fuse (serial
codes CR and ST), at this time.
With the line cord still unplugged from the wall outlet, set the on/off switch in the “on”
position. Check between the power terminals of the line cord with an ohmmeter. The
ohmmeter reading should read infinity (serial codes CR and ST) or 1 to 1.5 megohm (serial
code AAAB).
If the reading for serial codes CR and ST is good skip to step 11, if the reading is
significantly low, continue with the next step. If the reading for serial code AAAB is good,
skip to step 13, if the reading is significantly low, continue with the next step.
Check the wiring between the lower PCA and the on/off switch, between the on/off switch
and the input module. Replace any cut or nicked wiring.
Check the line cord for nicked or cut wiring. Replace the line cord if necessary.
10. For serial codes CR and ST only, replace the F3 (2 amp) fuse in the lower PCA, if
applicable, perform the resistance measurement in step 6. The reading should be
approximately 1.1 to 1.5 megohm
11. If the reading in step 10 (serial codes CR and ST) or step 6 (serial code AAAB) is
significantly low, replace the lower PCA.
12. If you have performed all of the above tests and are unable to resolve the problem, contact
Precor customer support.
13. Plug the line cord into the wall outlet and set the on/off switch in the “on” position.