Technical Brief:
How .to .properly .wire .a .PPI .woofer .in .parallel .to .a .PPI .amplifier .for .
maximum .power .and .performance .
Note if the sub doesn’t hit or sound right it is probably wired out of phase, switch around
the + and – wires.
1 . . . Use . the . + . on . one . of . ther .
rminals . to . the . + . of . the . amp . and .
the . - . of . the . opposite . terminal . to . the . negative . on . the . amp . .The .
subwoofer .would .be .wired .in .series .
. . . This .wiring .show .the .amplifier .a .8 .ohm .load .
Note .if .the .sub .doesn’t .hit .or .sound .right .it .is .probably .wired .out .of .
phase, .switch .around .the .+ .and .– .wires .
+ -
Do .not
+ -
Do .not
To .amplifier .+
To .amplifier .-
8 .ohm