Prec”Ice” IceTec8 System
Rev. 1.3, 10/15/08
Copyright © 2008 by PrecIce Technology. All rights reserved.
Although the IceTec8 transducer is designed to work in cold
environments it can slow down as it gets colder. To keep the tool
operating properly do not keep the transducer in contact with the ice
surface for more than a few seconds at any one time. The tool is
designed to read the ice thickness quickly. If a value does not appear
in 1-3 seconds move to a new area and try again. Super cooling the
transducer by holding it to the ice for extended periods of time can
cause it to stop working altogether.
Keeping the transducer warm by holding it in the palm of your
hand when moving from one location to the next will help keep the
tool working faster.
The ultrasonic technology of the IceTec8 is designed to read through
the ice to the solid substrate giving an accurate measurement of the
actual thickness of the ice. The tool will read through most lines and
logos regardless of the material used, however certain brands of white
ice paint used for the base coat if applied heavily enough will reflect
the signal back giving the user the ice thickness down to the base
coat. Simple testing of the tool will demonstrate to the technician
whether or not lines, logos or the base coat are impacting results. The
technician then can adjust his or her testing procedure accordingly.
The tool does require a certain level of ice quality and under certain
conditions such as poor water quality, excessive ice thickness, air
entrained in the ice, surface frost or poor ice maintenance practices,
the tool may not function adequately. Eliminating or correcting these
deficiencies will allow the IceTec8 to function properly. Using a
small amount of water at each location to improve transducer contact
with the ice may also help with some of these poor ice conditions.
To extend battery life, the IceTec8 will automatically turn off the
backlight for the LCD display if a new measurement is not made
within about 20 seconds. If a new measurement is not made within
about 40 seconds the IceTec80 will fully turn off. The IceTec8 can