PR Australia Pty Ltd, 31 Heathcote Road Moorebank NSW 2170 Tel: 02 8106 3100
The model 2WIRE-AS4, 2 Wire Auto Start generator controller is ready to use with your P and S series PRAMAC
Portable Generators that are fitted with the CONN remote control connector plug. This will enable you to use your
Pramac Generator in various applications like Standalone Solar and Standby Emergency Power with an ATS (auto
transfer switch).
Product Features
The 2WIRE-AS4 controller is a basic 2 wire auto start accessory that manages the start/stop of the generator
from a closed circuit open/closed contact from a third party control system like a solar inverter or ATS transfer switch.
It also manages the basic generator running & protection to ensure easy operation. The package includes a basic
12V battery charger for trickle charging of the generator battery during standby mode waiting for a start signal. This
charger should be connected across the engine start battery not into the two wire start controller. Customers can use
their own battery charging system but care must be taken to not over charge the battery voiding warranty. The basic
setup is for a simple system suited for the PRAMAC Portable S & P series models with the CONN connector remote
plug. S5000, S8000, S12000 & P12000 Honda PETROL models automatically engage the CHOKE during the starting
cycle for starting in all modes and the diesel versions are fitted with a low oil pressure monitoring feature.
PRAMAC Generators supplied with the 2WIRE-AS4 can start automatically at anytime. For safe operation
we advise the generator is clearly labelled advising that,
. Turn the key off prior to refuelling, maintenance or storage. Please ensure that the generator is only
installed in a well-ventilated area, ensuring exhaust gases are not recycled back into the engine or where fumes
discharged could cause harm to people or animals.
The 2WIRE-AS-3 comes pre-wired, making it ready to plug into your PRAMAC Generator. The control plug will
connect directly into the Pramac CONN Remote Control connector plug on the P & S series Portable Generators. It
also comes standard with a 3 pin domestic plug top that is plugged into your
Generator Output Socket
or hardwired
into the generator, giving the controller the required generator voltage feedback (NOTE; must be installed for
controller to operate correctly). If the 230-volt feedback wire is required to be hard wired, just cut the plug off and
hard wire it to a suitably protected generator output circuit. If the 2WIRE-AS4 controller is to start the generator off a
12-volt DC signal, you will need to install a 12VDC interposing relay and utilise the Normally Open contact to provide
remote start signal. Due to there being a small load on the battery when the controller is in AUTO mode, a battery
charger is also provided to keep your battery in a fully charged state. Just connect the supplied battery charger
directly to the battery terminals using suitable electrical connectors. You can also use a suitable small solar panel
regulated charger plugged into the same socket.
To operate your 2WIRE-AS4 controller, simply conne
ct as above and turn the generator key to the ‘ON’ position.
The LCD screen on the controller will power up, allowing you to either manual start/stop the
generator or activate AUTO mode. To manually start the generator you can simply press the GREEN start button
. This will initiate the start sequence of the controller, with a small delay before the generator starts to turn over. If
there are any problems, and the generator fails to start, an error code will appear on the LCD panel. Your generator
has been factory checked & tested, but if you have any problems, it is recommended to do the initial start-up using
the key start without CONN plug connected. To stop the generator, press the RED Stop button
. This will initiate
the stop sequence, but the generator will not shut down straight away due to 30 second cool down cycle.
The system automatically engages the choke during the starting cycle which works for the PETROL models.
To set the controller to start from the 2 wire remote start input, simply press the middle AUTO button
. The LED
indicator above the AUTO button will illuminate showing you that it is in AUTO mode
. As noted above, please
make sure that you have a 12 volt battery charger source connected in to offset the small load on the battery while
in Auto mode. Once the controller has received the start signal there is a short delay while the controller goes through
its start sequence. Once the controller reads a voltage from the alternator/generator from the feedback lead, it will
complete the start cycle and keep the generator running until the stop signal is received. Once the remote start run
signal is removed the generator will go into
the stop mode, with a 30 second cool down delay meaning the generator will not stop straight away.
Model: 2WIRE-AS4 P & D (PRAMAC)