- 5 -
7 . With the accelerator pedal fully depress, the (M8) regularor
can be adjusted to achieve a constant speed. This will avoid
the formation of rings on the floor.
8 . Adjust the brush pressure with the (M12) regulator.
9 . Correct brush operator as indicted by the (M10) ammeter.
1 0 .The (M9) instrument panel displays the battery charge level
and the total number of hours of operation with the brushes
e n g a g e d .
1 1 .When necessary or to warn of danger use the horn (M15).
Stopping the PA S 4 0 R
1. To stop the machine gradually, press the brake pedal (M21).
2. Always engage the parking brake by pressing the pedal (M19)
and activate the lever (M20).
3. Remove the key (M7).
4. In the event of problems or short-circuits, press the
EMERGENCY button (M6) and contact supplier.
Note: When the machine is abandoned it switches off
a u t o m a t i c a l l y, but the parking brake should always be set.
Battery Installation and Charging
The batteries are supplied separately from the PAS40 and must be
inserted into the battery compartment under the lid. The battery
charger should be set up in a well-ventilated area, where it is
planned to leave the machine for recharging.