Powertow 35/40/KeyEZ/Thundervolt
Powertow 35/40/KeyEZ/Thundervolt
Transmission Shift Rod - Diagram #4
Feed the tagged end of the shift rod down through the plastic keeper (C) on the handle.
Keep the plastic keeper in the down position. The top end of the rod goes into the shift
handle (A) and bottom into the transmission shifter. Secure with the star push nuts at both
ends of the rod. Do not push these star push nuts on too tightly. It's better to have a little
A - Shift Handle
B - Shift Rod
C - Plastic Keeper D - Eye Bolt
Swing Arm Lanyard Cable - Diagram #4
Place the Z-Swag end of the lanyard cable into the lanyard handle.
Hook the other end into the eye bolt.
Plastic Tie Wraps
Place the tie wraps, starting at the bottom of the handle working your way up, so that all the
cables are under the handle and out of the way. Do not tighten to the point that the cables
will not move freely. Don’t worry; we have enclosed extras in case of a mistake.
Diagram #4
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