Instruction for use
Usage okay
Proceed with caution during usage
Danger to life
Additional fall arrest security required
The harness at hand does not match all properties described
below. It functions as a body restraining device for a personal fall
protection system in accordance with EN 363.
1.) Use of eyelets
2.) Eyelets and standards
2.1) Extended rear eyelet (suitable for fall protection use)
3.) Fitting the harness
3.1) Checking harness for damage. Check in particular buckles and
webbing for wear/cracks. If there are any doubts about the safety
condition, revoke its use immediately.
3.2) Fit harness according to type
Jacket construction: A: fit harness; B: lock leg loops; C: lock pelvic
strap; D: according to type, either feed webbing through chest
eyelet and simply lock in chest area, or join loops with a carabiner
(suitable for fall protection use); E: back eyelet must be seated
centrally between shoulders. V construction: step in leg loops, pull
V construction over the head and lock carabiner in pelvic area with
eyelet. Hip belt construction: step in leg loops, lock leg loops.
3.3) Harness control: adjust harness until it fits firmly, but
comfortably. Two fingers should fit between body and webbing.
4.) Features
4.1) Partially elastic webbing for maximum agility
4.2) With sewn V-band
4.3) With warning vest (see separate instruction)
5.) Declaration of Conformity
6.) Identification and warranty certificate
6.1) Name
6.2) Item descriptions
6.3) Item no.
6.4) Size
6.5) Series no.
6.6) Year of manufacture
6.7) Max. load