PowerTech MS-6114 Operating Instructions Download Page 2


When verifying your programs ensure that settings do not overlap, especially when using the block option. If there are program settings 
overlapping, the timer ON or OFF will be executed according to program time, not by program number. Program OFF has priority over program 
ON. Please verify the timer’s operation mode. If you want to arm the programs - the timer must be in AUTO mode and the RANDOM & CD 
functions must be canceled.

1. Press the UP button or the DOWN button until “ON_1” shows on-screen. The first ON setting can be made now.
2. Press the SET button once and release, the “SET” icon will display on-screen and flash. The “WEEK DAY” icon will flash at the same time.
3. Press the UP button or the DOWN button to set the “WEEK DAY”.
4. Press the SET button once and release. The “HOUR” will flash the “WEEK DAY” will stop flashing and keep displaying.
5. Press the UP button or the DOWN button to set the “HOUR”.
6. Press the SET button once and release. The “MINUTE” icon will flash. The “HOUR” icon will stop flashing and keep displaying.
7.  Press the UP button or the DOWN button to set the “MINUTE” (e.g. Timer ON at 7:15 and OFF at 22:30 everyday).
    a. Press the UP button or DOWN button until LCD shows ON_1.
    b. Press the SET button once and release, the SET will display in LCD and flash. The “WEEK DAY” will flash at same time.
    c. Press the UP button or DOWN button til the LCD displays “MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU”.
    d. Press the SET button once and release. The “HOUR” will flash the “WEEK DAY” will stop flashing and keep display.
    e. Press the UP button or DOWN button til LCD displays 5:00PM or 17:00.
    f. Press the SET button once and release. CD displays “OFF_1”.
    i. Repeat the above steps b, c, and d til LCD displays : “MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU”., 10:30PM or 22:30.
    j. Press the MANUAL button until the screen displays “AUTO”.

Note: Operating modes can’t be changed during program settings.
1. Press the MANUAL button to revert the three modes in turn.
2.  The programs can only be executed in AUTO mode. When AUTO is selected, the timer operates as the programs. In MANUAL ON or 

MANUAL OFF mode, all programs are ignored and the timer doesn’t operate. When MANUAL ON mode is selected, power output is always 
ON. When MANUAL OFF mode is selected, power output is permanently off.

3. When the mode is turned from MANUAL ON to AUTO, the timer will keep the setting of MANUAL ON until to the next timer setting.


1. Press the RANDOM button, and the screen will display R(RANDOM). The RANDOM function is activated.
2. When RANDOM is activated, the timer will be in the on position randomly for 10-31 minutes during the time period - from 6:00PM to 6:00AM.
3. Press the RANDOM button once again to cancel this function.
Note: The RANDOM function can’t be set at the same time as the PROGRAM and CD settings. The RANDOM function can only be executed in 
AUTO mode between 6:00PM and 6:00AM.


1. Press the UP button or the DOWN button until LCD shows CD, you can set the CD time now.
2. Press the SET button once and release, the SET will display in LCD and flash. The “ON” or “OFF” will flash at same time.
3. Press the UP button or the DOWN button set “ON” or “OFF” mode which you want.
4. Press the SET button once and release. The “HOUR” icon will flash the “ON” or “OFF” will stop flashing and keep display.
5. Press the UP button or the DOWN button to set the “HOUR”.
6. Press the SET button once and release. The “MINUTE” icon will flash, the “HOUR” icon will stop flashing and keep display.
7. Press the UP button or the DOWN button to set the “MINUTE”.
8. Press the SET button once and release. The “SECOND” icon will flash, the “MINUTE” icon will stop flashing and keep display.
9. Press the UP button or the DOWN button to set the “SECOND”. Press SET button, the “SECOND” will stop flashing and keep display.
10. Press the CD button, the COUNT DOWN time will educe with one second if the current operation mode is in AUTO mode.
11. Press the CD button once again, the COUNT DOWN time will stop and comeback the primary COUNT DOWN time.
12. Maximum COUNT DOWN time is 99 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds.
13. The CD function can only be executed in AUTO mode and the RANDOM function can be cancelled.
14. The CD icon will flash in LCD when press CD button in clock mode it means the CD function is executed.


Press the CD button and the SET button simultaneously to turn the time display to 12 and 24 hour mode.


1. Press the MANUAL and SET (or RANDOM) buttons simultaneously. The screen will show “S” (Summertime). The clock will advance 1 hour.
2.  To revert to the winter setting, press the MANUAL and SET (or RANDOM) buttons simultaneously again. The clock will move backward 1 hour. 

The “S” icon will disappear from the screen.


Please notice the operation gradation when you set the timer. It will operate as follows:
It executes the MANUAL ON OR MANUAL OFF setting first, RANDOM setting second, CD setting third, and the PROGRAM setting last.
Make sure to set the right operation mode.


Voltage: 240VAC, 50Hz
Total Loading: 10A, 2400W M.40
Min Setting Time: 1 Minute
Operating Temperature: -10°C to +40°C
Accuracy: +/- 1 minute per month
Battery Backup: NiMH 1.2V > 100hours (Note: When removing the plug from mains power, the backup battery will remain working).
