4. Turn the EPO, master circuit breaker to off
5. Unscrew the top
6. When open, the first thing to do is disconnect the battery cables
7. The sources of electricity are batteries, heat sink, and motherboard so let it sit for several hours to de-energize, and cool down
8. Never let screws fall inside the unit without immediately picking them up
9. The following are points of attention inside the unit
a. Fuses in yellow binding, check for blown fuse
b. Circuit breakers, reset if needed
c. Battery connectors which are Anderson quick disconnect (always disconnect first)
d. MOV Replacement- Only by qualified Electricians (out of warranty)
Motherboard with MOV protection (Round soldered voltage overload protectors) directly on the motherboard (can be replaced with experienced solderer) You will know if these are the
problem, because when unit failed smoke came from them. They protect against a high voltage surge, from mis-wiring at the outlet, internal wire came loose, wall plug wired backwards,
European plugs backward, or any other surge of greater then 240v. If these MOV are blackened then they are replaceable, and the motherboard may or may not need replacement.
1. Get solder remover
2. Take burnt MOV off the board with heated soldering wire
3. Replace with same size MOV which Powerstar can supply
4. Solder lightly new Mov into place making sure no extra solder shorts
5. Use meter to test the new solder
6. Find the source of the overvoltage before you test again
7. When found correct it or go no further call Powerstar
8. When corrected , then run cold start first, after putting a protective cover over the top of the UPS
9. If coldstart works, and you have absolutley corrected the cause of overvoltage, then plug in power source with great care(do not turn on yet)
10. If corrected you can now turn on master circuit braker in back
11. Then turn on UPS from the TEST button on front of unit
e. Wires to and from many points which should be inspected to fraying, loose connections, broken solder points
f. The Isolation Transformer
The Isolation Transformer is a 2kva iso. It is supplied to do many things.
A. Isolate the power grid from the cabinet and the cabinet from the grid. This protects erroneous power anamolies from happening. Very critical in tactical situations
b. Locks out noise, filters harmonics, and cleans sine wave.
C. Service of the isolation transformer is only needed when the UPS is dropped, a military attack which dislodges the unit from its brackets, or a wire is severed.
D. To remove, all power must be removed from Ups. We recommend that you contact powerstar first, and we will assist you free of charge. But if needed, it has two primary hot wires,
and two secondary neutral wires. Ground is passed along through the input wire. The wires are color coded . Remove the four bolts holding it down, lift straight up, and snip the wires.
Warning: You now have input completely disconnected so, do not attempt to use the UPS unitl you have reattached the input power wires.
E. If removed the unit is not isolated from the grid, because the UPS is not an isolator.
The unit will work, but in a less than tactical mode. Mil 1399 states input must be isolated from output and the grid of power.
F. The symptoms of a marginal or non-working iso are:
1. Overheating- If you touch the top and it burns you, then call for replacement
2. If UPS does not turn on, then check the internal wire for shock and vibration fraying
3. Bolts have been shocked and bibrated so that insulation inside of unit has shorted to itself