To operate from the basket.
1. Ensure all pre-operation checks have been carried out.
2. Check spirit level to ensure machine is level.
3. Turn ignition key in ground emergency stop button and release;
Power light should illuminate.
4. Check ‘Platform’ is selected on ground control panel.
5. Enter basket via gate and ensure the gate is closed and latched
correctly when in basket.
6. The ideal position to operate the Nano SP is to stand facing
towards the gate end with your back against the mast.
7. Switch on joystick controller by depressing the green on off
button – left (see illustration right).
8. Select function by pressing blue mode button (see illustration
right). Press and immediately release (0.1 second approximately)
to select drive speed right hand LED will illuminate (Green =
fast; Orange = slow). Press and hold for approximately 1 second
to select lift functions centre LED light will illuminate (see
illustration right).
When drive is selected move joystick forward, backward, left and right
as required. Drive speed is infinitely variable depending on how far
the joystick is moved. To stop the Nano SP release the joystick. Take
particular care when driving in fast speed when cantilever deck is
extended, quick turns may be awkward to control in confined areas.
Always select slow speed when driving
in congested/confined
When lift function is selected, move joystick forward (towards gate)
to elevate, backwards to descend. Always check for overhead
obstructions before elevating.
The user shall obtain the guidance and approval of the manufacturer
in the event of any special working methods or conditions which are
outside those specified by the manufacturer.
The Nano SP is fitted with two modes of emergency lowering, one
from the basket and one at the ground. NB Always check the area
below the platform is free from obstructions before lowering, and
that it is safe to do so.
From the basket:
In the event of the tilt alarm cut out or overload cut out being
activated the basket control joystick will be immobilised and a red
warning light and alarm on the basket control panel will operate.
To descend, press the black button
on the basket control panel.
Releasing the button will stop the descent.
In the vent of the load sensing or pot hole interlock operating, the
red warning light and alarm will activate. To stop the alarm remove
the load or if not overloaded lower the platform to the ground using
the platform emergency lowering button. For later versions of the
machine (end 2014 onward) lower the platform using the ground
manual emergency control.
From the ground:
In the event of control failure or operator incapacity the emergency
lowering valve located on the chassis (location; right hand side –
looking from mast, below fork truck pocket) can be used to manually
lower the platform.
Simply pull the emergency lowering valve
lower the platform. Stand clear of the descending structure. Release
emergency valve to stop descent.