Hitachi EX 5500 3-8-15
To suit Hitachi EX5500 Excavator
Section 3
Recommended Maintenance Procedure
Visually check stairway and structure for damage, loose components,
handrails, etc.
Check for hydraulic oil leaks from hydraulic cylinders, plumbing and hoses.
Notify the appropriate supervisor for any observed damage or malfunction.
500 Hours
Grease all grease nipples. Lower or raise stairway for accessibility.
Check hydraulic oil level in power pack and top up as necessary. (Stairway in
lowered position).
Check main mounting bolts for torque.
Top up using same hydraulic oil as used in hydraulics of machine.
Thoroughly check all electrical wiring for damage, replace as necessary.
Repeat daily check as above.
5000 Hours
Change hydraulic oil in tank of hydraulic power pack (10.0 litres).
It is recommended that the same hydraulic oil be used in the power pack as the
hydraulics of the machine.
Grease all grease nipples. Lower or raise stairway for accessibility.
Retorque all main mounting bolts
Check all M12 bolts & nuts holding rubber isolators to body and rear support plate
of truck.
These can be checked by hand.
Repeat daily check as above.