Page 48
The following operation description assumes that a connectivity card with a mouse movement function has been
configured as described in the previous sections.
Operating indication
Moving the cursor
The cursor moves on the user's device in the direction that is mapped to the input. As indicated in section 6.3.
, the
cursor speed is slow initially, which is ideal for close or fine movements, then accelerates after a short period of time
(defined by slow motion delay) to allow the cursor to move to a greater distance in a shorter time
Mouse movement allows the user to
control a mouse cursor on a PC or laptop
connected to Bluetooth. This includes
moving the cursor as well as typical left-
and right-click actions, such as selecting
items and displaying the context menu
(see figure 95).
Figure 95 : Mouse mover components
Mouse movement indicator
The mouse movement indicator changes
from gray to blue when it is active, that is,
when user input controls the cursor of the
connected device.
Scroll indicator
The scroll indicator changes from gray to
blue when the scrolling feature is enabled.
Left and right mouse buttons
Press the left and right mouse buttons on
the touchscreen to perform left and right
mouse clicks.