Manual: NGP-1000D-M1/M2/M3
13. Air Side Leak Check Method
First isolate the nitrogen generator from the fire protection system, by closing the ball valve located on the outlet of the nitro
gen storage tank. If no ball valve was installed, close the AMD valves installed between the sprinkler system and the nitrogen
Record the time the nitrogen generator was isolated and the sprinkler system supervisory pressure. This will be used to deter
mine if there is a leak on the sprinkler system side.
3. Power OFF the nitrogen generator.
Isolate the Air Side section by closing both the Bypass Valve (Yellow Handle) and the Nitrogen "Inlet" Valve (Blue Handle).
Exhaust all the gas by using the petcock on the bottom of the air storage tank. The air storage tank pressure gauge should read
zero (0).
Power the nitrogen generator ON. The Power On light should be green.
Allow the pressure to build to 105±3 PSI. Make note the time it takes to reach this pressure.
a. This should typically take less than 5 minutes for the NGP-1000D-M1/M2/M3.
If the unit reaches 105±3 PSI and does not stop, this could indicate a pressure switch issue. Call Potter Technical Support at
If the unit reaches 105±3 PSI and stops:
a. Record the exact pressure.
b. Allow the system to sit for 30 minutes. Recheck the pressure gauge to see if the unit has lost any pressure.
c. If pressure is lost, soap piping connections and retighten any loose fittings.
d. If no pressure is lost, go to
Nitrogen Generator Leak Check Method.
See page 23.
e. If the unit reaches 105±3 PSI and stops but it took longer than 5 minutes for the NGP-1000D-M1/M2/M3 and no leaks
are found contact Potter Technical Support at 1-866-956-1211.
If the unit cannot reach 105±3 PSI, soap unit for leaks. If no leaks are found call Potter Technical Support at 1-866-956-1211.