4K LCD Professional Monitor
with 12G-SDI, Quad Link 4K
11. Other Functions
Versa le 4K/QFHD Input Capability
The OBM-U170 and OBM-U240 are equipped with
standard 12G-SDI input interace(x2) , 3G/HD-SDI
input interface(x2) and support 4K Quad Link 2-Sample
Interleave signals and 4K Quad Link Square Division
The OBM-U170 and OBM-U240 can accept up to
3840x2160/24,25,30,50,60p and
4096x2160/24.25.30,50,60p signals.
Various 4K/12G Display Modes
Mode 1 : Single Link 12G
Mode 2 : Quad Link Square Division
Each link contains one square of the original image.
Mode 3 : Quad Link 2 Sample Interleave (2SI)
Each link contains a full image at 1/4 resolu on.
2SI mode uses four Sub-image and alternates the
samples every two pixels and every line instead of
sli ng the image into four quadrants.
4K Waveform Monitor and Vector Scope Display
These features enable users to monitor sources
using the internal Waveform and Vector Scope.
Waveform Wide mode is supported, and both
Waveform and Vector Scope can be displayed
SFP op cal connector
The OBM-U240 and OBM-U170 have the SFP interface,
which allows to use the various SFP modules which
can fit any possible broadcast applica ons.
Adjustable Gamma
Gamma value is adjustable from 1.0 to 3.0 as user's
preference to monitor in the dark area of the picture.
Any pictures taken in either light or dark environment
can be easily watched or analyzed.
Focus Assist
This func on controls the aperture level of a video
signal, and displays images on screen with sharpened
edges to help camera focus opera on.
Supports DCI P3 and ITU-R BT.2020 Wide
Color Spaces
The wide color gamut and the advanced 3D LUT
func on enable OBM-U240 and OBM-U170 to
reproduce various color spaces accurately and the
excellent grayscale.
You can select from color gamuts such as DCI-P3,
ITU-R BT.2020, ITU-R BT.709, SMPTE-C, EBU, Na ve.
Color Space & Gamma Comparison
(Side by Side, Wipe posi on)
This unique func on allows users to compare
the two difference color spaces and gammas
side by side simultaneously.
The area of the two pictures to be displayed can
be selected using a ver cal WIPE pa ern.
This func on displays the Luma(Y') level of the input
image in zebra pa ern.
Various Markers
The OBM-U240 and OBM-U170 can display various
markers, including aspect marker, area marker, and
center marker. In addi on, the detailed display
se ngs of each marker are allowed. For example,
the color, brightness, horizontal/ver cal posi on,
and thickness of aspect markers can all be adjusted.