Office Number, Mobile
Number, Other Number
Contact phone numbers
Ring Type
Ring type for this contact
Contact group for this contact
Add Contact
Contact name
Office Number, Mobile
Number, Other Number
Contact phone numbers
Select line for associated contact number
Ring Type
Ring type for this contact
Group Setting
Choose the group or groups for this contact and move them to the
Selected list on the right.
Import Contact List
Select File
Click the browse button to select the phonebook file to import.
Then click the update button and the selected file will be added to
the phone. File must be xml, vcf or csv format.
Export Contact File
Export XML
Export contacts to xml file.
Export CSV
Export contacts to csv file.
Export VCF
Export contacts to vcf file.
Group Option
Lists existing groups
Enter name for new group
Ring Type
Ring type for group
Blacklist Settings
Select the blacklist type - number or prefix
Input number or prefix
Select the sip line
Note: The maximum capability of the phonebook is 500 contacts.
Note: “x” and “.” are special characters in the black list. “x” matches any single digit and “.”
matches any number of digits. For example,
matches any 4 digit number beginning
with 4. “6.” Matches any digit string beginning with 6.
Note: There is also an allowed number list feature if the user only wants to allow a limited
access to the phone. To use this, precede the number with “
“. F
or example, -123456, or
Allowed number lists must end with an entry which is only a “.”
This will forbid incoming calls from any number except 4119.
Summary of Contents for IP408
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