Both tyPe 27 ANd tyPe 1 GuARdS
AttAch ANd ARe ReMoved IN the
SAMe WAy AS deScRIBed BeloW.
1. figure B - Open the guard latch (7), and align the
lugs on the guard (8) with the slots on the gear
case cover (9).
2. Push the guard down until the guard lugs engage
and rotate freely in the groove on the gear case
3. With the guard latch open, rotate the guard into the
desired working position. The guard body should be
positioned between the spindle and the operator to
provide maximum operator protection.
4. figure c - Close the guard latch (7) to secure the
guard on the gear case. You should not be able to
rotate the guard by hand when the latch is closed.
Do not operate the grinder with a loose guard or
the guard latch in open position.
5. To remove the guard, open the guard latch, rotate
the guard so that the lugs and slots are aligned
and pull up on the guard.
AdjuStING the GuARd (fIGuRe d)
Note: The guard is pre-adjusted to the diameter of
the gear case hub at the factory. If, after a period of
time, the guard becomes loose, tighten the adjusting screw
(10) with latch in the closed position and guard installed on
the tool.
Do not tighten the adjusting screw with the
latch in the open position. Undetectable damage to the guard
or the mounting hub may result.
If the guard cannot be tightened by the guard
latch, do not use the tool and take the tool and guard to a
service center to repair or replace the guard.
Note: Edge grinding and cutting can be performed with Type
27 wheels designed and specified for this purpose; 1/4 inch (6mm) thick wheels are
designed for surface grinding while 1/8 inch (3mm) wheels are designed for edge
grinding. Cutting can also be performed by using a Type 1 wheel and a Type 1 guard.
Hold the auxiliary handle and body of the tool firmly to maintain control
of the tool at start up and during use and until the wheel or accessory stops rotating.
Make sure the wheel has come to a complete stop be fore laying the tool down.
Note: To reduce unexpected tool movement, do not switch the tool on or off while
under load conditions. Allow the grinder to run up to full speed before touching the work
surface. Lift the tool from the surface before turning the tool off. Allow the tool to stop
rotating before putting it down.
PAddle SWItch (fIGuRe e)
To turn the tool on, push the lock-off lever (1a) toward
the back of the tool, then depress the paddle switch
(1). The tool will run while the switch is depressed.
Turn the tool off by releasing the paddle switch.