*Replace Rule
: The digit string defined in the first field will be added if the
dialed string match the digit string defined in the second field of the
replacement rule. If the selection of Drop prefix is “yes”, the matched digit
string in the dialed string will be removed before adding prefix. Otherwise, if
“No” is selected, the prefix is added at the beginning of dialed string without
removing any digits.
Only digit 0~9 are valid in rule string, as well as “x” denotes wildcard digit and
“,” denotes pause for one second. Different patterns is separated by sign “+”.
Example 1:
For example, the dialed string is 86621742885. After the processing of
replacement rule, the result dialing string will become 002+86621742885.
Example 2:
For instance, the dialed string is 00286621742885. After the processing of
replacement rule, the result dialing string will become 006 86621742885
since “Yes” of Drop prefix is select and “002” is dropped and replaced by
Example 3:
In this example, any 4-digits string begin with 5, 35 or 21 will be add a “007”
prefix. e.g. 5171 will become 0075171.
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