Summary of Contents for Boxster S

Page 1: ...TechnicalManual s TechnicalInformation www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 2: ...0 23 Generalsupplement WKD483521 23 Assemblyinstructionsfor hardtopassemblyfix ture WKD483521 25 25 26 29 Generalsupplement WKD483521 26 Generalsupplement WKD483521 29 02 1999 04 1999 07 1999 07 1999 08 1999 09 1999 Generalsupplement WKD 483521 30 Changesin modelyear 2000 30 31 FolderseparationGroups6 and 7 WKD483521 31 Removingandinstallingconvertible toproof liner WKD483521 32 32 WKD483521 36 12...

Page 3: ...ter 986 Foreword Table of Contents 0 Foreword Foreword Foreword Use 1 1 1 page 2 page Table of Contents Printed in Germany 37 2000 masterY www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 4: ... notpossiblefor PorscheAGto givea detailedevaluationof all dangersituationsfor the personscarrying outthework It is there fore imperativethatallpersonscarryingoutrepairandmaintenance work on Porschevehiclesusetheir specialistknowledgeto ensure thattheir own safetyis not atrisk andthe procedurechosenwill not haveanynegativeeffects on the vehicle especiallywith regardto safety It is therefore expres...

Page 5: ...yinformationwhichmakesthe workprocedure eas ter Dueto the continuousdevelopmentand improvementof our vehi cles there may be discrepanciesbetweenthe actualtechnicalsta tus of the vehiclesandthe work descriptions Anyexisting deviationsare corrected bymeansof supplements andthe scope of the descriptionsis extendedwith supplements PorscheAGretainsthe rightto implementchangesat anytime and withoutprior...

Page 6: ... 1 Engine part 2 asof RepairGroup 15 2 Fuel exhaust engineelectronics 3 Transmission manualtransmission 3 Transmission automatictransmission 4 Runninggear 5 Body 6 Bodyequipment exterior 7 Bodyequipment interior 8 9 Air conditioning Electrics 9 Circuitdiagrams part 1 upto andincluding 99 model 9 Circuitdiagrams part 2 asof andincluding 00 model Thetwo folderswith Group0 are to be regardedas one fo...

Page 7: ...l technicaldata Instructionson repairs As can be seenfrom the breakdown the publishedTechnicallnfor mationis in the front part of eachfolder numbered accordingto the Groups TheTable of Contentsassignedto eachGroupwill be periodicallyupdated Followingthe TechnicalInformation separatedbya title page the instructionson repairs assigned accordingto the Groupsor bro kendowninto RepairGroups are include...

Page 8: ...viewsheetis replacedwiththerelevant supplementin thecorrespondingfolderandmustnolongerbe maintainedbyhand 2 The page numbering in the new and the replaced chap ters are no longer continuous Each new chapter is now given an additional chapter number followed by the page number e g 2 Page 11 Rep Gr 0 General 3 The old page numbering still applies to existing chap ters and those that are not replaced...

Page 9: ...27 28 Fuel exhaust engine electronics Fuelsupply control Exhaustsystem turbocharging Fuelsystem electronicinjection Fuelsystem K Jetronic Exhaustsystem Starter power supply cruise control Ignitionsystem Group 3 3 30 34 35 39 Transmission manual transmission Clutch control Manualtransmission Actuation housing Manualtransmission Gears shafts intogearsh Finaldrive differential differentiallock Group ...

Page 10: ...Interiorequipment Passenger protection roup 7 Body equipment interior Linings insulation Seatframes Seatupholsteries covers 7 70 72 74 8 80 85 87 88 Ciroup 8 Air conditioning Heating Ventilation Air conditioning Auxiliaryair conditioningsystem 9 90 91 92 94 96 C roup 9 Electrics Instruments alarm system Radio telephone on board computer navigation Windshield wiper and washer system Lights lamps sw...

Page 11: ... microswitch test plan up to model year 1999 Overview of convertible top components as of model year 2000 Removing convertible top Installing convertible top Replacing convertible top covering Removal overview of the convertible top covering components part 1 Removal overview of the convertible top covering components part 2 Removing convertible top covering Installation overview of the convertibl...

Page 12: ... seals 63 631519 63 1 page 63 1 page 63 1 page 63 7 63 15 page 63 15 page 63 15 page 63 16 page 63 16 page 63 16 page 63 17 page 1 2 4 635519 631537 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 631537 631019 Bumpers Removing and installing front spoiler Removing front spoiler Installing front spoiler Removing and installing rear spoiler Disassembling and assembling front spoiler Disassemblingfrontspoiler Assembling front spoile...

Page 13: ...nd assembling cover for the oddments tray Removing and installing inner sill passenger s side Removing inner sill Installing inner sill Removing and installing inner sill driver s side Disassemblingreleaseforfrontlid Assembling release for front lid 680519 2 4 69 69 6959 695819 695419 695319 695919 696319 697219 69 1 69 3 69 9 69 11 69 13 69 15 69 17 69 51 Passenger protection Safety regulations f...

Page 14: ...llic Black 3AX Black 741 Azuremetallic 746 80K Blackpearl Indian red 744 84A Blackpearl Indian red 3AY 3AR Ocean bluemetallic Turquoise blue 3AZ 3AS Ocean bluemetallic Turquoise blue Arenaredpearl 84R 12L Pastelyellow 84S 12M Arenared pearl Pastelyellow 25H Dragonfly turquoise metallic Dragonfly turquoise metallic 25K Water based paints 6 01 9866_O1 Color range Printed in Germany 1996 www Workshop...

Page 15: ...Glacierwhite 3AU Glacierwhite Black 747 Black 741 Guardsred 80K Guardsred 84A 12L Pastel yellow Pastel yellow 12M Speedyellow 12G Speed yellow 12H Dark blue 374 Darkblue 3C7 Water basedpaints 6 05 Colour range Printed in Germany 26 1999 9866_O5 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 16: ...l 746 Violetmetallic 3AE Black pearl 744 Cobaltbluemetallic 37U Oceanbluemetallic 3AY Cobaltbluemetallic 3GB Oceanbluemetallic 3AZ Polarsilvermetallic 92E Arenared pearl 84R Polarsilver metallic 92M Arenared pearl 84S Slate metallic 22D Oceanjade metallic 25H Slate metallic 23F Oceanjade metallic 25K Midnight blue metallic 37W Iris blue metallic 39N Midnightbluemetallic 39CF 39V Iris bluemetallic ...

Page 17: 741 Zenithbluemetallic 3AX Guards red 80K Black metallic 746 Guards red 84A Blackmetallic 744 Speed yellow 12G Oceanbluemetallic 3AY Speed yellow 12H Oceanbluemetallic 3AZ Arenared metallic 84R Arenaredmetallic 845 Junglegreen metallic 2A2 Jungle greenmetallic 2Al Vesuviometallic 40W Vesuviometallic 40X Paladiometallic 554 Paladio metallic 555 Water basedpaints 6 07 Colour range Printed in Germ...

Page 18: gun 9586 Rep Gr 2 2 WorkshopEquipment Manual Rep Gr 2 2 WorkshopEquipment Manual Containsset componentsHI H12 H Adhesive set000 043 204 34 6 Processing of Porsche 2 component window bonding agents Printedin Germany 38 2000 a6xxxxx5 6 8 page 1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 19: ... 986 Body equipment Mixiing procedure 6 Processing of Porsche 2 component window bonding agents a6xxxxx5 Printed in Germany 38 2000 6 8 page 2 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 20: ...r nozzleofthe cartridge componentA H8 out of the mixingcartridge Cut off the pointof the nozzleconnectionof componentB plastic cartridge H5 with a knife Screwthe injectionnozzle yellow H9 on to the nozzle connectionof componentB Insertthe preparedcartridge componentB H5 into the bondinggun B and insertthe injector nozzle H9 asfar aspossibleintothe mixingcartridge H6 Presscompo nentB fullyintothe m...

Page 21: ... from the mixer the mixerthen engagesin the piston Insertingthe mixingcartridgeinthe bonding Unscrewthe screwcap on the mixingcartridge and screw gun andaffixingthe car windowwithin 15 onthe processingnozzle grey Hll Insertthe mixing min cartridge H6 in the bondinggun B Note the bondingmaterialhasanopentime of 15 min whichmeansthatthe bondingmaterialmustbe applied andthe car windowmustbe assembled...

Page 22: ...ed metallicI Meridian metallicI Rainforest green metallicI Sealgrey metallic 746 8A4 6A7 2A2 685 18A3i 6A6 1684 Special paintwork metallic pearl Designation Colour code conventional I Colour code water based paints 123L122E j 39G 37U 192E 22D 286 284 3AE 3C8 92M 23F lA8 39C 39V I Wimbledon greenmetallic Pine green metallicI Violet metallic Cobaltbluemetallic i IPolarmetallic Slatemetallic Zanzibar...

Page 23: ...Boxster 986 Convertible top hardtop 610119 Removing and installing convertible top Printedin Germany 37 2000 a610119x 61 1 page1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 24: ... Convertible top hardtop Diaigram of convertible top 610119 Removing and installing convertible top a610119x Printedin Germany 37 2000 61 1 page 2 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 25: convertible top gear 7 Tension bow steering lever 8 B pillar 9 Push bar 10 Guide arm 11 Hinge lever 12 Push bar spring 13 Drive lever 14 Convertible top compartment lid 610119 Removing and installing convertible top Printed in Germany 37 2000 a610119x 61 1 page3 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 26: ...hardtop Overview of convertible top components up to model year 1999 610119 Removing and installing convertible top a610119x Printed in Germany 37 2000 61 1 page4 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 27: ...motor plugconnectionis pluggedin the convertibletop unlocked signalis connectedto ground fuse 86 row 8 number 6 is in order terminal 15 is connectedvia ignitionlock the parkingbrake inputis connectedto ground parkingbrake engaged Overview of microswitch test plan up to model year 1999 Checkmicroswitchesand rocker switchesfor continuity Operate openconvertibletop rocker switch groundis connectedto ...

Page 28: ...ertible top hardtop Check microswitches androckerswitches for continuity Operate closeconvertibletop rocker switch groundis connectedto the open input www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 29: ...hardtop Overview of convertible top components as of model year 2000 610119 Removing and installing convertible top Printed in Germany 37 2000 a610119x 61 1 page7 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 30: ...op hardtop 1 Rocker switch 2 Indicator light 3 Microswitch convertible toplock 4 Microswitch convertible topgear 5 Control module aboverelaycarrier in fuse box www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 31: ...Boxster 986 Convertible top hardtop Removing convertible top www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 32: ...ion Unscrewthe top fasteningscrew 1 bytwo turns Undo the bottomfasteningscrew 2 Liftside panel liningup andoff Disengagethe strip 3 onthe left and right sides of the cloth coveringin downwarddirection out of the brackets 4 Pullthe retainingpin inset out of the ballsocket Thenpressthe ball socket ofthe tensioncable out ofthe ball headofthe adjustingpiece Presstension bow of the convertibletop upwar...

Page 33: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 34: ...ushbar onthe left andright Disconnectthe electricalplug connectionatthe micros witch Note electricalconnectionhasbeenomitted since produc tion date 03 05 1999 dueto the use of the newconverti ble topgears Undothe fasteningscrewandthe centring screws sheet metal screw onthe convertible topsupportto the rollbar Liftthe convertibletop off the vehicle 610119 Removing and installing convertible top a61...

Page 35: ...Boxster 986 Convertible top hardtop Installing convertible top www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 36: ... electricalconnectionhasbeenomitted since produc tion date 03 05 1999 dueto the use of the newconverti ble topgears Onthe clothcovering engagethe leftand rightrestraining straps in the pins of the mainbow Atthe main bow pressoutthe ball socket of the pushbar onthe left andright 3 Attachingrestrainingstraps 4 Detachingpushbar 610119 Removing and installing convertible top a610119x Printed in German...

Page 37: ...Boxster 986 Convertible top hardtop 610119 Removing and installing convertible top Printed in Germany 37 2000 a610119x 61 1 page15 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 38: ...cableintothe ballhead at theadjustingpieceon the roll overbar Thenpressthe retainingpin inset in to the ball socket Engagethe strip 3 onthe left and rightsides ofthe cloth coveringfrom belowin to the brackets 4 Insertthe left and rightside liningpanelsfrom aboveand fastenwiththefasteningscrews 1 attop andbottom 2 610119 Removing and installing convertible top a610119x Printedin Germany 37 2000 61 ...

Page 39: ...replacedat a room tem perature of at least 15 degreesCelsius 59 Fahrenheit The roof liner must be removedwhenreplacingthe convertible top coveringon the model versionwith roof liner The centrecover mouldingis characterisedbya secondgroove for the connectionto the roofliner whichmust be orderedsepa rately F C A 0 III D 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 37 I 2000 61 JL1 pa...

Page 40: ...e top hardtop A Convertible top covering D Tensionstrap G Tensionbowseal B Slider rail E Tensionstrap cover H Seal I Sideseal C Plasticplug F Tubular rivets www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 41: Removal overview of the convertible top covering components part 1 i A 0 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 37 2000 61 11 page3 a612855x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 42: ...l at sides of roof frame 3 Detaching shaped sheetmetal part with convertible top covering 4 Detaching rubber section and convertible top covering on tension bow 5 Pulling off additional seal 6 Detaching cable of the convertible top covering 7 Detaching fold on convertible top covering at the sides convertible top half open 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 37 2000 61 11 ...

Page 43: ...ardtop Removal overview of the convertible top covering components part 2 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 37 2000 61 11 page5 a612855x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 44: ...t the main bow Removing convertible top covering 1 Detaching retaining rail and convertible top seal on the roof frame convertible top half open 1 Unscrewthe fasteningscrewsfrom the retainingrail or the fasteningscrewsfrom the left and right of the con vertible topseal 2 Pulloutthe convertible topseal cornerson the left and on the rightto thefront 2 Detaching seal at sides of roof frame Thesealon ...

Page 45: ... rubbersection out of the profilestrip of the ten sion bowanddetachthe convertible topendpiecefrom the tensionbow 5 Pulling off additional seal Pull the additionalseal out of the lowergroove of the ten sion bow pullthe sealonthe convertible top coveringout ofthe uppergroove of the tensionbowandpullthe con vertible topcoveringdownandoff 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 3...

Page 46: ...rtible topcoveringedge 2 Pullthe convertible topcoveringout of the clampingrails atthe bottom sides 3 Unscrewthe fasteningscrewatthe rear of the clamping rail 8 Removing clamping rail and slider 1 Pressthe plasticplugsinthe clampingrail out ofthe main bowfrom the inside Removaltool No 21 Rep Gr 2 4 WorkshopEquipment Manual 1 Pullclampingrail with slider out of the main bow atthe top andbottom www ...

Page 47: ...intheslider 10 Detaching holding strap of the convertible top covering Detach the Velcro fastening of the holding strap around the pushbar 11 Detaching convertible top covering at the roof frame Detach the convertible topcoveringon the roofframe at the front and lay it downto the rear 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 37 2000 61 11 page9 a612855x www WorkshopManuals co u...

Page 48: ...e tighteningstrip ofthe convertible topcoveringout of the covermoulding 3 Pressthe centrecover mouldingout of the roofframe usinga plasticspatula 14 Pulling out convertible top covering at the main bow 1 Detachthe tighteningstrip on the left and right sideson the main bowandpullthe tighteningstrip of the converti ble topcoveringout ofthe groove of the mainbow 2 Removethe convertible topcoveringfro...

Page 49: ...dtop Installation overview of the convertible top covering components part 1 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printedin Germany 37 2000 61 11 page11 a612855x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 50: ...onvertible top unlocked 5 Fitting additional seal 6 Fastening the convertible top covering at the sides of the roof frame 7 Fastening convertible top covering at the front convert ible top unlocked 8 Pulling pull strip into the clamping rail 9 Fitting the clamping rail with slider 10 Fastening cable of the convertible top covering 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 37 200...

Page 51: ...Boxster 986 Convertible top hardtop Installation overview of the convertible top covering components part 2 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 52: ...ary conversion measure for tensioning bow in vehicles up to production date 12 04 2000 In vehicles with a roof liner produced before 12 04 2000 a new roof liner with a new cut must be installed when the convertible top covering with a smaller rear window is replaced Rep Gr 613055 Replacing convertible top frame conversion measure at tensioning bow for the tension strap and the roof liner on vehicl...

Page 53: ...ble top frame and convertible top covering convertible top locked 1 Measure the centre between the restraining straps and mark it on the tension bow 2 Replace the seals contained in the scope of parts on the left and right of the roof frame and replace the centre cover moulding 3 Replace the tension strap Rep Gr 613055 Replac ing convertible top frame 2 Pulling tightening strip of convertible top ...

Page 54: ...onvertible top covering at the main bow convertible top unlocked 1 Pressthe centre of the convertible topcoveringthat coin cideswith the markingon the tension bowintothe upper groove of the tensionbow 2 Centrethe middle ofthe sealandtap intothe groove of the tensionbow 5 Fitting additional seal 1 Pressthe tension bowsealin the centredgroove ofthe tensionbow 2 Pullthe protectivepaper off the self a...

Page 55: ...dstrip anda self adhesive strip are affixed atthe front of the convertible topcovering 1 Pullthe protectivepaper off the adhesivetape andfold the convertible topmaterialaroundthe roofframeintothe groove withoutwrinkles 2 Thefold is initiallyheldwithfixing clips 8 Pulling pull strip into the clamping rail 1 Pullthe horizontalpullstrip ofthe convertible topcovering intothe groove of the clampingrail...

Page 56: ...ainbow together with the clampingrail 10 Fastening cable of the convertible top covering Position the cablewiththe clampingrail at the B pillar mainbow and screwin placewiththe fasteningscrew 11 Securing the clamping rail The clamping rail is secured by pressing the plastic plugs into the clamping rail from the inside www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 57: ... push bar andclose 14 Fastening the retaining rail and convertible top seal on the roof frame 1 Removethe fixing clipsandclip the convertible topseal into the roofframe at the cornersfrom the front 2 Fastenthe retainingrail atthe front on the roofframe usingthe fasteningscrews 3 Closeand lock the convertibletop 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printedin Germany 37 2000 61 1 Jl page 19 a61...

Page 58: ofthe convertible topcoveringendpieceandfold it over 17 Fitting retaining clips pull strip and centre cover mould ing in the roof frame Model version with roof liner 1 Whenpressingthe centrecover mouldingintothe roof frame makesure thatthe top side of the convertibletop is free from wrinkles 2 If necessary shiftthe pull strip to the left or right Model version without roof liner Thecentre cover...

Page 59: tension bow seal Press the tension bowsealintothe outer groove of the tensionbow 612855 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 37 I 2000 61 11 page21 a612855x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 60: ...613055 Replacing convertible top frame Printedin Germany 38 2000 61 7 page1 a613055x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 61: ...Boxster 986 Convertible top hardtop Ovel Viewof replacing convertible top frame part 1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 62: the adjusting piece and strips of adhesive tape 3 Fastening water collection tray 4 Fitting convertible top support 5 Fitting seat belt 613055 Replacing convertible top frame Printedin Germany 38 2000 61 27 page 3 a613055x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 63: ...ble top hardtop Overview of replacing convertible top frame part 2 613055 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 38 2000 61 27 page 4 a613055x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 64: ...astening the roof frame on the B pillar 8 Fitting convertible top lock 9 Fitting the cover on the roof frame 613055 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 38 2000 61 27 page 5 a613055x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 65: ...Boxster 986 Convertible top hardtop Ovel Viewof replacing convertible top frame part 3 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 66: ... frame with the B pillar 12 Fitting the main bow 13 Fitting the connection piece with steering lever on the tension bow 14 Fitting the tension bow 613055 Replacing convertible top frame Printedin Germany 38 2000 61 27 page 7 a613055x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 67: ...Overview of replacing convertible top frame part 4 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 68: ...djustingpiece whichis usedto bracethe ten sion bow intothe guidesofthe roll overbar andfasten the adjustingpiecewiththe fasteningscrew 2 Affixtwo strips of double sided adhesivetape inthe area of the convertible topsupportfasteningpoint The strips of tape are usedto fastenthe water collectiontray 3 Fastening water collection tray Position the holepattern ofthe water collectiontray on the holepatte...

Page 69: ...itting seat belt Position the beltreel atthe bottom andthe deflector at the top on the roll overbar andfastenwith the fastening screws Tightening torque 50 Nm 37 ftlb 6 Fitting stop buffer on the roll over bar Fasten the bufferfor the convertible toprest on the roll over bar withthe fasteningscrews www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 70: ... roofframe and con nectwith the pins 08 x 45 2 Securethe pinswith aclip 8 Fitting convertible top lock 1 Positionthe convertible toplock in the front ofthe roof frame andfastenwiththe fasteningscrews 2 Lockthe convertible top frame 9 Fitting the cover on the roof frame Insert the cover onthe roofframe atthe rear andtighten the fasteningscrews Thecover is spring supported and coversthe screwand piv...

Page 71: ...rame with the B pillar JJ Note Use assemblygrease whenfitting the pins 1 Positionthe roofframewiththe B pillaron the convertible top supportandjoin it withthe pin 8 x 45 2 Pressretainingclips intothe pins 12 Fitting the main bow rn Note Use assemblygrease whenfittingthe pins 1 Positionthe mainbowonthe convertible topsupportand drivelever Thenjoin withthe pins 08 x 70 and0 8 x 45 2 Pressretainingcl...

Page 72: ...ow closed or tensionbow open serviceposition 14 Fitting the tension bow rn Note Use assemblygrease whenfitting thepins 1 Positionthe tension bowwith connectionpieceon the main bowandjoin the partswiththe pin 8 x 25 2 Positionthe steeringleveron the convertible topsupport andjoin the parts with the pin 8 x 30 3 Pressretainingclipsinto the pins 15 Fitting the tension cable Press the ball socket of t...

Page 73: ...op rivets 17 Fitting tension strap on the main bow Position tensionstrap withthe strap cover on the main bowand pressin 18 Fitting the tension strap on the roof frame convertible top frame locked Position the tensionstrap onthe roofframe at the rear andfastenthe tensionstrap withthe fasteningscrews www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 74: ...tensionstrap for improvedsetting down of the convertible top covering In vehicleswithproductiondate upto 12 04 2000 the holesfor the tensionstrapconnectionmust be re meas uredand re drilled The rivet connectionon the tensionbow haschangedfrom a 2 pointto a 3 pointrivet connection 613055 Replacing convertible top frame Printedin Germany 38 2000 61 27 page15 a613055x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purcha...

Page 75: ...n the tension bow for the roof liner in vehicles produced before 12 04 2000 rn Note In vehicleswitha roof linerproducedbefore12 04 2000 a newroof linerwitha newcut must be installedwhen the convertible top coveringwitha smallerrearwindowis replaced In vehicleswithproductiondate upto 12 04 2000 the holesfor the roof linerconnectionmust be re measured and re drilled The roof liner connectionon the t...

Page 76: ...dimension 8 128 mm startingfrom the beginningof the tensionbow 3 Measurethe dimension C 193 mm startingfrom the centre of the holefor dimensionB 4 Centrethe measureddimensionsusinga prickpunch Drillthe centringswith a drill bit 0 5 mm 613055 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 38 2000 61 27 page17 a613055x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 77: ...45_H_96 10 Fasteningcable of the convertible top covering Positionthe cable withthe clampingrail on the B pillar mainbow andfastenwith the T25 x 8 Torx screw 545_1_96 Securing clamping rail The clampingrail is secured by pressingthe plasticplugs into the clampingrail from the inside 545_K_96 61 28 55 Replacing convertible top covering Printed in Germany 30 1999 9866111 61 29 www WorkshopManuals co...

Page 78: straparound the pushbarandclose 545_M_96 14 Fasteningretainingrail and convertible top seal on the roof frame Removethe fixing clips and clip the convertible topseal into the roofframe at the cornersfrom the front Fasten the retainingrail atthe front on the roof frame using T25 x 8 Torx screws Closeand lock the convertibletop 545_N_96 61 30 61 28 55 Replacing convertible top covering 9866111 Pr...

Page 79: ...ld it over 545_O_96 17 Fittingretainingclips pull strip and centre cover moulding in the roof frame Model version with roof liner Whenpressingthe centre cover mouldinginto the roof frame makesure that the top side of the convertible top covering is free from wrinkles If necessary shiftthe pull strip to the left or right Model version without roof liner The centre cover mouldingis additionallysecur...

Page 80: the convertible top window Theclip positionsare coveredby the strap Their positionin relationto each other is identifiedin colour on the rubber pull strap The rubberpull strap ensuresthat the convertible topwindowis positionedcorrectlywhenthe convertibletop is opened 19 Fittingtensionbow seal Pressthe tension bowseal into the outer groove of the tensionbow 1280034 6Jl 32 61 28 55 Replacing conv...

Page 81: ...rtible top hardtop 61 30 55 Replacing convertible top frame 517_96 61 33 61 30 55 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 14 1997 9866111 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 82: ...Convertible top hardtop Boxster 544_1_96 61 30 55 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 14 1997 6 1 34 9866111 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 83: ...collection tray 4 Fitting convertible top support 5 Fitting seat belt 6 Fitting stop buffer 7 Fastening roof frame on the B pillar 8 Fitting convertible top lock 9 Fitting cover flap on the roof frame 61 30 55 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 14 1997 61 35 9866111 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 84: ...Convertible top hardtop Box ter 544_2_96 61 30 55 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 14 1997 61 36 9866111 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 85: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 86: ... the adjustingpiecewith the M8 x 60 hexagon head bolt Affix two strips of double sidedadhesivetape in the area of the convertibletop supportfasteningpoint The strips of tape are usedto fasten the water collectiontray 544_b_96 3 Fasteningwater collection tray Positionthe holepattern of the water collectiontray on the holepattern of the roll overbar and pressthe tray onto the two strips of double si...

Page 87: ... reel at the bottom andthe deflector at the top on the roll overbar andfasten with the hexagon head bolt Tightening torque 50 Nm 544_9_96 6 Fitting stop buffer on the rol overbar Fastenthe buffer for the convertibletop rest on the roll overbar with a 3 5 x 8 oval headscrew 544_1_96 61 3055 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 14 1997 61 39 9866111 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased ...

Page 88: ...en the adjustingpiecewith the M8 x 60 hexagon head bolt Affix two strips of double sidedadhesivetape in the area of the convertibletop support fasteningpoint The strips of tape are usedto fasten the water collectiontray 544_b_96 3 Fastening watercollection tray Positionthe holepattern of the water collectiontray on the holepattern of the roll overbar and pressthe tray onto the two strips of double...

Page 89: ...apter 2 4 No 131 544_k_96 Fittingroof frame with B pil ar 11 Positionthe roof frame with B pillaron the convertibletop supportandjoin with the pin 0 8 x 45 Pressretainingclip into the pin 544_1_96 Fittingmain bow 12 Positionthe main bowon the convertibletop supportand drive lever Thenjoin with the pins 8 x 70 and 8 x 45 Pressretainingclips into the pins 1 544_m_96 61 41 61 3055 Replacing convertib...

Page 90: ...tensionbow open serviceposition 544_ _96 14 Fittingtensionbow Positionthe tension bow with connectionpiece on the main bow andjoin the parts with the pin 8 x 25 Positionthe steeringlever on the convertibletop support andjoin the parts withthe pin 8 x 30 Pressretainingclips into the pins 544_o_96 Fittingtension cable 15 Pressthe ball socket of the tensioncable into the ball head of the adjustingpie...

Page 91: ... the mainbow Positionthe tensionstrap withthe strap cover on the main bowand pressin 544_ _96 Fitttingtensionstrap on the roof frame convertibletop frame locked Positionthe tensionstrap at the rear on the roof frame andfasten the tensionstrap withthe 5 0 x 12 oval head screws 544_5_96 61 42a 61 3055 Replacing convertible top frame Printed in Germany 14 1997 9866142a www WorkshopManuals co uk Purch...

Page 92: ...ible top hardtop 61 02 19 Removing and installing hardtop ill 518 96 61 43 61 02 19 Removing and installing hardtop Printed in Germany 2 1996 9866143 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 93: ...Convertibletop hardtop Boxster Removinghardtop 8 61 02 19 9866143 Removing and installing hardtop Printed in Germanv 2 1996 61 44 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 94: ...slift Disconnectthe electricalplug connectionof the rear win dowheaterI pushon the plastic cover of the rear window heaterplug connection 4 Disconnectthe electrical plug connectionof the rear windowheater 5 Remove the hardtop Carefullylift the hardtop at the rear windowand lift off to the rear 6 Pressplastic cover into the pivot pinlocks Assembly instructionsfor pivot pinlocks on Page61 48 Press i...

Page 95: ...Convertible top hardtop Boxster Installing the hardtop Removing and installing hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 61 02 19 61 46 9866143 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 96: ...r at rear 5 Swivellockinglever of front lock to the rear Whendoing so the lockinghook must engagein the windscreen frame Thewhite markingline on the red lockingbutton mustbecomevisiblewhenthe hardtop is lockedproperly Closinglocking lever at the front 6 Connecting electrical plug connection oftherear window heater Removeplastic cover from the plug connectionand con nectelectricalplug connectionof ...

Page 97: ... in the bracket A Bear in mind here that there are left handedand right handedpivot pinlocks observethe L or R identificationon the pivot pinlock The locking tab of the bracket must line up with the recess of the pivot pinlock The pivot pin lock B is clamped in the bracket A whenthe fitting bolt C is tightened 61 48 61 02 19 9866143 Removing and installing hardtop Printed in Germany 14 1 97 www Wo...

Page 98: ...ardtop Boxster 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardtop 601 96 61 02 37 Disassemblingand assemblinghardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 9866149 61 49 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 99: ...Removal overview of the hardtop components 61 50 Inside page 9866149 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 100: ...Convertible top hardtop Boxster 61 02 37 9866149 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 101: ...bber seal 7 Detaching centring pin 8 Detaching locking lever 9 Detaching roof liner at front 10 Detaching roof liner at sides 11 Detaching roof liner at rear and at transverse struts 12 Detaching insulation from the hardtop body 13 Detaching latching lever 14 Detaching wiring harness from the rear window 15 Pressing expanding nuts out of the hardtop body 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardt...

Page 102: and pulloff The roof strip clips are destroyedwhen they are removedand mustalwaysbe replaced Removingcover and bracket Pull off cover and press outthe bracket at the top and bot tom with a plastic spatula Removerear window See RepairGroup64 Page 64 9 Turnhardtop Placeoutersideofhardtoponthe assembly fixture 61 52 61 02 37 9866149 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 ww...

Page 103: ...per sealwith retainingrail undothe B 3 5 x 16 fasteningscrews and removethe seal with retainingstrip from the roof frame 5 Detachingand disengagingretainingrail and roof frame seal at the corners Undothe 8 3 5 x 16 sheetmetalscrewsfrom the retaining rail undothe M6 x 20 pan headscrewfrom the roof frame seal disengagethe seal at the cornersand remove 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Pr...

Page 104: ...Detachingcentringpin Undothe M 6 x 20 pan headscrewsfrom the centring pin and remove 8 Detaching lockinglever Undothe M6 x 20 countersunkscrews from the locking lever and remove Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 61 02 37 9866149 61 54 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 105: ...ft and right sideswith a plastic spatulaand disengagefrom the sheetmetalclips j jj Ci i i i i 1 Detachingroof liner at rear and transversestruts Pullback and disengagethe plastic rail on the roof liner Pull out the transverse struts with the plastic sleevesand removethe roof liner 61 55 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 9866149 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purcha...

Page 106: ...chinglever on the hardtopbody and removethe latchinglever 14 Detachingwiringharnessfrom the rear window 6 Drillopentubular rivetwith a 3 2 mm drill bit Discon nect electricalplug connectionand unclipwiring harness from the hardtopbody 61 56 61 02 37 9866149 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 107: ...ressingexpandingnuts out of the hardtop body Pressout the expandingnutson the sides and front of the roof frame 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 9866149 61 57 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 108: ...rtible top hardtop Disassembling and assembling hardtop 658 96 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 9866149 61 59 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 109: ...Installation overview of hardtop components 61 60 Inside page 9866149 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 110: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 111: ...ner at front Adhering Nito tape on roof frame seal 7 Engaging roof frame seal at corners and fitting retaining rail 8 Fitting roof frame seal at sides 9 10 Fitting rubber seal Fitting latching lever 11 12 Fitting locking lever Fitting centring pin 13 Clipping in inner linings 14 Fitting cover and bracket 15 Filling roof ends 16 Fitting cover strips and roof strip clips 17 61 61 61 02 37 Disassembl...

Page 112: ... Fitting wiringharnessfor the rear windowheater Clipthe wiring harnessin the hardtopbody Rivetthe flat connectorto the hardtopbody with a 3 2 mm tubular rivet and connectthe flat connectorand the cablelug 3 Adheringinsulationin the hardtop body Position theself adhesive insulation inthehardtopbody andfirmlypressintoplace Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 61 02 37 98661...

Page 113: ...dtopbody 5 Engagingroof liner at sides Engageroof liner in the sheetmetalclips at the sides Note If the hardtop body is new the sheetmetalclips on the left and right mustbe bentover to the outside usinga plastic hammer 6 Fittingroof liner at front Position andclipinthefrontretaining rail ofthe roofliner 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 9866149 61 63 www Works...

Page 114: ...adscrew Posi tion the retainingrail on the roof frame at front and screw in place with the B 3 5 x 16 sheetmetalscrews 9 Fitting roof frame seal at sides The seal on the roof frame at the sides consists of two parts Positionthe upper seal with retainingrail on the hard top body andfasten the retainingrail with the B 3 5 x 16 fasteningscrews Pressthe lower seal into the profile of the retainingrail...

Page 115: ...ttinglatching lever Positionthe latchinglever on the hardtop body andfasten with the M6 x 20 collar screw 12 Fittinglockinglever Positionthe locking lever on the hardtop body and fasten with the M6 x 20 countersunkscrews 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 9866149 61 65 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 116: ...the front See RepairGroup64 Page 64 9 Fitrear window Placeouter side of the hardtopon the assemblyfixture Turnhardtop 14 Clippingin innerlinings Clipthe innerliningsinto the hardtop body at the rearI sidesandfront Turnhardtop Placehardtoponthe assembly fixtureandlockwiththe latching leversattherearandthe lockingleveratthefront 61 02 37 9866149 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in German...

Page 117: place Fitthe paintedcover on the bracket 16 Fillingroof ends Fillthe roof ends at the front and rear 17 Fittingroofstripclipsandcoverstrips Fitthe roof strip clips and fit cover strip seal on the cover strip Positioncover strip on the hardtop body and clip into place 61 02 37 Disassembling and assembling hardtop Printed in Germany 7 1996 9866149 61 67 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from ww...

Page 118: ...00 x 900 mm Commerciallyavailable E Boom 1 Hardwood 30 mm thick 650 x 50 mm Commerciallyavailable F Support 1 Hardwood 50 mm thick 90 x 140 x 190 mm Commerciallyavailable Tools Drill drill bit 06 mm and drill bit 03 mm sabre saw tape measure A6 6 x 20 countersunkscrew 2x A7 6 x 20 hexagonheadbolt with washer 4x AB 6 x 60 countersunkscrew 2x A9 6 x 50 countersunkscrew 3x Set of fittings includes Al...

Page 119: ...portcheeks 8 to accommodate the straightpins A4 M6 x 40 from the set of fittings A 2 Sawmultiplexplates alongthe traced radius The foot of the sabre saw must be tilted by 150for this purpose 3 Drillfour 0 6 mm holesin the support radii of each support cheekto provideclearance for the Tucker bolts on the hardtopbody Obtainthe dimensionsfrom the hardtop body Assembly instructions for hardtop assembl...

Page 120: ...elarm Procedure 1 Fit bracket AI on swivelarm C with two 6 x 20 countersunkscrews A6 in accordancewith the specified dimensions 2 Fithinge A2 on swivelarm C with four 4 5 x 20 countersunkscrews A5 in accordancewith the specifieddimensions 61 71 61 02 Assembly instructions for hardtop assembly fixture Printed in Germanv 23 1998 9866169 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co...

Page 121: ...rt cheeks plate 0 8 onto the base plate 0 in accordancewith the specifieddimensionsand drill holesusing 2 Fastenhinge A2 of the completedswivelarm a 6 mm drill bit C on the base plate 0 with four 4 5 x 20 countersunkscrews A5 in accordancewith the specifieddimensions 4 Fitthe support cheeks 8 on the base plate 0 by meansof the pre fitted straightpins A4 6 M6 x 40 61 72 6102 Assembly instructions f...

Page 122: ...h washer B Support cheek D Baseplate Procedure 1 Fitthe supports A3 on the base plate 0 with two 6 x 20 hexagonheadbolts A7 each in accordancewith the specifieddimensions 61 73 61 02 Assembly instructions for hardtop assembly fixture Printed in Germany 23 1998 9866169 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 123: ...e centre 1 Measureand mark centre of the base plate 0 2 Fitboom E on the base plate 0 with the three countersunkscrews A9 in accordancewith the specified dimensions 3 Fitsupport F on the boom E withthe two countersunkscrews A8 in accordance with the specified dimensions 6il 74 6102 Assembly instructions for hardtop assembly fixture 9866169 Printed in Germany 23 1998 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purch...

Page 124: ... 19 Removing and installing convertible top compartment lid 458_96 61 90 19 Removing and installing convertible top compartment lid Printed in Germany 26 1999 9866175 61 75 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 125: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 126: ...ail on lid and fasten with the st 3 5 x 9 5 sheetmetal screws Item5 7 Rubberseal 1 Pullrubber seal out of the rail Item6 RetainerSLB8 6 8 Pressout retainer Press rubber seal into the rail Item 6 Replace retainer Removal tool see Workshop Equipment Manual Chapter 2 4 No 131 9 Push barspring 1 Pushball socket of the push barspring out of the ball head of the drive lever Item27 Pushoutthe retainer It...

Page 127: ...sten with the M 6 collar nuts Item 14 16 Eccentric pin 1 Undothe M 6 collar nut Item 14 and remove bearingblock Undocollar nut Item 14 and removeeccentric pin from the guidearm 17 Slidingpiece 1 Unclipslidingpiecefrom the eccentricpin Adjustwith respectto the side sectionsaccording to the lid contours Tightenthe collar nuts Item14 Clipslidingpiece into the eccentric pin 18 M 6 x 20 combination scr...

Page 128: ...Positionthe drive lever andfasten with the M 12 x 30 hexagon head bolt Item26 28A Frictionplate 2 288 Installfriction plate onlyin connectionwith the new 8 components 2 29 M 8 x 25 screw 1 Installfriction plate onlyin connectionwith gear Item348 the spacer pin Item 358 andthe flexible shaft Item368 Tighteningtorque 13 Nm 10 ftlb 30 Spacer sleeve 1 31 Pushbar 1 32 Ball journal 1 33 3 Tighteningtorq...

Page 129: ...nd fastenwith the M 8 collar nuts Item32 348 2 Undocollar nuts Item32 Positiongear on the spacer pin Item 358 andfasten with the M8 collar nuts Item 32 Installgear onlyin connectionwiththe new B components Adjustgear refer to ServoNo 61 77 35A Spacer pin 6 Tightening torque 17 Nm 13 ftlb 358 Installspacer pin only in connectionwith the new B components 368 2 Presslocking tab andpull offtheshaft Sc...

Page 130: ...ertible top hardtop 61 7705 Adjusting convertible top gear 402_97 61 81 61 77 05 Adjusting convertible top gear Printed in Germany 14 1997 9866181 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 131: ... Boxster Adjusting convertible top gear 2 QI I y _1 I 4A 0 J 6 Q 48 403_97 61 82 61 77 05 Adjusting convertible top gear Printed in Gemlany 14 1997 9866181 0 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 132: be adjustedinto the drive motor and set the drive leverto the centre of the marking notcheswith the rocker switch adjustconvertibletop gear on left and right synchronously 4 Version B Measuringdrive lever Insertthe flexible shaft of the convertibletop gear to be adjustedinto the drive motor and usethe rocker switchto adjustthe centre of the drive lever ball headwith respect to the side sections...

Page 133: ... top hardtop Boxster 61 01 15 Adjusting convertible top r J IA 52O_97 61 85 61 01 15 Adjusting convertible top Printed in Germany 14 1997 9866185 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 134: ...seal will project with respect to the lid and the side section Adjustment procedure Raisethe convertible top compartmentlid to top position Adjust tension of the tension bow at the hexagon head bolt in the adjustingpart on the roll overbar adjusting range approx 15 mm according to the lid and side sectioncontoursandthe contact pressure on the convertibletop compartmentlid 61 01 15 Adjusting conver...

Page 135: ... Variousmicro switchesensurethat these processestake place smoothly The motor is activated only if the following conditionsare met no speedometersignalsgreater than 5 km h electric motor plug connectionis plugged in terminal 15 connectedvia ignition lock fuse B 6 row B number 6 andfuse D 3 row D number 3 are OK parking brake isengaged 595_97 Thevehicle must be on a horizontalsurfaceand there must ...

Page 136: ...ginstrumentto terminal23 andterminal 16 closeconvertibletop button Press close button Plug control relay onto relay carrier Open convertible top compartment lid and pull off electrical plug connection on the convertible top drive motor 10 Connectpositivelead of measuring instrumentto terminal1 black wire and negativelead of measuringinstrumentto terminal 4 greenwire Usean auxiliarylead to jumperte...

Page 137: ...ically convertibletop open carefullypressthe ball socket of the push barsprings left and right out of the ball head of the drive lever Manuallyopenthe convertibletop compartment lid and removethe drivemotor If the convertibletop is closed the drive motor can be removedfrom the insideby taking out the cover for the convertibletop rest 61 01 01 Troubleshooting in convertible top operation Printed in...

Page 138: ...hardtop 61 17 19 Removingand installing hardtop fastening 61170001 61 95 61 17 19 Removing and installing hardtop fastening Printed in Germany 29 1999 9866195 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 139: ... top hardtop Boxster Removing hardtop fastening 318_99 61 17 19 Removing and installing hardtop fastening 9866195 Printed in Germany 29 1999 61 96 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 140: ...bletop Bothscrews of the bracketare accessiblein this position 5 Detachingpush bar Pressthe ball socket of the pushbar off the ball head of the adjustingpiece 6 Unscrewingthe fasteningscrews A B on the bracket Fasteningscrew A is accessiblevia the convertibletop compartmentwhenthe tension bow is raised Open convertible top completely Note Whenoperatingthe convertibletop makesure that the unclipped...

Page 141: hardtop Boxster Installing hardtop fastening 319_99 61 17 19 Removing and installing hardtop fastening 9866195 Printed in Germany 29 1999 61 98 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 142: ... a distance of x 8 mm from the top edge of the door seal 3 Engaging push bar Pressthe ball socket of the pushbar onto the ball head of the mainbow 4 Engaging tensioncable Pressthe ball socket of the tensioncable onto the ball head of the adjustingpiece 5 Attaching cloth covering Engagethe strips on the left and right sides of the cloth coveringfrom below Open convertible top completely Installing ...

Page 143: ...rtible top hardtop Boxster 61 02 15 Adjusting the hardtop 61020003 61 101 61 02 15 Adjusting the hardtop Printed in Germany 29 1999 98661101 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 144: ...oxster 1 1 61020003 A 5 5 t 1 0 mm B O t 1 0 mm offset C 5 5 t 3 5 mm D 5 5 t 3 5 mm 61 102 61 02 15 Adjusting the hardtop Printed in Germany 29 1999 98661101 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 145: ...Referto ServiceNo 61 02 19 2 Installing hardtop Undoscrews of the fasteningplate 1 and screws of the latch plate 2 Movelocking pin to assemblyposition unlock 3 Releasing rearhardtoplocks By shiftingthe hardtop laterallyat the rear locking elements set a parallelgap A at the windscreenframe 4 Laterallyaligningthe hardtop 61 103 61 02 15 Adjusting the hardtop Printed in Germany 29 1999 98661101 www ...

Page 146: Boxster 61020004 B O 1 0 mm offset C 5 5 t 3 5 mm A 5 5 1 0 mm D 5 5 t3 5 mm 61 02 15 Adjusting the hardtop Printed in Germany 29 1999 61 104 98661101 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 147: ...n hardtop and convertible top compartment lid Checkfor smooth operationandfreedomfrom leaks readjustthe channelstrips on the hardtop if necessary 8 Closingall side windows Note Readjustthe side windows if necessary Before adjustment check position of the side windowsin relation to the convertibletop see ServiceNo 5751 37 It mightbe possibleto avoidadjustingthe side windows by varyingthe gap at the...

Page 148: ...onvertible top hardtop Removing and installing roof liner 610919 Removing and installing roof liner Printed in Germany 38 2000 61 107 page1 a610919x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 149: ...ble top hardtop Removal overview of roof liner I A B I I q I I fi 610919 Removing and installing roof liner Printedin Germany 38 2000 61 107 page2 a610919x www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 150: ...on Unlock convertibletop andraiseconvertible topcompart mentlid to its top position Disengagethe strip on the cloth coveringin downwarddirection Pressthe ball socket of the left and righttension cablesout ofthe ball head ofthe adjustingpiece Foldtensioncable upwards at the main bowuntil it engages 2 Detaching roof liner connection to tension bow Use a plasticspatulato pressthe plastic clipsfor roo...

Page 151: ... pushbar 4 Disengaging tension hook on main bow Disengage the tensionhookfrom the pin of the converti ble topsupport mainbow 1 5 Pressing out plastic clip on roof frame Carefully press outplasticclip on roof frame atthe sides usinga plasticspatula www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 152: ...ndsides ofthe roofframe andfold to the rear Rep Gr 612855 Replacingconvertible topcovering 2 Drill outthe four rivets connectingthe rooflinerclamping strip to the roof frame inset B usinga 0 4 mm drill bit 3 Pullthe roof linerclampingstrip rearwardout of the roof frame 4 Fitconvertible topcoveringon the roof frame Rep Gr 612855 Replacingconvertible topcovering 5 Installnewroof liner Rep Gr 610919 ...

Page 153: ...Convertible top hardtop Boxster 986 Installation overview of roof liner 6 r A 8 Z 4 IJ I I www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 154: strips on main bow and on centre cover moulding IJ Note Pushconvertible top buttonin closeddirectionuntilthe con vertible topcompartmentlid is in half closedposition Pull bothtighteningstrips ofthe rooflinerintothe groove on the main bowand centrecover mouldingbyapprox 30 mm Pullin both tighteningstripssimultaneously 2 Fitting roof frame connection at front Press the roof linerconnection plasti...

Page 155: 4 Engaging tension hook on main bow Use the assemblytool to engagethe tensionhook into the pin ofthe convertible topsupporVmainbow Assem blytool No 21 Rep Gr 2 4 WorkshopEquipment Manual 5 Closing the Velcro fastening of the push bar Close the Velcrofasteningof the pushbar www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 156: ...gon thetensionbow Securethe connectionbypressinginthe plastic clipsintothe tension bowonthe left andright A upto productiondate 12 04 2000 B asfrom productiondate 13 04 2000 7 Ending service position End servicepositionand pressthe ball socketof the ten sioncable intothe ball headof the adjustingelementon the left andright Engagethe strip onthe cloth covering inthe rear wall of the convertible top...

Page 157: ...n order to replace the tensioncable the convertible top cover ing must be detachedto a certainextenton the relevantside To do so undothe convertible top coveringat the front and the side of the roof frame Rep Gr 612855 Replacingconverti ble top covering 614356 Replacing the tension cable Printedin Germany 37 2000 61 108 page1 a6143561 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co...

Page 158: ...the shapedsheetmetalpart 3 Pullthe tensioncable 3 out of the seal 5 Inst lling the tension cable J 3 5 4 1 Fitting the tension cable at the shaped sheetmetal part 1 Pull the tension cable 3 in to the seal 5 2 Pushthe heat shrinking tube 2 overthe tensioncable 3 3 Engagethe tensioncable 3 in the tensionspring 4 at the shapedsheetmetalpart 4 Pullthe heat shrinking tube 2 over the tensionspring Shrin...

Page 159: ...ailable crimping pliers 7 press the eyelet 5 together with the tension cable 6 in two places inset 7 _l 0 Q oo O 6 1 4 Fitting the tension cable to the main bow 1 Positionthe tensioncablewith the clampingrail atthe B pillar mainbow and screwin placewiththe fastening screw 1 2 Fitthe convertible topcover at the front andside of the roofframe Rep Gr 612855 Replacingconvertible top covering 0 614356 ...

Page 160: ...eto sunlight Cleaning the convertible top Do notwashthe convertibletop everytime the car is washed Itis normallysufficientto washor rinsethe convertibletop with clear water Onlyin the case of heavysoiling moistenthe con vertibletop with luke warm water andPorsche Wash Shampo convertible topcleanerandrub gentlywith a spongeor soft 612830 Care and cleaning of the convertible top Printed in Germany 3...

Page 161: ...ratchesanddull areason the flexiblerear windowcan be removedwiththe PorschePolyglaswindowcleaner Do not applyPorschePolyglaswindowcleanerto the converti ble topmaterial In the case of leaksinthe convertible topcoveringor seamsor in the folded sections usePorscheconvertible topcare prod uct Do notbring Porscheconvertible topcare productinto contact with paintedsurfaces glassor theflexiblerear windo...

Page 162: ...r the flocked sealshavedried 612830 Care and cleaning of the convertible top Printed in Germany 38 2000 a6128301 61 109 page 3 The convertible top sealshavean anti frictioncoatingor are flockedand do not require anyspecialcare Never grease or lubricateor sprayon sealsthat are flocked or haveananti frictioncoating www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 163: ... Bumpers Removing and installing front spoiler I I Y 1 631519 Removing and installing front spoiler Printed in Germany 39 2000 63 1 page1 a6315191 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 164: ...Boxster 986 Bumpers Remlovingfront spoiler www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 165: ...remove Undosheetmetalscrews 4 from the front part 1 Pressin springclip ofdirectionindicator light arrow A at the sideswith a screwdriverandtake outthe direction indi cator light 5 disconnectelectricalplugconnection Onthe front spoiler undothe sheetmetalscrews 6 and spacersleeve 7 from the retainingstrips on the left and right Presstemperaturesensor 9 out of the inletgrille Undofasteningscrews 10 o...

Page 166: ...Boxster 986 Bumpers Ins1talling front spoiler www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 167: ...crew 6 and spacer sleeve 7 Fastenthe front end 1 with the sheetmetalscrews 4 andthe spacersleeves 7 Affix cover 3 turn hexagoncap nuts 2 by45 Insertelectricalplugconnectionof the directionindicator light 5 Insertlockingtab arrow of the directionindicator light into the front end 1 andclip in the sheetmetalclip Presstemperaturesensor 9 into the inletgrille 5 fressing in temperaturesensor 631519 Rem...

Page 168: ...xster 63 55 19 Removing and installing rear spoiler 204 i 96 63 7 63 55 19 Removing and installing rear spoiler Printed in Germany 29 1999 986637 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 169: Boxster Removing and installing rear spoiler 362_99 63 55 19 Removing and installing rear spoiler 986637 Printed in Germany 29 1999 63 8 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 170: ...val head screw4 8 x 15 8 Removefrom rear spoiler Fixretainingstrip with rear end on the holder Item 14 andfastenwith 4 8 x 15 countersunk screw Item 1 Fix sheetmetalnut Item 23 with rear spoilerand tighten sheetmetalscrew 4 Spacersleeve5 2x 14 6 5 4 6 Sheetmetalscrew St 4 2 x 16 Numberplate light 2 Pulldownand off and disconnectthe electrical plug connection Plugin the electricalplug connection pr...

Page 171: ...d drill 3 mm Remove 11 Retai ning strip left 1 12 Retainingstrip right 1 Remove Fixretainingstrip on rear end and rivetwith pop rivetA3 2 x 7 9 Fixretaineron rear end and rivetwith pop rivet A3 2 x 7 9 13 Collar nut M6 11 Undocollar nut of holder Item 14 Remove 14 Holder 1 Fix holder with collar nuts Item 13 Set a vertical adjusting distance of 54 mm between the top edge of the holder and lower ed...

Page 172: ...r mount 19 Washer5 x 26 x 1 1 20 Combination screw M6 x 22 2 Remove combination screw from rear support heat shield and bumper mount Remove 2 21 Rearsupport Fixrear support and heat shieldon bumper mount and tighten combination screwM6 x 22 22 Heatshield 1 Pull off Straighten or replace the centre heat shield if damaged Inspectand replace if necessary Adjustthe sheetmetalnut centre hole 23 Sheetme...

Page 173: ...pipeto the body with the seal and fasten with the combinationscrew M8 x 30 27A 2 28 USAversion impact absqrber Seal impact pipe 2 Inspectand replace if necessary 28A 2 USAversion impact absqrber seal Inspectand replace if necessary 29 Combination screw4 2 x 16 2 30 Rubberwasher 2 31 Expandingnut4 22 Press out Inspectand replace if necessary 32A Sheetmetal screw 84 2 x 22 2 33A Holder 1 34A Rubberw...

Page 174: ...rnon the rear spoiler andfasten with the combination screw Item 38A Fix impacthorn on the rear spoiler andfasten with the combination screw Item 38A Inspectand replace if necessary Adhesivetape 43 2 Plasticnut 44 Wiringharness holder 4 Cleanmarked areasin the rear spoiler Replace holder 45 4 ParkAssistent sensor Referto ServoNo 91 75 19 Referto Servo No 91 75 19 63 13 63 55 19 Removing and install...

Page 175: componentispainted Drill holed in accordance with the markings inside the rear spoiler 1 Sawout cut outs C in accordancewith the markingsinsidethe rear spoiler 1 Drill holes A with 136 mm 2 Enlargeholes B to 0 35 mm usinga stepped drill or a centre bit 3 Checkbores by putting on a disc of the ParkAssistentsensor or by insertingthe sensor I 4 Reworkthe holes if necessary 63 55 19 Removing and in...

Page 176: ...Boxster 986 Bumpers front spoiler 10 631537 Disassembling and assembling front spoiler Printed in Germany 39 2000 a6315371 63 15 page1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 177: ... 986 Bumpers Disalssembling front spoiler i 631537 Disassembling and assembling front spoiler a6315371 Printed in Germany 39 2000 63 15 page2 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 178: ...gethe lugs of the grilleframe 4 on all sides usinga screwdriver Carefullypressinthe lugs ofthe coveringframe atthe side 5 with a screwdriver A Firstlyremovethe covering frame 5 downwards direction of arrow C Afterwards pull rearward direction of arrow B out of the front end I 8 631537 Disassembling and assembling front spoiler Printed in Germany 39 2000 a6315371 63 15 page 3 www WorkshopManuals co...

Page 179: ...Boxster 986 Bumpers Assemblingfront spoiler I t I www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 180: ... coveringframe 5 upwards direc tion of arrow C into the front end 1 Lockgrilleframe 4 on all sides into the front end 1 Pullthe securingcord 3 intothe eyeletofthe covering cap 2 andfront end I Clipcoveringcap 2 into front end 1 631537 Disassembling and assembling front spoiler Printedin Germany 39 2000 a6315371 63 15 page 5 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 181: ...Boxster 986 Bumpers 631537 Disassembling and assembling front spoiler Boxster S Printed in Germany 39 2000 a6315372 63 16 page1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 182: ...Boxster 98G Bumpers Disassembling front spoiler G 2 N 7 I 3 _ 0 I 0 I D 0 rrII 1 I 41 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 183: ...t off the fused pegs hot melt fusion with a cutting knife Inset D Separatethe outer middleframe 4 from the innerframe 5 Carefullydisengagethe lugs of the grilleframe 6 on all sidesusinga screwdriver Carefullypressinthe lugs ofthe coveringframe atthe side 7 with a screwdriver A Firstlyremovethe covering frame 7 downwards direction of arrow C Afterwards pullrearward direction of arrow B out of the f...

Page 184: ...Boxster 98G Bumpers Assembling front spoiler www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 185: ... the front end direction of arrow A Lockgrilleframe 6 on all sidesintothe front end 1 Positionthe outer middleframe 4 andinnerframe 5 on the frontend Pushonthe fasteningclips 8 aboveand atthe side on the pegs of the outer middleframe 4 Pullthe securingcord 3 intothe eyeletofthe covering cap 2 and front end 1 Clipcoveringcap 2 into the front end 1 631537 Disassembling and assembling front spoiler B...

Page 186: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 187: ...Boxster 986 Bumpers www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 188: ...the bumpermount 10 andremove Unscrew Undocombinationscrew 11 andremoveimpactpipeand seal Undocombinationscrew 11 andremoveimpactabsorber andseal 12A USA version impact absorber 2 Cliponto the retainingstrip and tightly screwonto the side memberwith the collar nut 1 Positionretainingstrip on the wingupwardso thatthe clear ancerib rests againstthe side section withoutgaps andthentightenwith the col ...

Page 189: ...n impact absorberseal 2 Installation Inspectand replace if neces sary Inspectand replace if neces sary 631019 Removing and installing bumper and accessories a6310191 Printed in Germany 39 2000 63 17 page 4 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 190: ...ation 1 Connectelectricalplug connection insert lugs and clip in the direction indicator light Positionfront spoiler and ventilationholderon the body andfastenwith the sheetmetalscrew St4 8x 19 7 Sheetmetal screw St4 8 x 19 15 8 Spacer sleeve5 2 x 14 15 9 Frontspoiler 1 Onthe front spoiler undo the sheetrnetalscrews St 4 8 x 19 Items7 8 from the retainingstrips on the left andright Remove front en...

Page 191: on the inside Replace pressinto the front spoiler 25 Temperature sensor 1 Insert 26 Collar nut 11 27 Retainingstrip left 1 Fixthe centre retaining strip to the transverse lock panelandfasten with the collar nutsM6 Item26 28 Left support 1 Undo collar nut M6 Item 26 and unclip support from left retaining clip Clip support into retaining strip on the left and tighten collar nut M6 Item 26 on the ...

Page 192: ...sion foam part Undohexagon head bolt M12 x 1 5 x 100 Item 32 from the bumper mount and remove 1 34 Bumper mount Attachthe bumper mount to the impact pipes Item 36 38A andfix it in position Fastenit with the hexagon head bolt M12 x 1 5 x 100 Item 32 Undoand remove impact pipe Item36 38A Combinationscrew M8 x 30 4 35 Fixthe impactpipeto the body with the seal and fasten with the combinationscrew M8 ...

Page 193: ...sorber and seal Fixthe impactabsorber to the body with the seal andfasten with the combinationscrew M8 x 30 Item 35 39A 2 USAversion impact absorber seal Inspectand replace if necessary 63 15 19 Removing and installing front spoiler Boxster S 9866315 Printed in Germany 30 1999 6 3 20 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 194: ... window control Removing and installing the windscreen 1 f c 641219 Removing and installing the windscreen Printed in Germany 37 2000 a6412191 64 1 page 1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 195: ...Boxster 986 Glazing window control Removing the windscreen www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 196: ...rear Liftthe defroster coverson the left and right 4 5 and unclipthem Checkfasteningclips 6 replace if neces sary 4 5 Disconnectingthe windscreenantennaplug connection Cutting outthe windscreen Fita U typecuttingknifeto the cutter E Setthe vibration frequencycontrollerto 5 Cutthroughthe bondbetween the bodyandthe windscreenat the top andsides Fita U type cutting knife B to the cutter E Cutthrought...

Page 197: ...hingknife D andremove the adhesiveremainson the pre coatedbondingsection ofthe windscreenso that as muchas possible of the bondingsection ofthe pre coatingis preserved Note the bondingsectionofthe pre coatingacts as anadhesive foundationfor newbondingmaterial Keepcut surfaces cleanandfree of greaseanddo notcleanwith cleaning solution Cleannewpaintsurfacesanddamageto the roof paintin the non visibl...

Page 198: ... 986 Glazing windowcontrol Fitting the windscreen 641219 Removing and installing the windscreen Printedin Germany 37 2000 a6412191 64 1 page5 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 199: ...ingthe bondingsection of the wind screen Only with newwindscreens Positionthe surroundingsection 1 on the windscreen and pressthe cover trim 2 into the groove of the sur roundingsection Note if the surroundingsectionandthe covertrim havebeen removedfrom the windscreenwithoutdamage theycan be re used Clipin spacerblocksand pressin body bound rivets Checkthe fasteningclips 6 replace if necessary Ins...

Page 200: ...ive it is essentialto ensurethat it overlaps Note two personsare neededto insertand adjustthe wind screen Applysuction cups F to the windscreenand insertthe windscreenintothe windowaperture Pressthe wind screenup asfar as it will go Whendoing so pressthe lower edge ofthe glass againstthe spacer blocks Adhesivewhichhasoozed out mustbe removedimmedi atelyandthe affectedfields ofvision mustbe cleaned...

Page 201: ...ual Mixingrod 9528 8 c E E F G Cutting knife U type639 030 760 16 Cutting knife U type639 031 540 10 Flashingknife U type639 031 130 22 CutterVAG1561 Twin cupsuctionlifter VAG1344 Bondinggun 9586 Rep Gr 2 2 WorkshopEquipment Manual ContainssetcomponentsHI H12 Adhesive set 000 043 203 42 H Swab Fillernozzle Injector nozzle Cleaningsolution Primer Activator www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from w...

Page 202: 986 Glazing window control Cartridge componentA Cartridge componentB Mixingcartridge Screwcap Processing nozzle Universal nozzle LO Ll L2 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 203: ...cutting knife Angledcutting knife Flashingknife 639 030 790 12 639 030 720 17 639 031 130 22 C E FeinGmbH Co Postfach10 14 44 70013 Stuttgart F H G Bonding gun 9586 Adhesive set Glassprimer 000 721 958 60 000 043 203 42 000 043 158 00 Porsche PartsService Contentsof the adhesiveset Hl Cartridge componentA H2 Cartridge componentB H3 Mixingtube H4 H5 H6 Primer Activator solvent cleaner Swab 64 86 19...

Page 204: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 205: ...Glazing window control Boxster 64 86 19 986649 Removing and installing rear window Printed in Germany 2 1996 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 206: ... window heater Disconnectthe electricalplug connectionon the left and right of the rear windowheater Affix wire to the rear wirr dowwith adhesivetape Thewire would otherwisebe se veredwhenthe rear windowis cut out 4 Turnthehardtop Setdownpivotlocksandlockingleversofthehardtopon the assembly fixtureandlock 5 Pulloffcoverprofile Detach andpulloffthecoverprofile 6 Cutouttherear window Equipcutter A w...

Page 207: ...gknife E to remove ad hesiveresidueson the hardtopbody leavinga layer of ad hesiveallaround Note Removeadhesiveresiduesbetweenthe rivetedjoints as thoroughlyas possiblewithoutdamagingthe rivetedjoints Paint damage inthewindow aperturemustberepaired 9 Clean andprimethewindow apertureofthehardtop body Cleanwindowaperture of the hardtopbody with cleaning solvent H5 Primerepairedareas of the paintwork...

Page 208: ...rtridges of the A and B components Clipcartridge withcomponent Bto thecartridgewithcom ponent A 13 Open thecompleted cartridge Evenly cutofftheoutletsofthecompleted cartridgewitha knife 14 Attachthemixingtube Slidethemixing tube H3 intothegrooveoverthe com pletedcartridgeandfastenwiththeunionnut 15 Insertthe cartridge in the bondinggun Insertthe completedcartridge includingmixing tube into the bon...

Page 209: ...indowatthe top of the windowaperture and carefullylay it down 19 Fixtherearwindow Pushthe rear windowall of the wayup and press the lower windowedge into place Securethe rear window againstsliding out of placewith adhesivetape at the sides andtop Clean thevisibleareas Anyemergingadhesivemustbe removed immediately and the affectedvisibleareas mustbe cleanedwith the clean ing solution H5 20 Plugin t...

Page 210: ...equatestrength of the gluedjoint Curing time 3 hours at least 10 C Temperature Fixing time approx 1 hour The hardtop must not be used on the vehicle before the curing time has elapsed 64 86 19 Removing and installing rear window Printed in Germany 2 1996 986649 64 15 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 211: ...ins are free 2 Removedoor paneland loudspeakerunit Carefullyremove do not crack the front mouldedfoam part from the inside of the door near the power windowmotor and the loudspeakercut out Disassembling and assemblingdoor trim panel see Servo No 5751 37 5 Unlock andremove theelectrical plug connection on bothsides 6 Unscrewfasteningpins of power window motor Removepower windowunitfrom the toothing...

Page 212: ...r unit and door panel Connect the battery 4 Standardisingthe newpower windowmotor Switchignitionon Opendoor windowcompletelyby continuouslyactuatingthe power windowoperating button and then close window Press button untilthe windowis closed and is switched off by the blockage detectionfunction of the power windowmotor This completesstandardisation Performa functiontest 64 54 19 Removing and instal...

Page 213: ...rature probe 1 Thetip of the sensor is usedto measurefrom the outside on the centre of the rear window 2 One of the heatingwires on the rear window mustrun exactlyunderthe tip of the sensor for this procedure 3 After switching on at room temperature and a period of 2 minutes the temperature must increase by approx 3 degrees 4 If no temperature increaseis shown the fault mustbe detected on the basi...

Page 214: ...t 66 89 37 Disassembling and assembling the rearview mirror 122 96 66 89 37 Disassembling and assembling the rearview mirror Printed in Germany 1996 986661 66 1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 215: ...xster Disassembling and assembling the rearview mirror 121 96 66 89 37 Disassembling and assembling the rearview mirror 986661 Printed in Germany 1996 66 2 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 216: ...sunkscrew 3 8 Mirrorbase 1 Undocountersunk screws Securely tightencounter sunkscrews 9 Mirror shell 1 10 Plug 1 Detach plugconnection Replace makeplug cOr nection 11 Ovalhead screw M5x 14 1 12 1 Screwhexagonnut tight Spring clamp Undohexagon nut 13 Hexagon nutM5 1 14 3 Detach positioning motor Securely screwposition ing motor 15 1 Ovalheadscrew M3x 30 Positioning motor 66 89 37 Disassembling and a...

Page 217: ...ior equipment 66 58 19 Removingand installing rear spoiler 264 96 6658 19 Removing and installing rear spoiler Printed in Germany 2 1996 986665 66 5 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 218: ...r Exterior equipment Removing and installing rear spoiler 66 58 19 Removing and installing rear spoiler 986665 Printed in Germany 2 1996 66 6 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 219: ...poilerfrom the extend ing components Positionupper part of spoiler and screw tight with the oval headscrew Item 1 Screwthe bottom part of the spoiler tight with the hexagonsocket headbolt Positionthe bottom part of the spoiler on the ex tending components alignwith rear side panel on the left and right and screw tight with the hexa gon socket head bolt Item4 Clipin 6 Leftsidecover 1 Unclip 7 4 M6x...

Page 220: ...dpullout Insertandtwist 14 Spoilerelement 1 Retractand position Screwin hexagonsocket head bolt Item 7 align spoiler elementto the left and rightwith the rear sidepart andtighten the hexagonsocket head bolt Item7 Movespoilerelement in wards 15 3 M5 x 55 hexagon head bolt Motor 16 1 Undohexagon head bolts Item15 andremove the motor Positionmotor on the spoiler elementand fastenwith the hexagon head...

Page 221: ...tem 23 and removelifting element 23 Oval head screw 3 24 Cornerpiece 2 Pulloffwaterdrainhose Pushonwaterdrainhose 25 Hexagorrhead bolt 2 26 Actuator 1 Disconnectelectricalplug connection Connectelectrical plug connection 27 Guide 1 28 Pin 1 29 Retainer 1 66 9 66 58 19 Removing and installing rear spoiler Printed in Germany 2 1996 986665 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals ...

Page 222: ...66 56 19 Removing and installing the engine compartment vent y Y I d II If f 6656001 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 223: ...lling the engine compartment vent 7 M j Y e A I 5 j 4A 38 48 B 2A 28 6656002 61 12 6656 19 Removing and installing the engine compartment vent 9866611 Printed in Germany 30 1999 3C www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 224: ...Removethe B 4 2 x 14 oval headscrewfrom the air guide Item 2 Inserta narrowplastic wedge into the lockingtabs of the air inletgrille Item 4 at the 1st and 4th ribs from thetop on the left and right sides Carefully pressthe plasticwedge outwardtoward the air guide Figure A Pressair guide diagonally upwardfrom the locking web Pulllockingweb Figure B from the side section Simultaneously pull off the ...

Page 225: ...r inlet grille until model year 1999 1 Pressthe air inletgrille off the spring clips Item6 Pressthe air inletgrille off the spring clips Item6 Clip air inlet grille Item 4 together with the air guide Item 2 Clip air inlet grille Item 4 together with the air guide Item 2 413 1 Air inlet grille installed on left only as of model year 2000 5 1 Pressrubber tabs out of the sheebnetallugs of the side se...

Page 226: ...r glassdo notwarm up Check with the temperature probe 1 The tip of the sensor is used to measure from the outside on the centre of the mirror glass j 151_99 2 After switchingon at room temperatureand a period of 1 minute the temperature must increase by approx 2 degrees 3 If no temperature increaseis shown the fault mustbe detected on the basis of the wiring diagram 66 15 66 78 01 Checking functio...

Page 227: ... The following special tools are required to remove and install the interior rearview mirror T 0 A Pliers special tool 9578 68 27 19 Removing and installing the interior rearview mirror Printed in Germany 7 1996 986681 68 1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 228: ...ster Removing and installing the interior rearview mirror 68 27 19 Removing and installing the interior rearview mirror 986681 Printed in Germany 7 1996 68 2 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 229: ...cure seating cannot be ensured when the mirror is fitted If a mirror is being fitted for the second or third time check the locking area for the mirror base for signs of wear and replace the mirror if necessary Installing the interior rearview mirror No Instruction Procedure 4 Insertthe mirror Clipthe base of the interior rearviewmirror rotated through90 into the retainerplate on the windscreen 5 ...

Page 230: ... 27 13 E c B 1981 68 Cleaning solution 000 043 157 00 A Primer 000 043 158 00 8 Cover film 000 043 177 01 c Activator 000 043 052 00 D Bonder 000 043 051 00 E Porschepart number www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 231: ... the interior rearview mirror Bonding the assembled rearview mirror onto the windscreen 68 27 13 Bonding on the interior rearview mirror 986681 Printed in Germany 1996 68 6 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 232: mechan icallyusing 100 grain sandpaper Cleanthe bondingplate of the interiormirror Cleanthe bondingplate of the interior mirror with clean ing solution A Clean thebonding areaonthe windscreen Clean thebonding areaonthewindscreen withcleaning solution A 3 Maskthebonding areaonthe windscreen Maskthe bondingarea on the windscreenwith primer tem plate coverfilm C The markingfor the position of the...

Page 233: ... the bondingplate of the interiormirror Applyadhesiveto the bonding plate 7 Stickontheinteriormirror Pressthe interior mirror with the bondingplate onto the primedand activatedarea of the windscreen Note Press ondurationapprox 40 50 seconds Note Bondingstrength 60 after 1 hour 100 after 24 hours 6 8 68 27 13 Bonding on the interior rearview mirror 986681 Printed in Germany 1996 www WorkshopManuals...

Page 234: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 235: ...Boxster 986 lnteriorequipment i iJ1 1t1 Z i t I 1 l 7 r 8 g I I I Irv I 6 J I ol 1 12 c J 3 l 14 7 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 236: ...entreconsole atthefront clip in atthe side and fastenwiththe fasteningscrews 5 Tighteningtorque 2 3 Nm 1 5 ftlb Positionthe adapter atthe centre console atthe front 9 andfasten withthe fastening screws 5 Tighteningtorque 2 3 Nm 1 5 ftlb 9 1 Adapter Unscrewfasteningscrews 5 unclipthe coverfrom the centreconsole atthe side andremoveto the rear Unscrewfasteningscrews 5 and removethe adapterfrom the c...

Page 237: ...ips 3 at the side Undofasteningscrews 5 Positionthe front of the centre con and liftthe front ofthe cen sole 15 onthe holder 18 or on tre console 15 off the dashboardframe andsecure withthe fasteningscrews 5 Inspectandreplace if necessary Tighteningtorque 10 Nm 7 5 ftlb 15 1 Centreconsole front section 16 17 Plug in nut Collarnut 4 4 18 Holder 1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www Worksho...

Page 238: ...Boxster 986 Interiorequipment 681719 Removing and installing centre console Printedin Germany 37 2000 a6817192 68 13 page1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 239: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 240: ...soleand discon nectthe electricalplugcon nections 7 8 1 1 Undofasteningscrew 3 from the floor oddmentstray 8 Rubber insert Floor oddments tray 9 1 Unclipthe coin box 9 and undothe fasteningscrew 3 underneath Positionthe floor oddments tray 8 in the centre console andfastenwith the fastening screw 3 Tightenthe fastening screw 3 andclip the coin box 9 intoplace Coinbox 681719 Removing and installing...

Page 241: ...Boxster 986 Interiorequipment 4 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 242: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 243: ...ther with pointed nosepliers inset B andguide out ofthe lock sup port 5 Pressinthe lockingtabs in inset C andguidethe lock barrel 9 upwardsout of the lock support 5 Unclip 10 Cover rear left 1 681737 Disassembling and assembling centre console Printedin Germany 39 2000 a6817371 68 14 page 3 Clipthe microswitch 7 into the console 8 Positionconsole 8 on the lock support 5 andclip into place Ensureth...

Page 244: ...tray Lowersection of odd mentstray cover Plug innut 1 1 4 8 5 Hingepin 1 Pressthe hingepin out S andremovelowersection of oddmentstray cover 3 Inspectand replaceif neces sary Positionlower section of odd ments tray cover 3 onthe middlebracket Presshingepin in 5 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 245: ...Boxster 98G Interiorequipment Removing and installing inner sill passenger s side v www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 246: ...Boxster 986 Interiorequipment Renl1ovinginner sill 7 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 247: ...tray and unscrewthe fasteningscrews 3 from the sill Lift sill I upwardsout ofthe bottom supportwith a plas tic spatulaandpressout Checkfasteningclips 4 replaceif necessary 680519 Removing and installing inner sill passenger s side Printedin Germany 39 2000 a6805191 68 15 page 3 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 248: ...Interiorequipment Inst alling inner sill 680519 Removing and installing inner sill passenger s side a6805191 Printedin Germany 39 2000 68 15 page 4 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 249: ...sertsill 1 downwardinto the lower supportandengage Screwin fasteningscrews 3 and layrubber mat 2 into the oddmentstray 680519 Removing and installing inner sill passenger s side Printed in Germany 39 2000 a6805191 68 15 page 5 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 250: ...Boxster 986 Interiorequipment www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 251: ...Boxster 986 Interiorequipment Disalssembling release for front lid 1 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 252: ...ox 4 5 threads Lift sill 1 upwardsout ofthe bottom supportwith a plas tic spatulaand pressout Checkfasteningclips 4 replace if necessary Pulloff plugconnections 5 6 on the actuatingswitches of the lids Pressthefasteningribs of the sill arrOW5 outwardwith a screwdriverandunclipthe actuatingswitchesof the front lid 7 680519 Removing and installing inner sill driver s side Printed in Germany 39 2000 ...

Page 253: ...www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 254: ...into the fasteningribs of the sill Pushplug connections 5 6 ontothe actuating switches of the lids Clipin newfasteningclips 4 if necessary Insertsill 1 downwardinto the lower supportandengage Screwin hexagonsocketheadbolts 2 of the sill by approx 4 5 threads Sealholes of the sill with plastic plugs 3 680519 Removing and installing inner sill driver s side Printed in Germany 39 2000 a6805192 68 16 ...

Page 255: ...ther withother hazardousgoods varnishesetc Sale Dispatch Airbag unitsmay onlybe dispatchedin transport packaging officiallyapprovedfor that purpose Airbag units may not be transportedwith other hazardous goods Looseairbag units referred to as airbag modulesbelow or airbag modulesinstalledin a loose steeringwheel must neverbecomethe actual physical property of the customer The possessionof looseair...

Page 256: ... be removedin advanceif you haveto perform weldingin the immediate vicinityof the controlmodule After the battery is disconnected assembly work or work on the vehicle with a hammeror similartools may not be started until after a waiting period of 1 minute This is necessaryin order to interruptthe power supplyto the airbag system andto ensure it is nottriggered accidentally Airbag componentsmay not...

Page 257: ... up again this indicatesa faultin the system The fault can be read outwith the PorscheSystemTester 2 Component exchange after airbag triggering Note A period of 10 secondsis requiredto enable the triggering unitto identifyall faults in the system In order to guaranteethat every possible fault source is checkedduring the vehicletest the ignition must be switchedon for at least 10 seconds Thefollowi...

Page 258: ...airbag unit Side airbag unit Sensor for the side airbag unit after the third time the side airbag is triggered 69 2b 69 Safety regulations for airbag vehicles Printed in Germany 25 1999 986692a www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 259: ...dthe passenger sairbagto be ignited ad ditionalignitionwith the specialtool 9257 must be carried out in order to ensurethat onlyparts withoutpyrotechnicalcontentsare scrapped Inthe case of airbag unitswhich cannotbe ig nited or if the conditionsfor safe ignitionare irl sufficient alwaysreturnthe airbag unitsto Por sche or the respectiveimporter in their original packaging Note Country specificstat...

Page 260: ...fectedmustbeinformed of theresulting noisebeforehand Useearprotec tors Maintaina safetydistanceby utilizingthe entire cable length of the ignitiontool Donotconnect thevoltagesourceuntilallother preparations arecomplete Choosea place in front of the vehicle This also appliesto persons notinvolved Performignitionwith the doors closedandthe side windowsopen Do not approachthe vehicleuntil after a wai...

Page 261: ...cial tool Explanation A Ignitiondevice 9257 9567 B C Ignitioncable Ignitioncable 9566 9257 2 D Ignition cable Order if required 69 59 Disposal of airbag units Printed in Germany 18 1998 69 5 986695 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 262: ...f the vehicle throughthe door gap Directlyto the 2 poleplug of the contact unit belowthe steeringcolumn Passenger sside 96 098 To plug connectionwith specialtools 9567 and9566 Placethe ignitiondevice in front of the vehicle throughthe door gap 6959 Disposal of airbag units Printed in Gennany 18 1998 69 6 986695 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 263: ...itiondeviceto a vehiclebattery and press the button Note The driver s and passenger sairbags and side airbags must be ignited separately 69 7 69 59 Disposal of airbag units Printed in Germany 18 1998 986695 C 3 0 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 264: ...ces upwards If removedfor an extendedperiod the airbag unit mustbe kept in a locked place Observethe safetyregulations 96 028 Note The self lockingscrews mustbe replaced everytime they are undone To do this undothe retaining bracket of the airbag unit 4 screws in the steeringwheel Installation 1 Tightening torque for fastening screws 2 screws M6 x 16 10 Nm 1 5 ftlb 2 Tightening torque for retainin...

Page 265: ...fwhenthe steeringwheelis pulled back Automaticunlockingof the CUalso occurs whenthe steeringwheelis placedin position c gJ _ Installation 1 Withthe front wheelsstill in straight aheadpo sition removethe airbag steeringwheel as de scribed in point 1 2 Ensure thatthe exactcenterposition arrows ofthe contactunitis maintained 30 96 3 Undothefastening screwsofthe contactunit IO g l I I 1 0 I 1718 68 31...

Page 266: ...he center console FO dup the safety bracketfrom the driver s si e Disconnectthe plug connectionfrom the ignitionunit 281 68 5 Fromthe passenger sside undothe shear off nuts and M6 hexagonnutand removethe ignitionunit Installation c Note Thefasteningpoints on the body mustbe metallicallybright Use a 1 4 inchAllenkey to tightenthe shear off nuts Tighteningtorque of the M6 hexagonnut 10 Nm 7 5 ftlb 7...

Page 267: ...3 Rerrove theairguideatthebottomright 4 Un othe airbag unitfrom belowand remove it at the back to the passenger sseat 11 73 96 Note Theairbag unit must alwaysbe depositedso that the airbag openingfaces upwards b f j 72 96 5 Disbonnectthe electricalplug connection 74 96 69 68 19 Removing and installing the passenger s airbag Printed in Germany 1996 986691 69 15 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased f...

Page 268: ... an extendedperiod the airbag unit mustbe kept in a locked place Observethe safetyregul tions Installation Tightening torque for fastening screws 2 screws M8 x 95 20 Nm 15 ftlb www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 269: ...rbag inscription liesa screw M5 x 1 that is fastened on the fasteningclip of the sid airbag unit Remov cover with Airbag inscriptionand unscre the screw lAI 4 Dis innectelectrical plug connectionand und fasteningscrews Carefullyremoveside airb g unitfrom the door 049_97 The airbag unitshouldb or packedin film and if extendedperiod stored a lockedroom Observe 1 01 1 Q J Q I 1 r I 161_97 69 17 69 63...

Page 270: ...igureC alwaysto the rear 8 162_97 2 After an accident the sensor of the triggered side airbag unit mustbe examinedfor damage 050_97 1 The cover film behindthe side airbag unit must not be damaged protects againstwater leakingin Note The sensor mustbe replacedafter the airbag hasbeentriggered for the third time 2 Install airbag unit with the inscription R in the right hand door and fasten Engage el...

Page 271: ...rprotection 69 72 19 Removingand installing roll over bar 262 96 69 51 69 72 19 Removing and installing roll over bar Printed In Germany 2 1996 9866951 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 272: Boxster Removingand installing roll over bar 14 69 72 19 Removing and installing roll over bar 9866951 Printed in Germany 2 1996 69 52 www WorkshopManuals co uk Purchased from www WorkshopManuals co uk ...

Page 273: ... 9 Pushin from the rear untilthe plastic tongues on the roll overbar en gage Pushin from the rear untilthe plastic tongues on the roll overbar en gage Insertthe windowinto the guidesand push it for ward into the lockingde vices untilthe windowen gages Checkand replace if necessary Positionthe cover at the plastic nuts and press in Positionthe cover at the plastic nuts and press in Positionthe cove...

Page 274: ...edadhesivetape at the roll overbar and presson Attach Covercap 3 15 Hexagon head bolt Undo Tighteningtorque 50 Nm 37 ftlb 16 1 Plastic washer 17 Sleeve 1 18 Covercap 1 19 Belt 1 20 Retainer 1 Screwtight with the hexa gon headbolt item 15 Positionit on the centre cover Item 7 and secure it with 3 2 mm tubular rivets 21 Right hand lockingdevice 1 Position lockingdeviceat the holeprovidedand se curei...

Page 275: ...ntto the centre of the convertibletop pin housing seefigure Adjustment procedure Unscrewthe collar nuts Item A at the front and rear screw mountingpoints Liftthe roll overbar and add or removelining plates Item B accordingto the requiredadjustment The sleeves Item C must not be removed The oval headscrew andthe fit ting pin Item D may be removed only if the roll over bar is replaced Dimension B 39...
