The device supports secure communication when included with enhanced security option and when communicating
to a device also supporting enhanced security option. Otherwise the device will automatically turn into normal
communication to maintain backward compatibility.
Installation Guidelines
The device comes ready to use with a battery already installed.
For battery change the device needs to be opened by removing the three little screws
on the backside of the device. Use a screwdriver or any other usable device to gently
push out the battery as shown on the picture. During reassembly watch the position of
the white rubber and make sure the silver buttons fi t exactly into the nipples of the
The device can be operated in two different modes. These modes are activated with the first configuration action after
factory default:
Button 1 for one sec.
(red/green blink) adds the KFOB to an existing network as
The four buttons will send
activate 4 different scenes
(Central Scene Command) in the central
gateway (For this a Z-Wave control center is required. In an existing Z-Wave network the KFOB
is able to control up to 4 different scenes with its four buttons.)
Button 3 for one sec.
(green blink) turns the KFOB into inclusion status and a Z-Wave actuator
can be added to the wireless network. Consult the manual of the new device how to start the inclusion
process (e.g. pushing local inclusion button three times).
The KFOB can even control devices without a central controller and will become
of an own Z-Wave network. The connected new device (actuator) can be controlled
using the two buttons left (Button 1 = up/on/open, Button 3 = down/off/closed).
When the KFOB is primary controller the very first device included will be automatically put into button group A (left
buttons 1 and 3) and the command set will change according to the rules just mentioned. All other devices need to be
put in button groups manually.
Management Mode
After the first action you can further manage (add/remove more devices when primary; wakeup; reset to default) and
configure the KFOB using the management mode. To activate this management mode push all four buttons for one
second simultaneously (green blinks slowly). The buttons will have different functions:
When in Secondary Controller Mode:
Push Button 1: Start Learn Mode. This allows to be removed or re-added from/to a network
Push Button 2: Manually wakeup the device and issue a ‘Node Information Frame’
Push Button 3 followed by Button 4 for 5 Seconds: Reset to Factory Defaults
When in Primary Controller Mode:
Push Button 2: Manually wakeup the device and issue a ‘Node Information Frame’
Push Button 3: Activate Primary controller mode. After this you must select the action as primary controller with
another short click on one of the buttons:
Button 1: Start inclusion of a Z-Wave device
Button 2: Start forced-unsecure inclusion
Add as
Add new
device to
controller then)