Pontiac 1997 Firebird Owner'S Manual Download Page 209

Summary of Contents for 1997 Firebird

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Page 2: ... under different conditions Problems on the Road This section tells what to do if you have a problem while driving such as a flat tire or overheated engine etc Service and Appearance Care Here the manual tells you how to keep your Pontiac running properly and looking good Maintenance Schedule This section tells you when to perform vehicle maintenance and what fluids and lubricants to use Customer ...

Page 3: ...ac so it willbe there if you ever need it when you re on the road If you sell the vehicle please leave this manual in it so the new owner can use it Litho in U S A Part No 10293226B First Edition WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION THROUGH A U T O M O T I V E Nationalinstitutefor S E R V I C E E X C E L L E N C E We support voluntary technician certification For Canadian OwnersWho Prefer...

Page 4: ...nual and the page number where you ll find it Safety Warnings and Symbols You will find a number of safety cautions in this book We use a box and the word CAUTION to tell you about things that could hurt you if youwere to ignor e the warning I A CAUTION I These mean there is something thatcouldhurt you or other people In the caution area we tell you what the hazard is Then we tellyou what to do to...

Page 5: ...p avoid the damage When you read other manuals you might see CAUTION and NOTICE warningsin different colors or in different words You ll also see warning labels on your vehicle They use the same words CAUTION or NOTICE Also i nthis book you will findthesenotices not becovered by your warranty anditcouldbe costly These mean there is something that could damage your vehicle iv ...

Page 6: ... your passengers whenever your vehicle is driven DOOR LOCK UNLOCK FASTEN SEAT BELTS i AIR BAG p These symbols have to do with your lamps SIGNALS 6 TURN PARKING PC LAMPS FOG LAMPS 0 These symbols are on some of your controls WINDSHIELD DEFROSTER WINDOW DEFOGGER VENTILATING FAN These symbols are used on warning and indicator lights COOLANT TEMP CHARGING BATTERY SYSTEM BRAKE 0 COOLANT a ENGINEOIL w P...

Page 7: ...b NOTES vi ...

Page 8: ...eats and Seat Controls Safety Belts They re for Everyone Here Are Questions Many People Ask About Safety Belts and the Answers How to Wear Safety Belts Properly Driver Position Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy Right Front Passenger Position Supplemental Restraint System SRS 1 27 Rear Seat Passengers 1 30 Children 1 32 Child Restraints 1 38 Larger Children 1 41 Safety Belt Extender 1 41 Checking Yo...

Page 9: ...seat while the vehicle is moving The sudden movement could startle and confuse you or make you push a pedal when you don t want to Adjust the driver s seat only when the vehicle is not moving Move the lever under the passenger s front seat to unlock it Slide the seat to where you want it Then release the lever and try to move the seat with your body to make sure theseat is locked into place Be sur...

Page 10: ...seat to where you want it Then release the lever and try to move the seat withyour body tomake sure the seat is locked into place To raise or lower the entire seat lift the lever under the right frontof the seat and lean forward or backward The driver s seat has three controls on the left side A The front control makes the front of the seat goUP and down B The center controlmakes the whole seatgo ...

Page 11: ...back support To inflate press the raised button To deflate pressthe indented button RecliningFront Seatbacks I The switch pads on the outer sideof the seats inflate and deflate parts of your seatback The two buttons that have dots inflate and deflate the side bolster of the seatback To inflate press the raised button To deflate press the indented button To adjust the seatback lift the lever on the...

Page 12: ...rt seats yourrecliner lever looks like this But don t have a seatbackreclined if your vehicle ismoving I r CAC JON Sitting in a reclined position when your vehicle is in motion can be dangerous Even if you buckle CAUTION Continued 1 5 ...

Page 13: ...wn so that the topof the restraint is closest to the top ofyour ears This position reduces the chance of a neck injury in a crash On some models the head restraints tilt forward and rearward also Front Seatback Latches The front seatbacks fold forward to let people get into the back seat To fold a seatback forward lift the latch locatedon the lower backside of the seatback Then the seatback will f...

Page 14: ... you how to use safetybelts properly It also tellsyou some thingsyou should notdo with safety belts And it explains the Supplemental Restraint System SRS or a i rbag system Don t letanyone ride where he or she can t wear a safety belt properly If you are in a crash and you re not wearing a safety belt your injuries can be much worse You can hit things inside the vehicle or be ejected from it You c...

Page 15: ... Reminder Light in the Index In most states and Canadian provinces the law says to I wear safetybelts Here s why They work You never knowif you ll be in a crash If you do havea crash you don t know if it will be a bad one A few crashesare mild and some crashes can be so serious that even buckled up a person wouldn t survive But most crashes are in between In many of them people who buckle up can s...

Page 16: ...Why Safety BeltsWork When you ride in or on mydung you go as fast as it goes Takethe simplest vehicle Supposeit sjust a seat on wheels I Put someone on it 1 9 ...

Page 17: ...Get it up to speed Then stop the vehicle The rider doesn t stop The person keeps goinguntil stoppedby something In a real vehicle it could be the windshield 1 10 ...

Page 18: ...Dane1 or the safety belts With safety belts you slow down asthe vehicle does You get more time to stop You stop over moredistance and your strongest bones take the forces That s why safety belts make such good sense 1 11 ...

Page 19: ...work with safety belts not instead of them Every air bag system ever offered for salehas required the use of safety belts Even if you re in a vehicle that has air bags you still have to buckle upto get the most protection That s true not only in frontal collisions but esp eciallyin side and other collisions If I m a good driver andI never drive far from home why should I wear safety belts A You ma...

Page 20: ...We ll start with the driver position Driver Position This part describes the driver s restraint system Lap Shoulder Belt The driver has a lap shoulder belt Here s howto wear it properly 1 Close and lock thedoor 2 Adjust the seat to see how see Seats in the Index so you can situp straight 3 4 Pick up the latch plate and pull the belt across you Don t let it get twisted On convertible models the sho...

Page 21: ...make sure it is secure If the belt isn t long enough see Safety Belt Extender at the end of this section Make sure the release button on the buckle is positioned so you would be able to unbuckle the safety belt quickly if you ever had to 5 To make the lappart tight pull down on the buckle end of the belt as you pull up on the shoulderbelt 1 14 ...

Page 22: ...u slid under it the belt would apply force at your abdomen This could cause seriousor even fatal injuries The shoulder belt should go over the shoulder and across the chest These parts of the body are best able to take belt restraining forces The safety belt locks if there s a sudden stop or crash On convertible models the safety belt also locks if you pull the belt very quickly out of the retract...

Page 23: ... is too loose It won t give nearly as much protection this way You can beseriously hurt if your shoulder belt is too loose Ina crash you would move forward too much which could increase injury The shoulder belt should fit against your body 1 16 ...

Page 24: ...be seriouslyinjured if your belt is buckled in thewrong place like this In a crash the belt would goup over your abdomen The belt forces would be there not at the pelvic bones This could cause seriousinternal injuries Always buckle your belt into the buckle nearest you 1 17 ...

Page 25: ...ouslyinjured if you wear the shoulder belt under your arm In a crash your body would move too far forward which would increasethe chanceof head and neck injury Also the belt would apply too much force to the ribs which aren t as strong as shoulder bones You could also severely injure internal organs like yourliver or spleen 1 18 ...

Page 26: ...usly injured by a twisted belt In a crash you wouldn t have the full width of the belt to spread impact forces If a beltis twisted make it straightso it can work properly or ask your dealerto fix it A The belt is twisted across the body 1 19 ...

Page 27: ... you can damage both the belt and your vehicle Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy Safety belts work for everyone including pregnant women Like all occupants they are more likely to be seriously injured if they don t wear safety belts A pregnant woman should wear a lap shoulder belt and the lap portion should be worn as low as possible below the rounding throughout the pregnancy 1 20 ...

Page 28: ...air bag for the right front passenger Here are the most important things to know about the air bag system 7 You can be severelyinjured or killed ina crash if you aren t wearing your safety belt even if you have air bags Wearing your safety beltduring a crash helps reduce your chanceof hitting things inside the vehicle or being ejectedfrom it Air bags are supplemental restraints to the safety belts...

Page 29: ...ontrol of the vehicle An inflating air bag can seriously injure small children Always secure children properly in your vehicle To read how see the part of this manual called Children and the caution label on the right front passenger s safety belt L AIR BAG J There is an air bag readiness light on the instrument panel which shows AIR BAG The system checks the air bag electrical system for malfunct...

Page 30: ...ow the Air Bag SystemWorks Where are the air bags The driver s airbag is in the middle of the steering wheel I The right front passenger s air bag is in the instrument panel on the passenger s side 1 23 ...

Page 31: ... so that it canbe somewhat above or below this range If your vehicle strikes something that will move ordeform such as a parked car the threshold level will be higher The air bagis not designed to inflate in rollovers side impacts or rear impacts because inflation would not help the occupant In any particular crash no one cansay whether an air bag should have inflatedsimply because of the damage t...

Page 32: ...arts of the bag that come into contact with you may be warm but not too hot to touch There willbe some smokeand dust coming from vents in the deflated air bags Air bag inflation doesn t prevent the driver from seeing or frombeing able to steer the vehicle nor does it stop people from leaving the vehicle When anair bag inflates there is dust in the air This dust could cause breathing problems for p...

Page 33: ...ings S ring Your Air Bag Equipped Pontiac Air bags affect how your Pontiac should be serviced There areparts s f the air bag system in several places around your vehicle You don t want the system to inflate while someone is working on your vehicle Your Pontiac deal erand the Firebird Service Manual have information about servicing your vehicle and the air bag system To purchase a service manual se...

Page 34: ...sh And they can strike others in the vehicle who are wearing safety belts n Lap ShoulderBelt The rear seats have lap shoulderbelts Here s how to wear one properly 1 Pick up the latch plateand pull the belt across you Don t let it get twisted On convertible models the shoulder belt may lock if you pull the belt across you very quickly If this happens let the belt go back slightly to unlock it Then ...

Page 35: ...e sure it issecur e If the belt is not long enough see Safety Belt Extender at the end of this section Make sure the release button on the buckle ispositioned so you would be ableto unbuckle the safety belt quickly if you ever had to 3 To make the lap part tight pull down on the buckle end of the belt as you pull up on the shoulder part 1 28 ...

Page 36: ...injuries The shoulder belt should go over the shoulder and across the chest These parts of the body are best able to take belt restraining forces The safety belt locks if there s a sudden stop or a crash On convertible models the safety belt also locks if you pull the belt very quickly out of the retractor A CAUTION I I You can be seriously hurt if your shoulder belt is too loose In a crash you wo...

Page 37: ...en and babies should alwaysbe restrained in a child or infant restraint The instructions for the restraint will say whether it is the right type and size for your child A very young child s hip bones are so small that a regular belt might not stay low on the hips as it should Instead the belt will likely beover the child s abdomen In a crash the belt would apply force right on the child s abdomen ...

Page 38: ...a crash During a crash a baby will become so CAUTION Continued heavy youcan t hold it For example ina crash at only 25 mph 40 kmh a 12 lb 5 5 kg baby will suddenlybecome a 240 lb 110kg forceon your arms The baby would be almost impossible to hold Securethe baby in an infant restraint 1 31 ...

Page 39: ...u put your child restraint in the rear seat Never put a rear facing child restraint in the front passenger seat Here s why A child in a rear facing child restraint can be seriously injured if the right front passenger s air bag inflates This is because the back of a rearfacing child restraint would be very close to the inflating air bag Always secure a rear facing child restraintin the rearseat Yo...

Page 40: ...e anchor isn t installedcorrectly it can make a hole inthe fuel tank either then or in a later collision Gasoline couldleak out and be ignited and people in the vehicle or outsideit could bebadly burned Don t install the anchoryourself unless you know youcan do itcorrectly Far cars first sold in Canada child restraints with a top strap must be anchored according to Canadian law Your dealer can obt...

Page 41: ...or the child restraint 2 Secure the childin the childrestraint as the instructions say 3 Pick up the latch plate and run the lap and shoulder portions of the vehicle s safety belt through or around the restraint The child restraint instructions will show you how 4 Tilt the latch plate to adjust the belt if needed If the shoulder belt goes in front of the child s face or neck put it behind the chil...

Page 42: ...lt pull up on the shoulder beltwhile 7 Push and pull the child restraint in different you push down on the child restraint directions to be sureit is secure To remove the child restraint just unbuckle the vehicle s safety belt and let it go back all theway The safetybelt will move freely again and be ready to work foran adult or larger child passenger 1 35 ...

Page 43: ...n the rear seat You ll be using the lap shoulder belt See the earlier part about the top strap if the child restraint has one 1 Because your vehicle has a right front passenger air bag always move the seat as far back as it will go before securing a forward facing child restraint See Se ats in the Index 2 Put the restraint on the seat Follow the instructions for the child restraint 3 Secure the ch...

Page 44: ... needed If the shoulder belt goes in front of the child s face or neck put it behind the child restraint I 6 Buckle the belt Make sure the releasebutton is positioned so you would be ableto unbuckle the safety belt quickly if you ever had to 1 37 ...

Page 45: ...llthe way The safety belt will move freelyagain and be ready to work for an adult or larger child passenger Larger Children Children who have outgrown child restraints should wear the vehicle s safety belts Accident statistics show that children are safer if they are restrained in the rear seat But they need to use the safety belts properly Children who aren t buckled up can be thrown outin Childr...

Page 46: ...lt must be used by only oneperson at a time What if a child is wearing a lap shoulder belt but the child is so small that the shoulderbelt is very closeto the child s faceor neck A Move thechild toward the centerof the vehicle but be surethat the shoulder belt still is on the child s shoulder so that in a crash the child s upper body would have the restraint that belts provide 1 39 ...

Page 47: ... this way in a crash the child might slideunder the belt The belt s force would then be applied right on the child s abdomen That could cause seriousor fatal injuries Wherever the child sits the lap porti onof the belt should be worn low and snug on the hips just touching the child s thighs This applies belt force to the child s pelvic bones in a crash 1 40 ...

Page 48: ...might keepa safety belt system from doing itsjob have it repaired Torn or frayed safety belts may not protect you in a crash They can rip apartunder impact forces If a belt is torn or frayed geta new one right away Also look for any opened or broken air bag covers and have them repaired or replaced The air bag system does not need regular maintenance Replacing Restraint System Parts After a Crash ...

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Page 50: ...Vehicle and Content Theft Deterrent System Feature Customization New Vehicle Break In Ignition Switch Starting Your Engine Engine Coolant Heater Automatic Transmission Operation Manual Transmission Parking Brake Shifting Into PARK P Parking Your Vehicle PASS K 11 2 40 2 4 1 2 41 2 43 2 43 2 44 2 44 2 51 2 54 2 56 2 58 2 59 2 60 2 6 1 2 68 2 74 2 77 Shifting Out of PARK P Parking Over Things ThatBu...

Page 51: ...hild or others couldbe badly injured or even killed They could operatepower windowsor other controls or even make the vehicle move If they turned theignitionto ON andmoved the shift lever out of PARK a that would release the parking brake Don t leave the keys in a vehicle with young children 2 2 ...

Page 52: ...these plugs If you need a new ignition key contact your Pontiac dealer who can obtain the correct key code Remember to carry the pre cut emergency key which Pontiac sends after delivery In an emergency call Pontiac Roadside Assistance at 1 800 ROADSIB or 1 800 762 3743 In Canada call 1 800 268 6800 When a new Firebird is delivered the dealer removes the plugs from the door keys and gives them to t...

Page 53: ...f the doorsaren t locked Wear safety belts properly lockyour doors and you will be far better off wheneveryou drive your vehicle There are several ways to lockand unlock your vehicle From the outside use your door key If your vehicle has the Vehicle and Content Theft Deterrent System and it is armed unlocking and opening a door this way will set off the alarm See Vehicle and ContentTheft Deterrent...

Page 54: ...times indicating that Last Door Closed Locking hasbeen activated Pressing the LOCK switch again will lock the doors immediately Pressing the UNLOCK switch will cancel a previously requested Last Door Closed Locking This featureis shipped from the factory in the off position To turn this feature on see Feature Customization in the Index Lockout Prevention If Equipped To protect you from locking you...

Page 55: ... the FCC Rules Operation is subject to thefoll owingtwo conditions 1 this device maynot cause harmful interference and 2 this device must accept any interference received including interference thatmay cause undesired operation This devicecomplies with RSS 210 of Industry and Science Canada Operation is subject to the following two conditions 1 this devicemay not cause interference and 2 this devi...

Page 56: ... System inthe Index If your vehicle is equipped with the Vehicle and Content Theft Deterrent System youwill have a fourth button on your key chain transmitter This button is the panic button If you are involved in a panic situation press this button and your vehicle s horn will sound and the parking lamps willflash This will draw needed attention to youand your vehicle To turn this feature off eit...

Page 57: ...ion If this doesnot happen you may need to replace thebattery in your transmitter Transmitter Verification I Equipped This feature provides feedbackto the holderof the remote keyless entry transmitter that a command has been received by the keyless entry receiver The parking larnps will flash on every lock and unlockcommand and the horn will sound only if the LOCK button is pushed twice within fiv...

Page 58: ...ch Your transmitter is now ready to match your vehicle 4 Press and hold theLOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the first transmitterfor 15seconds The vehicle will respond as in Step3 5 Repeat Step4 for the remaining transmitters 6 When you have finishedmatching all of your 7 Check that alltransmitters work by pressing their buttons transmitters replace theRADIO fuse If the transmitters don t work or if you...

Page 59: ...hicle See Synchronization in the Index 4 Replace the back cov er Make surethe cover is on 5 Check the transmitter operation If the transmitter Hatch It can be dangerous to drive with the hatch open becausecarbon monoxide CO gas can comeinto your vehicle You can t seeor smell CO It can cause unconsciousness and even death If you must drive with the hatch open or if electrical wiring or other cable ...

Page 60: ...smitter to open the hatch Press the switchunder the Main LampControl to unlock the hatch from inside your vehicle If you have an automatic transmission your shift lever must be in PARK P or NEUTRAL N to use the switch If you have amanual transmission and the ignition switch is in RUN you must set the parking brake before you can use the switch The switch only works when the ignition switch is in R...

Page 61: ...t do it When you park your Pontia c and open the driver s door you ll heara chime remindingyou to remove your key from the ignition and take it with you Alwaysdothis Your steering wheel will be locked and so will your ignition If you have an automatic transmission taking your key out also locks your transmission And remember to lock the doors Parking at Night Park in a lighted spot close all windo...

Page 62: ...arder blows to the vehicle Its sensitivity can be adjusted if more or lesssensitivity is desired Note If sensitivity is increased too much it may give false alarms caused by gusts of wind or other natural events that may shake the vehicle To adjust remove the label covering the adjustment knob on the sensor and adjust as desired Turn clockwise to increase sensitivity and turn counterclockwise to d...

Page 63: ...try Transmitter Locking If all the doors are closed locking the vehicle with the transmitter will immediately arm thesystem The horn will chirp twice and the parking lamps will flash confirming that the system is armed If any dooris open when the transmitter LOCK button is pressed the system goes into an armed wait mode waiting for the doors to close Oncethey are closed the system will arm chirp t...

Page 64: ... If you started the alarm by pressing the panic button on the key chain transmitter you must either push that button again or turn the ignition switch to the RUN position to stop the alarm If the alarmis sounding due to the shock sensor or a door orhatch opening it can beturned off by either turning the ignition switch with a proper key inserted or by pressing any button on thekey chain transmitte...

Page 65: ...down the vehicle s starter and fuel systems For about three minutes the starter won t work and fuel won tgo to the engine If someone tries to start your vehicle againor uses anotherkey during this time the vehicle willnot start This discourages someone from randomly trying different keys with different resistor pellets in an attempt to make a match The ignitionkey must be clean and dry before it s...

Page 66: ...he PASS Key II system If you lose or damage a PASS Key I1ignition key see your Pontiac dealer or a locksmith who can service PASS Key I1 to have a new key made In an emergency call the Pontiac Roadside Assistance Program at 1 800 ROADSIm or1 800 762 3743 Feature Customization If Equipped Your Pontiac s locks and lighting systemscan be programmed with several different features The features you can...

Page 67: ...t Remote Lock Control Verification Arming Method Arming Verification Driver s Door Delay and Shock Sensor Enable Exit Lightingand Delayed Illumination Exit Lighting Your interior lights will come on for up to 25 seconds when the key is removed from the ignition switch Delayed Illumination Your interior lights willstay on for up to 25 seconds when entering your vehicleand up to five seconds when le...

Page 68: ...king Only If the power door lock switch is used to lock the vehicle while any door is open you will hear three chimes Thedoors will not lock until after all doors are closed Mode 4 Both On This combines Mode 2 and 3 Remote Keyless Entry Lock Verification Your vehicle comes with this feature setin Mode 5 This means that when you use the key chain transmitter to lockhnlock your vehicle your parking ...

Page 69: ...etlerrentArming Method Your vehicle comes with this feature set in Mode 3 This means that both your key chain transmitter and the power door lock switch will actively arm the system To change the factory setting do the following 1 Press the UNLOCK switch on the door 2 Count the numberof chimes you hear The number of chimes tellsyou which modeyour vehicle is set for 3 Press the UNLOCK switch on the...

Page 70: ... hear The number of chimes tells you which mode your vehicle is set for 3 Press the LOCK switch on the key chain transmitter until you hear the number of chimes that correspond to the mode selection you want Mode 1 All Off No horn chirps or parking lamp flash Mode 2 Horn and Lamps Your parking lamps will flash and your horn will chirp twice to verify the system is armed using any arming method Mod...

Page 71: ... driver s door is opened with your key and the shock sensor will not be available to measure sharp blows to your vehicle Mode 2 Eight Second Delay and Shock Sensor Disabled The alarm willsound eight secondsafter the driver s door is opened with your key and the shock sensor will not be availableto measure sharp blows to your vehicle Mode 3 Zero Relayand Shock Sensor Enabled The alum will sound imm...

Page 72: ...ew brake linings aren t yet broken in Hard stops with new linings can mean premature wear and earlierreplacement Follow this breaking in guideline every time you get new brake linings Don t tow a trailer during break in See Towinga Trailer in the Index for more information C I D A E With the ignition key in theignition switch you can turn the switch to five positions ACC A Position in whichyou can...

Page 73: ...r electrical power accessories and to display some instrumentpanel warning and indicator lights START E Starts the engine When the engine starts release the key The ignition switch will return to RUN ornormal driving Note that even if the engine is not running ACC and RUN allow you to operate yourelectrical accessories such as the radio and ventilation fan Key Release Button If you have a manual t...

Page 74: ...could break the key or the ignition switch If none of this works then your vehicle needs service Starting Your Engine Automatic Transmission Move your snm lever to PARK P or NEUTRAL N Your engine won t start in any other position that s a safety feature To restart whenyou re already moving use NEUTRAL N only NOTICE Don t try to shift to PARK P if your Pontiac is moving If you do you could damage t...

Page 75: ... your battery 3 If your enginestill won t start or starts but then stops it could be flooded with too much gasoline Try pushing your accelerator pedala l lthe way to the floor and holding it there as you hold the key in START for about three seconds If the vehiclestartsbriefly but then stops again do the same thing butthis time keepthe pedal down for five or six seconds This clears the extra gasol...

Page 76: ...uring engine warm up Usually the coolant heater should be plugged in a minimum of four hours prior to starting your vehicle To Use the Coolant Heater 1 Turn off the engine 2 Open the hood and unwrap the electrical cord 4 Before starting the engine be sureto unplug and store the cord as it was before to keep it away from hot pipes manifold or any moving engine parts If you don t it could be damaged...

Page 77: ...is not fully inPARK P with the parking brakefirmly set Yourvehicle can roll Don t leave your vehicle when the engine is running unless you have to If you have left the engine running the vehicle can move suddenly You or others could be injured To be sure your vehicle won t move even when you re on fairly level ground always setyour parking brake and move the shift lever to PARK P See Shifting Into...

Page 78: ...VERSE R while your vehicle is moving forward could damage your transmission Shiftto REVERSE R only after your vehicle is stopped To rock your vehicle back and forth to get out of snow ice or sand without damaging your transmission see Stuck In Sand Mud Ice or Snow in the Index NEUTRAL N In this position your engine doesn t connectwith the wheels To restart when you re already moving use NEUTRAL N ...

Page 79: ...oose THIRD 3 instead of AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE 0 When driving on hilly winding roads When towing a trailer so there is less shifting between gears When going down a steep hill SECOND 2 This position gives you more power but lower fuel economy You can use SECOND 2 on hills It can help control your speed as you go down steep mountain roads but then you would also want to use your brakes off and 0n Don ...

Page 80: ...ill don t hold your vehicle there with only the accelerator pedal This could overheatand damage the transmission Use your brakesor shift intoPARK P to hold your vehicle in position on a hill Maximum enginespeed is limited to protect driveline components from improper operation Second Gear Start If Equipped 3800 Engine Your vehicle may be equipped with a second gear start feature Press 2ND GEAR STA...

Page 81: ...l You can shift intoFIRST 1 when you re going less than 20 mph 32 km h If you ve come to a complete stop and it s hard to shiftinto FIRST l put the shift lever in NEUTRAL N and let up on the clutch Press the clutch pedal back down Then shift into FIRST 1 SECOND 2 Press the clutch pedalto the flooras you let up on the accelerator pedal and shift into SECOND 2 Then slowly letup on the clutchpedal as...

Page 82: ...VERSE R along with the parking brake for parking your vehicle This isyour shift pattern Here s how to operate your transmission FIRST 1 Press the clutch and shift into FIRST 1 Then slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the accelerator pedal You can shift into FIRST 1 when you re going less than 20 mph 32 km h If you ve cometo a complete stop and it s hard to shift to FIRST l put the shift...

Page 83: ...t or idle your engine REVERSE R To back up press down the clutch pedal and shift into REVERSE R Let up on the clutch pedal slowly while pressing the accelerator pedal If you shift fromSIXTH 6 into REVERSE R the shift lever must be first placed in NEUTRAL N position centered between SECOND 2 and THIRD 3 prior to shifting into REVERSE R Your six speed manual transmission has a feature that allows yo...

Page 84: ...FOURTH 4 gear only Once you are in FOURTH 4 gear you can press the clutch again and shift into another gear Follow the shift speeds in this chart when the SKIP SHIFT lightis on Computer Aided Manual Transmission Shift Speeds 1st to 4th 15 mph 24 k d h 0 4th to 5th 25 mph 40 km h 5th to 6th 40 mph 64 km h Each timeyou come to a stop the engine s Powertrain Control Module PCM determines when to acti...

Page 85: ... 3 I 3 t o 4 I 4to5 I S t 0 6 72 75 I N A 45 47 If your speed drops below 20 mph 30km h or if the engine is not running smoothly you should downshiftto the next lower gear You may have to downshift two or more gears tokeep the engine running smoothly or for good performance Limited SlipRear Axle If you have this feature your rear axle can give you additional traction on snow mud ice sand or gravel...

Page 86: ...rking brake lever If the ignition is on the brake system warning light will come on To release the parking brake hold the brakepedal down Pull the parking brake lever up until you can push in the release button Hold the release button in as you move the brake lever all the way down 2 37 ...

Page 87: ...keep the trailer from moving Shifting Into PARK P Automatic Transmission Models Only It can be dangerous to get out of your vehicle if the shift lever isnot fully in PARK P with the parking brake firmly set Your vehicle can roll If you have left the engine running the vehicle can move suddenly You or others could be injured To be sure your vehicle won t move even when you re onfairly level ground ...

Page 88: ...ur vehicle with the ignition key in your hand your vehicle is in PARK P Leaving YourVehicle With the Engine Running Automatic Transmission Models Only It can be dangerous to leave your vehicle withthe engine running Your vehicle could move suddenly if the shift lever isnot fully in PARK P with the parking brakefirmly set And if you leavethe vehicle withthe enginerunning it could overheat and even ...

Page 89: ... Manual Transmission Before you get outof your vehicle put your manual transmission in REVERSE R and firmly apply the parking brake If your vehicle is equipped to tow a trailer see Towing a Trailer in the Index Shifting Out of PARK P Automatic Transmission Your Pontiac has a brake transmission shift interlock You have tofully apply your regular brake before you can shift from PARK P when the ignit...

Page 90: ...nsciousness and death You might have exhaust comingin if 0 Your exhaust system soundsstrange Your vehicle getsrusty underneath 0 Your vehicle wasdamaged in a collision 0 Your vehicle was damaged when driving over high points on the road or over road debris 0 Repairs weren t done correctly Your vehicleor exhaust system had been If you ever suspectexhaust is cominginto your vehicle 0 Drive it only w...

Page 91: ...e with the engine running Another closed in placecan be a blizzard See Blizzard in theIndex A CAUTION It can be dangerous to get out of your vehicle if the shift lever is not fully in PARK P with the parking brakefirmly set Your vehiclecan roll Don t leaveyour vehicle whenthe engine is running unless youhave to If you veleft the engine running the vehicle can move suddenly You or others couldbe in...

Page 92: ...want The switch for thedriver s window has an express down feature Quickly press and release the switch for the driver s window and the window will lower completely You can also open the driver s window any amount by pressing the switch again while the window is in the express down mode when it has lowered to the position you want Horn To sound the horn press either horn symbol on your steering wh...

Page 93: ... you exit and enter the vehicle To tilt the wheel hold the steeringwheel and pull the lever Move the steering wheel to a comfortable level then release thelever to lock the wheel in place The lever on the left side of the steering column includes your 0 Turn Signal and Lane Chaaage Indicator 0 Headlamp HighLow Beam Changer and Passing Signal Windshield Wipers Windshield Washer Cruise Control Optio...

Page 94: ... Hold it thereuntil you complete your lane change The lever will return by itself when you release it As you signal a turn or a lanechange if the arrows don t flash but just stayon a signal bulb may be burned out and other drivers won t see your turn signal If a bulb is burned out replace itto help avoid an accident If the arrowsdon t go on at all when you signal aturn check the fuse see Fuses and...

Page 95: ... closer to LO the shorter the delay For steady wiping at low speed turn the band away from you to the LO position Forhigh speed wiping turn the band further to HI To stop the wipers move the band to OFF Damaged wiper blades may prevent you from seeing well enough to drive safely To avoid damage be sure to clear ice and snow fromthe wiper blades before using them If they re frozen to the windshield...

Page 96: ... setting See Windshield Washer Fluid in the Index n freezingweather don t I your was1 r until the windshieldis warmed Otherwise the washer fluid canform ice on the windshield blocking your vision Cruise Control With cruise control you can maintain a speed of ab out 25 mph 40 kmh or morewithout keeping your foot on the accelerator This canreally help on long trips Cruise control doesnot work at spe...

Page 97: ...our vehicle is in cruise control when the optional traction control system begins to limit wheel spin the cruise control will automatically disengage See Traction Control System in the Index When road conditions allow you to safely use it again you may turn the cruise control back on SettingCruise Control I f you leave your cruise control switch on when you re not using cruise you might hit a butt...

Page 98: ...lerator pedal Suppose you set your cruise control at a desired speed and thenapply the brake or clutch pedal This of course shuts off the cruise control But you don t need to reset it Once you re going about 25 mph 40km h or more you can movethe cruise control switch from ON to R A Resume Accelerate for about half a second You ll go rightback up to your chosen speed and stay there ...

Page 99: ...d Eachtime you do this you ll go 1mpk 1 6km h slower Passing Another Vehicle While Using Cruise Control Use the accelerator pedal to increaseyour speed When you take your foot off the pedal your vehiclewill slow down to the cruise control speed you set earlier Using Cruise Control on Hills How well your cruise control will work on hills depends upon your speed load and the steepnessof the hills Wh...

Page 100: ...turns on your headlamps and other operating lamps p i This setting turns on your parking lamps without your headlamps Turn the knob to OFF to turn off the lamps 0 Headlamps On Reminder If you turn the ignition off and leavethe lamps on you will hear a chime lasting up to 5 seconds If the lamps are still on when you open the driver sdoor the chime will sound again 2 51 ...

Page 101: ... from freezing closed and when washing the vehicle to help clean the headlamps You can open the headlamp doors manually 1 Open the hood 2 Remove the plastic cover from the retractor motor knob 3 Turn the retractor motor knob counterclockwise until the headlamp dooris fully open The knob will get harder to turn when the headlamp dooris all the way up motor knob 4 Replace the plastic cover on the re...

Page 102: ...ular lamps will go off and your front turn signal lampswill come on On a non Canadian vehicle the headlamps have to be turned on manually when you need them When the headlamps areturned on the front turn signal lamps will go out Whenyou use yourturn signals the front turn signal lamp and the taillamp on the desired side will flash As with any vehicle you should turn OM the regular headlamp systemw...

Page 103: ...estarted if you do any of the following 1 Turn the ignition on 2 Open either door 3 Press any button on your Remote Lock Control transmitter 4 Turn the int eriorlamp switch fromoff to on 5 Open the hatch Delayed Illumination With delayed illumination the courtesy lamps will stay on for 25 seconds after you close the doors when entering the vehicle They will stay on for fiveseconds after you close ...

Page 104: ... features will continue to work for up to 10minutes or until either door is opened Your power door unlock and remote hatch release features will work when the ignition key is in the RUN or ACC positions or if either door is open Once the key is turned to OFF these featureswill continue towork or up to 10minutes If either dooris open and the ignition key is OFF these features will continue towork u...

Page 105: ...re Push the tab for daytime driving Outside Manual AdjustableMirror Adjust the passengefs side outside mirror by hand so that you canjust see the sideof your vehicle when you are sitting in a comfortable drivingposition Manual Remote Control Mirror Adjust the driver s side outside mirror with the lever on the door Adjust the mirror so that you just see the side of your vehicle when you are sitting...

Page 106: ...o adjust the mirror Convex Outside Mirror Your passenger s side mirror is convex A convex mirror s surface is curved so you can seemore from the driver s seat A convex mirror can make things like other vehicles look farther away than they really are If you cut too sharply into the right lane you could hita vehicle on your right Check your inside mirroror glance over your shoulder before changing l...

Page 107: ...e a compact disc player the console can be used for storing your compact discs Map Pocket If Equipped Each door has a map pocket Theremay also be amap pocket on the back of the seats Close Out Panel The close out panel can be closed for hidden storage in the rear area of your vehicle To remove the close outpanel 1 Close the panel If the close outpanel is not closed and resting on the trim panel it...

Page 108: ...hatit is securelyreattached Ashtray and Lighter Lift up the cover to open the ashtray To remove it lift up on either side of the ashtray If you have an automatic transmission the ashtray is near the front of your console If you have a manualtransmission the ashtray is near your cupholder I NOTICE Don t put papers and other things that burn into your ashtray If you do cigarettes or other smoking ma...

Page 109: ...ssories intoyour cigarette lighter such as heating devices or air ompressors these accessories should have a rated current of less than15amps Exceeding this limit will result in a blown fuse To block out glare YOU can swing down the visors You can also swing them to the side The elastic bands on your visor provide extra storage for maps or papers Covered Visor Vanity Mirror Full down the sun visor...

Page 110: ...ectricalequipment when not in use Leavingelectrical equipment on for extendedperiods can drain your battery We recornend that yousee a qualified technician or your dealer for the proper installation of your equipment Floor Mats Your Firebird s floor matsare custom fitted to thefloor wells Be sure the driver s floor mat is in place If it isn t it could interfere with the accelerator or brake pedal ...

Page 111: ...s over the front door window Turn the key to the leftto unlock the panel Then push on the release handle to unlatch the panel Lift the outer edge of the panel and pull it toward you Then carry the panelto the rearof the vehicle for storage 2 62 ...

Page 112: ...enever you store the roof panel in the vehicle always be sure that it is stored securelyin the correct storage slot with the T top handle closed Open the close out panel completely Place the panel in the correct slot DRIVER or PASSENGER in therear area of your vehicle Make surethe handle isopen and facing you when you put it in the storage slot 2 63 ...

Page 113: ...dpanel may fall into or fly off the vehicle Youor others could be injured After installing a T top panel always checkthat it is firmly attached by pushing up on the underside of the panel NOTICE the roof paneljoints This will cause leaks enter your vehicle Never spray water directly at High pressure car washes maycause water to 2 64 ...

Page 114: ...r the centerroof rail 2 After the inboard edge of the panel is in position under the center roof rail lower the outboard edge of the panel into position close the latchand lock the T top t NOTICE Do not attempt to install the panels by sliding them horizontally towards the center roof rail Doing so may cause the weatherstrips to be aligned improperly which may resultin leaks and possible damage to...

Page 115: ...m making sure the edge marked DRIVER FRONT is pointing to the front of the vehicle 3 4 Open the latch and close theT top Check to see if there are any gaps showing Unlatch the T top and adjust the sunshade as required Once the sunshadeis installed properly you can stick the Velcro buttons on the glass for a proper fit every time you install the sunshades To do this first remove theT top with the s...

Page 116: ...the T top Repeat theabove steps for the passenger side sunshade You can store the sunshades twodifferent ways When the T tops are in use store the sunshades in their storage area in the rearof the vehicle and make sure the close out panel is in its closed upright position When you have theT tops off and in their storage slots store the sunshades onthe T tops in their installed positions 2 67 ...

Page 117: ...rface Set the parking brake firmly shift an automatictransmission into PARK PIor a manual transmission into REVERSE R The ignition must be in the ACC or RUN position Lower both sun visors NOTICE Bun lower the top if it is damp orwet When the top is down trapped water can cause stains mildew and damage to the inside of your vehicle Be sure todry off the top before youlower it NOTICE It is not recom...

Page 118: ...p by pushing on the smallerpart of the latch then pulling down on the larger part of the latch Be sure the hook on the latch that attaches into the hole at the windshield releases Automatic Transmission 3 Be sure no one or nothing is on or around the top Push andhold the bottom of the convertibletop switch The switch is on the left side of your console for a manual transmission and in frontof the ...

Page 119: ...the trunk 3 Install the middle section of the coverby sliding the tabs into the slots on the right side cover Lower the cover and engage thelatch 4 Close the trunk 1 Open the trunk and removethe two side covers from the storage bag 2 Install the two side covers by engaging the tab into the front seatbelt cover Lower the covers onto the vehicle 2 70 ...

Page 120: ...The ignition must be in the ACC or RUN position orRAP must be on Lower both sun visors Lower both windows at least 3 inches 8 cm If the boot cover is in place it must be removed first 3 Remove thetwo side pieces of the boot cover by lifting the rear cover and sliding them out of their slots 2 Open thetrunk Remove the middle pieceof the cover by pushing in on thelatch and lifting up on the cover ...

Page 121: ...eachpiece of the cover in its separate compartment in the storagebag Store in the trunk and close the hatch Manual 7lkansmission Automatic Transmission 5 Push and hold the top of the convertible top switch 2 72 ...

Page 122: ...ch as a dead battery youcan still raiseor lower the topmanually by rotating the valve in the left side of the trunk Open the trunk and find thetab along theleft side trim panel Lift up the tab and turn the valveclockwise to release the hydraulicpressure Turn the ignition key to the LOCK position You can now raise or lower your top manually Be sure to close the valve afterinstalling your top so you...

Page 123: ...Instrument Panel 2 74 ...

Page 124: ... J Parking Brake Lever K StorageConsole L Rear Window Defogger Switch M Convertible Top Switch Automatic If Equipped N Traction Control SystemSwitch or Second Gear 0 Cigarette Lighter P Shift Lever Q Ashtray Automatic Transmission R Convertible Top Switch Manual If Equipped S Steering Wheel Controls T Remote Hatch Release Start Switch If Equipped ...

Page 125: ... instrumentcluster is designed to letyou know at a glancehow your vehicle is running You llknow how fast you re going about how much fuel you have lee and many other things you ll need to know to drive safely and economically 2 76 ...

Page 126: ...ts and gages that may be on your vehicle The pictures will helpyou locate them Warning lights and gages can signal that something is wrong before it becomes serious enough to cause an expensive repair or replacement Paying attention to your warning lights and gages couldalso save you or others frominjury Warning lights come on when theremay be or is a problem withone of your vehicle s functions As...

Page 127: ...cal problem The system check includes the air bag sensors theair bag modules the wiring and the crashsensing and diagnostic module For more information on the airbag system see Air Bag in the Index This lightwill come on when you startyour engine and it will flash for a few seconds Then the light should go out This means the systemis ready If the air bag readiness light stays on after you start th...

Page 128: ...ellow zone whileyou are driving you may have a problem with the electrical charging system Have it checked While the voltmeter reads in the yellow zone your battery may not be able to power certain electrical accessories like ABS If this happens your ABS INOP light will come on See Anti Lock Brake SystemWarning Light in this part If you must drive a short distance with the voltmeter reading ina wa...

Page 129: ...on for three seconds That s normal carefully have the vehicle towed for service If the light flashes when you re driving you don thave anti lock brakes and there could be a problem with your regular brakes Pull off the road andstop carefully You When the ignition is on thebrake system warning light may notice that the pedal is harder to push or the pedal on when YOu set Your Parking brake The may ...

Page 130: ...hing and the regular brake system warning light isn t on you still havebrakes but you don t have anti lock brakes The anti lockbrake system warning light should come on briefly when you turn the ignition key to RUN If the light doesn t come onthen have itfixed so it will be ready to warn youif there is a problem TCS OFF This warning light should come onbriefly as you start the engine If the warnin...

Page 131: ...s on and stays on for anextended period of time when the system is turned on your vehicle needs service Low TractionLight When your anti lock system is adjusting brake pressure to help avoid a braking skid this light will come on LOW TRAC If you have the traction control system this lightwill also come on when the systemis limiting wheel spin Slippery road conditions may exist if the low traction ...

Page 132: ...soon as possible In Problems on the Road this manual shows what to do See Engine Overheating in the Index Your Firebird is equipped with a LOW COOLANT indicator which is designed to detect when thecoolant level drops below set limits If the low coolant level sensor on the radiator drops while the engine is running the LOW COOLANT indicator will light and remain lit until the ignition switch is tur...

Page 133: ...he life of the vehicle helping to produce a cleaner environment In Canada OBD 1 1is replaced by Enhanced Diagnostics The SERVICE ENGINE SOON light comes on to indicate that there is a problem and service is required Malfunctions often willbe indicated by the system before any problem is apparent Thismay prevent more serious damage to your vehicle This system is also designed to assist your service...

Page 134: ...diagnosis and service may be required If the Light Is Flashing The following may prevent more serious damage to your vehicle 0 Reducing vehiclespeed 0 Avoiding hard accelerations 0 Avoiding steep uphill grades 0 If you are towing a trailer reduce theamount of cargo being hauled as soonas it ispossible If the light stops flashing and remains on steady see If the Light Is On Steady following If the ...

Page 135: ...r are sucked into thefuel line causing a misfire The system can detect this Adding fuel should correct this condition Make sureto install the fuel capproperly It will take a few driving trips to turn the light off If so be sure to fuel your vehicle with quality fuel see Fuel in the Index Poor fuelquality will cause your engine not to run as efficiently as designed You may notice this as stalling a...

Page 136: ...en 20 and 120psi 140to 827 kPa It may vary with engine speed outside temperatureand oil viscosity but readings abovethe red area show the normal operating range Readings in the red area tell you that the engine is low on oil or that you might have some other oil problem See Engine Oil in the Index Don t keepdriving if the oil pressure is low If you do your enginecan become so hot that it catchesfi...

Page 137: ...s on after starting your engine your engine oil level may be too low You may need to add oil See Engine Oil in the Index NOTICE The oil level monitoring system only checks the oil level when you are startingyour engine It does not keep monitoring the level once your engine is running Also the oil level check only works when the enginehas been turnedoff long enough for theoil to drain backinto the ...

Page 138: ...works only when the ignition switch is in the RUN position Here are four concerns some owners have had about the fuel gage All these situations are normal and do not indicate that anything is wrong with the fuel gage 0 0 0 0 At the gas station the gas pumpshuts off before the gage reads FULL F It takes more or less gas to fill up than the gage reads For example the gagereads 1 2full but it took mo...

Page 139: ...2 90 ...

Page 140: ... Ventilation Defogging and Defrosting Rear Window Defogger Ventilation System Audio Systems Setting the Clock for All Systems AM FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player 3 10 3 14 3 16 3 19 3 21 3 22 3 22 3 23 3 23 3 24 AM FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player and Equalizer AM FM Stereo with Compact Disc Player and Equalizer Trunk Mounted CD Changer Theft Deterrent Feature Steering Wheel Controls Underst...

Page 141: ... heater ducts With this system you can control the heating and ventilation in your Pontiac If you have the air conditioning option you can alsocontrol cooling Your vehicle also has the flow through ventilation system described later inthis section Fan Control Knob a FAN Turn this knob to select the forceof air you want r HEATER This setting directs mostof the air through the heater ducts and someo...

Page 142: ...vents The i 111 conditioner cumpressor operates in MAX AIC BI LEVEL BLEND and DEFROST when the outside temperature is above freezing When the air conditioner is on you may sometimes notice slight changes in your vehicle s engine speedand power This is normal because the system is designed to cyclethe compressor on and off to keepthe desired cooling and help fuel economy Cooling The airconditioner ...

Page 143: ... the Index comfortable setting Bi Level Heating You may want to use bi level heating on cool but sunny days This setting directs cool air toward your body and warmer air toward your feet 1 Turn the air controlknob to BI LEVEL 2 Turn the temperamre controlknob to a 3 Turn the fan control knob to the desired speed comfortable setting Ventilation For mild outside temperatures when little heating or c...

Page 144: ...for about fiveminutes only You can also turn the defogger off by pressing the switch again Do not attach anything like atemporary vehicle license or a decal across the defogger grid on the rear window NOTICE Don t use a razor blade or something else sharp ontheinside of the rear window If you do you could cutor damage the warming grid and the repairs wouldn t be covered by your warranty Your Ponti...

Page 145: ...em has been designed to operate easily and give yearsof listening pleasure You will get the most enjoyment outof it if you acquaint yourself with it first Find out what your Delco system can do and how to operate all its controls to be sure you re getting the most out o fthe advanced engineeringthat went into it If you have power door locks your vehicle has a feature called Retained Accessory Powe...

Page 146: ...ition when you re not using it SEEK Press the up or downarrow to go to the next higher or lowerstation and stay there PUSHBUTTONS The sixnumbered pushbuttons let you return to your favoritestations You can set up to 18 stations six AM six FM1 and six FM2 Just 1 Turn the radio on 2 Press AM FM to select the band 3 Tune in the desired station 4 Press and hold one of the sixnumbered buttons until SET...

Page 147: ...ette are playing The tape player automatically begins playing the other side when it reaches the end of the tape If E and a number appear on the radio display the tape won t play because of an error 0 E10 The tape is tight and the player can t turn the tape hubs Remove the tape Holdthe tape with the open end down and try to turn the right hub counterclockwise with a pencil Turn the tape over and r...

Page 148: ...Press this button to advance quickly to another part of the tape Press the button again to return to playing speed The radiowill play the last selected station while the tape advances You may select stations during FWD operation by using SEEK or TUNE AM FM Press this button to play the radio when a tape is in the player TAPEPLAY Press this button to change to the tape function when the radio is on...

Page 149: ...onds After three seconds the tape symbol in the display will flash for two seconds indicating the featureis active Turn the radio on and insert the adapter This override featurewill remain active until EJECT is pressed AM FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player and Equalizer I Equipped Included with the AM FM Stereowith Cassette Tape Player and Equalizer are 10high performance speakers and an 8 channe...

Page 150: ...ress AM FM to selectthe band 3 Tune inthe desired station 4 Press and hold one of the six numberedbuttons until SET appears on the display Whenever you press that numbered button the station you set willreturn 5 Repeat the stepsfor each pushbutton Setting the Tone EQUALIZER Aseven band equalizer is part of your audio system Slide the levers up to boost or down to reduce frequency range Adjusting t...

Page 151: ...an error nuniber write it down and provide it to your dealer when reporting the problem PREY 1 Press this button or the SEEK down arrowto search for the previous selection on the tape Your tape must have at least three secondsof silencebetween a h selection for PREV orSEEK to work The tape direction arrow blinks during PREV or SEEK operation Press PREV or the SEEK downarrow to stop searching The s...

Page 152: ...her the ignition or radio off Cassettes may be loaded with the radio off if this button is pressed first If you leave a cassette tape in the player while listening to the radio il may become warm CLN If this message appears onthe display the cassette tape player needs to be cleaned It will still play tapes but you should clean it as soon as possible to prevent damage tothe tapes and player See Car...

Page 153: ...inding a Station AM FM Press this buttonto switch betweenAM FM1 and FM2 The display shows your selection TUNE Press this knob lightlyso it extends Turn it to choose radio stations Push the knob back into its stored position when you re not using it SEEK Press theup or down arrowto go to the next higher or lower station and stay there PUSHBUTTONS The six numbered pushbuttons let you return toyour f...

Page 154: ...laying If you want to insert a disc when the ignition is off first press EJECT If you re drivingon a very rough road or if it s veryhot the discmay not play and E error anda number may appear onthe radio display If the disc comes out it could be that 0 The disc is upside down e It is dirty scratched or wet 0 The air is very humid If so wait about an hour and try again If any error occurs repeatedl...

Page 155: ...the player while listening to the radio it may become warm Trunk Mounted CD Changer If Equipped With the optional compact disc changer you can playup to 12discs continuously Normal size discs may be played using the trays supplied in the magazine The small discs 8 cm canbe played only with specially designed trays You must first load the magazine with discs before you can play a compact disc Each ...

Page 156: ... If E and a number appear on the display an error has occurred and the compact disctemporarily cannot play The CD changer will send an error message to the receiver to indicate E34 CD Changer Door Open 0 E35 CD Changer Cartridge Empty If the error occurred while trying to play a CD in the compact disc player or changer the following conditions may have caused the error 0 0 e e 0 The road is too ro...

Page 157: ... displayed to help you find the correctpassage FWD 6 Press and hold this buttonto quickly advance within a track As the CD advances elapsed time will be displayedto help you find the correct passage RECALL Press thisbutton to see what track is currently playing PressRECALL again within five seconds to see how long the track has been playing EL TM will appear on the displaywhen in elapsed time mode...

Page 158: ...f you allow more than15seconds to elapse between any steps the radio automatically reverts to time and you must start the procedure over at Step 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Write down any three or four digit numberfrom 000 to 1999and keepit in a safe place separatefrom the vehicle Turn the ignition to ACCESSORY or RUN Turn the radiooff Press the1and 4 buttons together Hold them down until shows on thedisp...

Page 159: ...forget your code contact your dealer Disabling the Theft Deterrent Feature Enter your secret code as follows pause no more than 15seconds between steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Turn the ignition to ACCESSORY or RUN Turn the radio off Press the 1 and 4 buttons together Hold them down until SEC shows on the display Press MIN and 000 will appear on thedisplay Press MIN again to make the lasttwo digits agree wit...

Page 160: ...a cassette tapeor compact disc is playing the player will advance with the up arrow and rewind with the down arrow PRESET Press this button to hear the radio stations that are set on yourpushbuttons Pressing this button while playing a tape will cause the tape to change sides If it is pressed while playing a CD the CD random feature canbe turned off and on If this button is pressed when using the ...

Page 161: ...l can be loud and harmful to your hearing Take precautions by adjusting the volume control on your radio to a safe sound level before your hearing adapts to it To help avoid hearingloss or damage Adjust the volume controlto the lowest setting Increase volumk slowly until you hear comfortably an dclearly NOTICE Before youadd any soundequipmentto your vehicle like a tape player CB radio mobile telep...

Page 162: ...headas the hubs of the cleaner cassette turn It is normalfor the cassetteto eject while cleaning Insert the cassetteat least three times to ensure thorough cleaning A scrubbing action cleaning cassette is available through your Pontiac dealership You may also choose a non scrubbing action wet type cleaner which uses a cassette with a fabric belt to clean the tape head This type of cleaning cassett...

Page 163: ... ignition off and on 6 Repeat if necessary NOTICE Don t lubricate the power antenna Lubrication could damageit NOTICE Before entering an automatic car wash turn off your radio to make the power antenna go down This will prevent the mast from possibly getting damaged If the antenna doesnot go down when you turn the radio off it may be damaged or need to be cleaned In either case lower the antenna b...

Page 164: ...NOTES 3 25 ...

Page 165: ...b NOTES 3 26 ...

Page 166: ...driving 4 2 4 2 4 5 4 6 4 10 4 12 4 13 4 14 4 15 Defensive Driving Drunken Driving Control of a Vehicle Braking Steering Off Road Recovery Passing Loss of Control Driving at Night 4 17 DrivinginRainandon Wet Roads 4 20 City Driving 4 22 BeforeLeaving on a Long Trip 4 25 Winter Driving 4 32 Towing a Trailer 4 21 Freeway Driving 4 23 Hill and Mountain Roads 4 30 Loading Your Vehicle 4 1 ...

Page 167: ...e It sthe best defensive driving maneuver in both city and rural driving You never know when the vehicle in front of you is going to brakeor turnsuddenly Drunken Driving Death and injury associated withdnnking and dnving is a national tragedy It sthe number one contributor to the highway death toll claiming thousands ofvictims every year Alcohol affects four things that anyoneneeds to drive a vehi...

Page 168: ...nking depends upon fourthings 0 The amount of alcohol consumed 0 The drinker s body weight The amount of food that is consumed before and during drinking consume the alcohol 0 The length of time it has taken the drinker to According to theAmerican Medical Association a 180 lb 82kg personwho drinksthree 12 ounce 355 ml bottles of beer in an hour will end up with a BAC of about 0 06 percent The pers...

Page 169: ...els above0 05percent Statistics show that the chanceof being in a collision increases sharply for drivers who have a BAC of 0 05percent or above A driver with a BAC level of 0 06 percent has doubled his or her chanceof having a collision At a BAC level of 0 10 percent the chanceof this driver having a collision is 12times greater at a level of 0 15percent the chance is 25 times greater The body ta...

Page 170: ...ng Ride homein a cab or if you re witha group designatea driver who will not drink Control of a Vehicle You have three systems that make your vehicle go where you want it to go They are the brakes the steering and the accelerator All three systems have to do their work at the places where the tires meet the road Sometimes as when you re drivingon snow or ice it s easy to ask moreof those control s...

Page 171: ...her it s pavement or gravel the condition of the road wet dry icy tire tread the condition of your brakes the weight of the vehicle and the amount of brake forceapplied Avoid needless heavy braking Some people drive in spurts heavy acceleration followed by heavy braking rather than keeping pace with traffic Thisis a mistake Your brakes may not have time to cool between hard stops Your brakes will ...

Page 172: ...ur brake pedal moves a little This isnormal ABS INOP If there s a problem with the anti lock brake system this warning light will stay on or flash See Anti Lock Brake System Warning Light in theIndex Here s how anti lock works Let s say the road is wet You re driving safely Suddenly an animal jumps out in front of you You slam on the brakes Here s what happens with ABS A computer senses that wheel...

Page 173: ...p ahead to stop even though you have anti lock brakes Using Anti Lock Don t pump the brakes Just hold the brake pedal down and let anti lock work for you You may feel the system working or you may notice some noise but this is normal When your anti lock systemis adjusting brake pressure to helpavoid a braking skid this light will come on See Low Traction Light in the Index Traction Control System ...

Page 174: ...t spare tire is on the rear axle the traction control system will cycle and limit accelerationfor about the first 15seconds of driving after each engine start If your vehicle is in cruise control when the traction control system begins to limit wheel spin the cruise control will automatically disengage When road conditions allow you to safely use it again you may re engage the cruise control See C...

Page 175: ...n and the traction control system warning light should go off If your car is equipped with P245 5OZR16 tires the traction control system will automatically turn off at speeds above 108mph 174km h The traction control system warning light will not come on When the vehicle speed drops below 103 mph 166 k m h the system will automatically come on again Braking in Emergencies With anti lock you can st...

Page 176: ...the way you want it to go and slow down Speed limitsigns near curves warn that you should adjust your speed Of course the posted speeds are based on good weather and road conditions Under less favorable conditions you ll want to go slower If you need to reduce your speed as you approach a curve do it before you enter the curve while your front wheels are straight ahead Try to adjust your speed so ...

Page 177: ...n the wheel once you have avoided the object The fact that such emergency situations are always possible is a good reason to practice defensivedriving at all times and wear safety belts properly IOFF ROAD RECOVERY I I edge of paved surface If the levelof the shoulderis only slightly below the pavement recovery shouldbe fairly easy Ease off the accelerator and then if there is nothing in the way st...

Page 178: ...ates it s all right to pass praviding the road ahead is clear Never cross a solid line on yourside of the lane or a double solid line even if the road seems empty of approaching traffic 0 Do not get too close to thevehicle you want to pass while you re awaiting an opportunity For one thing following too closely reduces your area of vision especially if you re following a larger vehicle Also you wo...

Page 179: ...iew what driving experts say about what happens when the three control systems brakes steering and acceleration don t have enough friction where the tires meet the road to do what the driverhas asked In any emergency don tgive up Keep tryingto steer and constantly seek anescaperoute or area of less danger Skidding In a skid a driver can lose control of the vehicle Defensive drivers avoid most skid...

Page 180: ... slippery surfaces because stopping distance will be longer and vehicle control more limited While driving on a surface with reduced traction try your best to avoid sudden steering acceleration or braking including engine braking by shifting to a lower gear Any sudden changes could cause the tires to slide You may not realize the surface isslippery until your vehicle is skidding Learn to recognize...

Page 181: ... night Theymay cut down on glare from headlamps butthey also make a lot of things invisible You can be temporarily blindedby approaching headlamps It can take a second or two or even several seconds for your eyes to readjust to the dark When you are faced withsevere glare as from a driver who doesn t lower the high beams or a vehicle with misaimed keadlamps slow down a little Avoidstaring directly...

Page 182: ...ddenly when your reflexes are tuned for driving on dry pavement The heavier th erain the harder it is tosee Even if your windshield wiper blades are in good shape a heavy rain can make it harder to see road signs and traffic signals pavement markings the edge of the road and even people walking It s wise to keep your windshield wiping equipment in good shape and keep your windshield washer tank fi...

Page 183: ...ry to avoid puddles But if you can t try to slow down beforeyou hit them Wet brakes can cause accidents They won t work as well ina quick stopand may cause pulling to one side You could lose control of the vehicle After driving through a large puddle of water or a car wash apply your brake pedal lightly until your brakes work normally 4 18 ...

Page 184: ...ing usually happens athigher speeds There just isn t a hard and fastrule about hydroplaning The best advice isto slow down when it is raining Driving Through Deep Standing Water NOTICE If you drive too quickly through deep puddies or standing water water can come in through your engine s air intake and badly damage your engine Never drive through water that is slightly lower than the underbody of ...

Page 185: ... timeand energy See the next part Freeway Driving Treat a green light as a warning signal A traffic light is there because the corner is busy enoughto need it When a light turns green and just before you start to move check both ways for vehicles that havenot cleared the intersection or mav be running the red light One of the biggest problems with city streets is the amount of traffic on them You ...

Page 186: ... have a clear view of the freeway as you drive along the entrance ramp you should begin to check traffic Try to determinewhere you expect to blend with the flow Try to merge into the gap at close to the prevailing speed Switch onyour turn signal check your mirrors and glance over your shoulder as often as necessary Try to blend smoothly with thetraffic flow Once you are on the freeway adjust yours...

Page 187: ...r comfortable clothing and shoes you can easily drive in Is your vehicle ready for a long trip If you keep it serviced and maintained it s ready to go If it needs service have it done before starting out Of course you ll find experienced and able service experts in Pontiac dealerships all across North America They llbe ready and willing to help if you need it Here aresome things you can check befo...

Page 188: ...the road in less than a second and you could crash and be injured What can you do about highway hypnosis First be aware that it canhappen Then hereare some tips 0 Make sure yourvehicle is well ventilated with a comfortably cool interior Keep your eyesmoving Scan the road ahead and to the sides Check your rearview mirrors and your instruments frequently If you get sleepy pull off the road into a re...

Page 189: ... letyour enginedo some of the slowing down Shiftto a lower gear when you go down a steep or longkill Coasting downhill in NEUTRAL N or with the ignition off is dangerous Your brakes will have to do all the work of slowing down They could getso hot that they wouldn t work well You would then have poor braking or even none going down a hill You c ouldcrash Always have your engine running and your ve...

Page 190: ...t you stay in your own lane could be something in yourlane like a stalled car or an accident You may seehighway signs onmountains that warn of special problems Examples are longgrades passing or no passing zones a falling rocks area o r winding roads Be alert to these and take appropriate action As you go over the topof a hill be alert There Winter Driving Here are some tips for winter driving 0 H...

Page 191: ...clude a small bag of sand a piece of old carpet or a couple of burlap bags to help provide traction Be sure you properly secure these items in your vehicle Driving on Snow or Ice Most of the time those places where your tires meetthe road probably have good traction However if there is snow or icebetween yourtires and the road you can have a very slippery situation You ll have a lot less traction ...

Page 192: ...stem accelerate gently Try not to break the fragile traction If you accelerate too fast the drive wheels will spin and polish the surface under the tires even more Your anti lock brakes improve your vehicle s stability when you make a hard stop ona slippery road Even though you have the anti lock braking system you ll want to begin stopping soonerthan you would on dry pavement See Anti Lock in the...

Page 193: ...ummon helpand keep yourself and your passengers safe Turn on your hazard flashers Tie a red cloth to your vehicle to alert policethat you ve been stopped by the snow Put on extra clothing or wrap a blanket around you If you have no blankets or extra clothing make body insulators from newspapers burlap bags rags floor mats anything you can wrap around yourself or tuck under your clothingto keep war...

Page 194: ...long as you must Thissaves fuel When you run the engine make it go a little faster than justidle That is push the accelerator slightly This uses less fuel for the heat that you get and it keeps the battery charged You will need a well charged batteryto restart the vehicle and possibly for signaling later on with your headlamps Letthe heater run for awhile Then shut the engine off and close the win...

Page 195: ...ghtthat you can carry This weight is called the vehicle capacity weight and includes the weightof all occupants cargo and all nonfactory installed options MFB BY GENERAL MOTORS CORP DATE GVWW GAWR FRT GAWR RR THIS VEHICLE CONFORMS TO ALL APPLI CABLE U S FE DERALMOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY BUMPER AND THEFT PREVENTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF MANUFACTURE SHOWN ABOVE The other labelis the Certific...

Page 196: ...cle handles These could causeyou to lose control Also overloadingcan shorten the life of your vehicle Thingsyou put inside your vehicle can strike and injurepeople in a sudden stop or turn or in a crash Put things in the rear areaof your vehicle Try to spread the weight evenly Never stack heavier things likesuitcases inside the vehicle so that some of them are abovethe tops of the seats 0 Don t le...

Page 197: ...c dealer for important information about towing a trailer with your vehicle Your vehicle can tow a trailer if it is equipped with the 3800 and 5 7L engines and proper trailer towing equipment To identify what the vehicle trailering capacity is for your vehicle you should read the inforrnation in Weight ofthe Trailer that appears later in this section But trailering is different than just driving y...

Page 198: ...amaged Then during the first 500 miles 800km that you tow a trailer don t drive over 50 mph 80km h and don tmakestarts at full throttle This helps your engine and other parts of your vehicle wear in atthe heavier loads 0 Obey speed limit restrictionswhen towing a trailer Don t drive faster than the maximum posted speed for trailers or no more than 55 mph 90 k m h to save wearon your vehicle s part...

Page 199: ...people who will be riding in thevehicle And if you will tow a trailer you must subtract the tongue load from your vehicle s capacity weight because your vehicle will be carrying that weight too See Loading Your Vehicle in the Index for more information about your vehicle s maximum loadcapacity A B If you re using a weight carrying hitch the trailer tongue A should weigh 10percent of the total load...

Page 200: ... you don t seal them deadly carbon monofid e CO from yourexhaust can get into your vehicle see Carbon Monoxide in the Index Dirt and water can too Safety Chains You should always attach chains between your vehicle and your trailer Cross the safety chains under the tongue of the trailer so that the tongue will not drop to the road if it becomes separated from the hitch Instructions about safety cha...

Page 201: ...working This lets you check your electrical connectionat the same time During your trip check occasionally to be sure that the load is secure and that the lamps and any trailer brakes are still working Following Distance Stay at least twice as far behind the vehicle ahead as you would when driving your vehicle withouta trailer This can helpyou avoid situations that require heavy braking and sudden...

Page 202: ...n the trailer are burned out Thus you may think drivers behind you are seeingyour signal when they are not It s important to check occasionally to be sure the trailer bulbs are still working Reduce speed and shift to a lower gear before you start down a long or steep downgrade If you don t shift down you might haveto use your brakesso much that they would gethot and no longer workwell On a long up...

Page 203: ... When You Are Ready to Leave After Parking on a Hill 1 Apply your regular brakes and hold the pedal down while you Start your engine Shift into a gear and Release the parking brake 2 Let up on the brake pedal 3 Drive slowly until the trailer is clearof the chocks 4 Stop and have someone pick up and store the chocks Maintenance When Trailer Towing Your vehicle willneed service more often when you r...

Page 204: ...b NOTES 4 39 ...

Page 205: ...b NOTES 4 40 ...

Page 206: ...bout some problems that canoccur on the road 5 2 5 3 5 8 5 14 Hazard Warning Flashers Jump Starting Towing Your Vehicle Engine Overheating 5 26 If a Tire Goes Flat 5 26 Changing a Flat Tire 5 38 Compact Spare Tire 5 39 If You re Stuck InSand Mud Ice or Snow 5 1 ...

Page 207: ... let police know you have a problem Your front and rear turn signal lampswill flash on and off Press the button in to make your front and rear turn signal lamps flash on and off Your hazard warning flashers work no matter what position your key is in or even if the key isn t in 5 2 ...

Page 208: ...ollowing steps to do it safely J A NTION I Batteries can hurt you Theycan be dangerous because They contain acid that can burn you They contain gas that can explodeor ignite They contain enough electricity to burn you If you don t followthese steps exactly some or all of these things can hurt you NOTICE Ignoring these steps could result in costly damage to your vehicle that wouldn t be covered by ...

Page 209: ...h oth er If they are it could cause a ground connection you don t want You wouldn t be able to start your Pontiac and the bad grounding could damage the electrical systems unnecessary accessories plugged into the cigarette lighter Turn off all lamps that aren t needed as well as radios This will avoid sparks and help save both batteries In addition it could save your radio 3 Turn off the ignition ...

Page 210: ...that can burn you Don t getit on you If you accidentallyget it in your eyes or on your skin flush the place with water and get medicalhelp immediately 6 Check that the jumper cables don t haveloose or missing insulation If they do you could get a shock The vehicles could be damaged too Before you connect thecables here are some basic things you should know Positive will go to positive and negative...

Page 211: ...e with the dead battery Use a remote positive terminal if the vehicle has one Don t use the junction block on your Pontiac 8 Don t let theother end touch metal Connectit to the positive terminal of the good battery Use a remote positive terminal if the vehicle has one 5 6 ...

Page 212: ...attery It goes to a heavy unpainted metal part on the engineof the vehicle with the dead battery 10 Attach the cable at least 18 inches 45 cm away from the dead battery but not near engine parts that move The electrical connection is just as good there but the chanceof sparks getting back to the battery is much less the engine fora while 11 Now start the vehicle with the good battery and run 5 7 ...

Page 213: ...ctory new by adding aftermarket items like fog lamps aero skirting or special tires and wheels these instructions may not be correct Before you do anything turn on the hazard warning flashers When you call tell the towing service 0 That your vehicle cannot be towed from the front or rear with sling type equipment 0 That your vehicle has rear wheel drive The make model and year of your vehicle 0 Wh...

Page 214: ...jury andvehicle damage The vehicle should be tightly secured with chainsor steel cables before it is transported Don t usesubstitutes ropes leather straps canvaswebbing etc that can be cut by sharp edges underneath the towed vehicle Always use T hooks inserted in the T hook slots Never use J hooks They will damage drivetrain and suspension components When your vehicle is being towed have the ignit...

Page 215: ...dolly Front Towing TowLimits 35mph 56k d 50 miles 80km NOTICE Do not tow with sling type equipment or fascidfog light damage will occur Use wheel lift or car carrier equipment Additional rampingmay be requiredfor car carrier equipment Use safety chains and wheel straps Attach T hook chains to slots in frame rearward of front wheels on both sides I NOTICE I Do not attach winch cablesor J hooks to s...

Page 216: ...hoses or theABS sensor and wiring NOTICE Towing a vehicle over rough surfaces could damage a vehicle Damage can occur from vehicle to ground or vehicle to wheel lift equipment contact To help avoid damage install a towing dolly and raise vehicle until adequate clearance is obtained between the groundand or wheel lift equipment 5 11 ...

Page 217: ...ing a vehicle over roughsurfaces could damage a vehicle Damagecan occur from vehicle to ground or vehicle to wheel lift equipment contact To help avoiddamage install a towing dollyand raise vehicle until adequate clearance is obtained between the ground and or wheel lift equipment Do not attach winch cablesor J hooks to suspension components when using car carrier equipment Always use T hooks inse...

Page 218: ...T hook chains in front of rear wheels in bottom of frame rail on both sides Attach a separate safety chain around each outboard end of the rear axle I NOTICE Take carenot to damage thebrake pipes and cables 5 13 ...

Page 219: ...hear steam coming from it Just turn it off and get everyoneaway from the vehicle until it cools down Wait until there is no signof steam or coolantbefore you open thehood If you keep driving when your engineis overheated the liquids in it can catch fire You or others could be badly burned Stopyour engineif it overheats and get out of the vehicle until the engine is cool NOTICE If your enginecatche...

Page 220: ...ft to NEUTRAL N otherwise shift to the highest gear while driving AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE or DRIVE D for automatic transmissions If you no longer havethe overheat warning you can drive Just tobe safe drive slower for about 10minutes If the warning doesn t come back on you can drive normally If the warning continues pull over stop and park your vehicle right away If there s still no sign of steam you c...

Page 221: ...gand tools away from any underhood electric fan If the coolant inside th ecoolant recovery tank is boiling don t do anything else until it cools down When it is cool removethe coolant recovery tank cap and look at the dipstick The coolant l evelshould be at FULL COLD If it isn t you may have a leak in the radiator hoses heater hoses radiator water pump or somewhereelse in the cooling system 5 16 ...

Page 222: ...ur vehicle needs service How to Add Coolant to the Coolant Recovery Tank If you haven t found a problemyet but the coolant level isn t at FULL COLD add a 50 50 mixture of clean water preferably distilled and DEX COOL silicate free antifreeze at the coolant recovery tank See Engine Coolant in the Index for more information Adding onlyplain water to your cooling system can be dangerous Plain water o...

Page 223: ...L COLD start your vehicle If the overheat warning continues there s one more thing you can try You can add the proper coolant mix directly to the radiator but be sure the cooling system is cool before you do it 1 A CAUTION Steam and sc aldingliquids from a hot cooling system canblow out and burnyou badly They are under pressure and if you turn the pressure cap even a little I they can come out at ...

Page 224: ...e to overheat and be severely damaged 1 You can removethe pressure capwhen the cooling system including the pressure cap andupper radiator hose is no longer hot Turn the pressure capslowly counterclockwise until it first stops Don t press down while turning the pressure cap If you hear a hiss wait for that to stop A hiss means there is still some pressureleft 5 19 ...

Page 225: ...re hot enough Don t spill coolant on a hot engine 3 After the engine cools open the coolant air bleed valve 3800 V6 VIN Code M There isone bleedvalve It is located on the thermostat housing 4 Fill theradiatorwith the proper DEX COOL coolant mixture up to the base of the filler neck If you see a stream of coolant coming from an air bleed valve close thevalve Otherwise close the valve after the radi...

Page 226: ...tart the engine and let itrun until you can feelthe upper radiator hose getting hot Watch out forthe engine fan s 8 By this time the coolant level insidethe radiator filler neck may be lower If the level is lower add more of the proper DEX COOL coolant mixture through the filler neck until the level reaches the base of the filler neck 5 21 ...

Page 227: ...er neck reinstall the pressure cap Be sure the arrows on the pressure cap line up like this How to Add Coolant to the Radiator V8 Engine Only NOTICE The LT1 Engine CodeP has a specific radiator fill procedure Failure to follow this procedure could cause your engine to overheat and be severely damaged 5 22 ...

Page 228: ...Don t press down while turning the pressure cap If you hear a hiss wait for that to stop A hiss means there is still some pressure left 2 Then keepturning the pressure cap but now push down as you turn it Remove the pressure cap You can be burned ifyou spill coolant on hot engine parts Coolant contains ethylene glycol and it will burn if the engine parts are hot enough Don tspill coolant on a hot ...

Page 229: ...let 4 Fill with the proper DEX COOL coolant mixture Add coolant until you see a steady stream of coolant coming from thebleed valves 5 Close the bleed valves 6 Continue to fill the radiator up to the base of the 7 Rinse or wipe the spilled coolant from the engine filler neck and compartment 5 24 ...

Page 230: ...ck until the level reaches the base of the filler neck 9 Shut the engineoff and replace the pressure cap Be sure the arrows on the cap line up like this 10 Then fill the coolantrecovery tank to the For a complete drain flush and refill see your Pontiac dealer ora Pontiac Firebird Service Manual To purchase a service manual see Service and Owner Publications in the Index proper level 5 25 ...

Page 231: ...ay you want the vehicle to go It may be very bumpy and noisy but you can stillsteer Gently brake to a stop well off the roadif possible If a tire goes flat the next part shows how to use your jacking equipment to change a flat tire safely Changinga Flat Tire If a tire goes flat avoid further tire and wheel damage by driving slowly t oa level place Turn on your hazard warning flashers Cham ng a tir...

Page 232: ...ire Removing the Spare Tire andTools The equipmentyou ll need is in the right passenger rear area behind the trim panel First you must remove the close out panel See Close Out Panel in the Index Find the plastic screw heads in the trim panel over the spare tire See Compact Spare Tire later in this section for moreinformation about thecompact spare Use a coin or a key to turn the screw headsuntil t...

Page 233: ...the wire from the speaker The speaker wire may be long enough to remove the trim panel without disconnectingthe wire Remove the wing nut and adapter and pull out the spare To remove thejack and wheel wrench loosen and remove the bolt and remove the plastic cover 5 28 ...

Page 234: ...e tools you ll be using include thejack A and wheel wrench B Thejack has a bolt at the end Attach the wheel wrench to the jack bolt Turn the wheel wrench to the right to raise the lift head a little 5 29 ...

Page 235: ...l wrench Each wheel has one locknut in place of the standard wheel nut A specialwheel lock key removal tool and instructions arelocated in the center console Attach the wheel lockkey to the socket of the wheel wrench Remove the locking whe elnut by turning counterclockwise 5 30 ...

Page 236: ...sen all the wheel nuts Don t remove themyet Position thejack under thevehicle There is a notch in the vehicle s rocker flangeon the coupe model Raise thejack head untilit fits firmly into the notch nearest the flat tire On convertible models place the jack in a similar location 5 31 ...

Page 237: ... If the vehicle slipsoff thejack you could bebadly injured or killed Neverget under a vehicle when it is supported only by ajack NOTICE Raising your vehicle with the jack improperly positioned will damage the vehicle or may allow the vehicleto fall off the jack Be sure to fit the jack lift head into the proper locationbefore raising your vehicle 5 32 ...

Page 238: ...ts mounting surfaces and spare wheel Raise the vehicle by rotating the wheel wrench clockwise Raise the vehicle far enough off the ground so there is enough room for the spare tire to fit Remove all the wheel nuts and takeoff the flat tire 5 33 ...

Page 239: ...aches to the vehicle In an emergency you can use a cloth or a paper towel to do this but be sure to use a scraper or wire brush later if you need to to get allthe rust or dirt off Never use oilor grease on studsor nuts If you do the nuts might comeloose Your wheelcould fall off causing aserious accident Replace the wheel nuts with the rounded end of the nuts toward the wheel Tighten each nut by ha...

Page 240: ...5 Tighten the wheel nuts firmly in a criss cross sequence as shown 4 Lower the vehicleby rotating the wheel wrench counterclockwise Lower the jack completely 5 35 ...

Page 241: ...ensivebrake repairs evenly tighten the wheel nuts in the proper sequenceand to the proper torque specification Don t try to put a center cap on your compact spare tire It won t fit Store the center cap in the rear area until you have the flat tire repaired or replaced NOTICE Center caps won t fit on your compact spare If you try to puta center cap on your compact spare you could damage the cover o...

Page 242: ...age instructions When you replace the trimpanel be sure totuck it under the weatherstrip 1 Trim Panel 2 Bolt 3 Cover 4 Jack 5 Wing Nut 6 Adapter 7 Compact Spare Tire 8 Full Size Tire 9 Carpet Flap 10 Tire Storage Bolt 11 ConvertibleTop Protection 12 Knob 5 37 ...

Page 243: ...sh your trip and have your full size tire repaired or replaced where you want When the compact spareis used on the rear axle see Notice below Of course it s best to replace your spare with a full size tireas soon asyou can Your spare will last longer and be in good shape in case you need it again When the compactspare is on the rear axle the optional traction control system will cycle and limit ac...

Page 244: ...g them can damage your vehicle and can damage the chains too Don t use tire chains on your compact spare fYou re Stuck In Sand Mud Ice or Snow What you don t want to do when your vehicle is stuck is to spin your wheels too fast The method known as rocking can help you get outwhen you re stuck but you must use caution 1 If you let your tires spin at high speed they can explode and you or others cou...

Page 245: ...e area around your front wheels If your vehicle has traction control you should turn thesystem off See Traction Control System in the Index Then shift back and forth betweenREVERSE R and a forward gear or with a manual transmission between FIRST I I or SECOND 2 and REVERSE R spinningthe wheels as little as possible Release the accelerator pedal while you shift and press lightly on the accelerator ...

Page 246: ... 12 Engine Oil 6 18 Air Cleaner 6 22 Automatic Transmission Fluid 6 27 Manual Transmission Fluid 6 29 Engine Coolant 6 33 Power Steering Fluid 6 35 WindshieldWasher Fluid 6 36 Brakes 6 40 Battery 6 41 Bulb Replacement 6 49 6 58 6 58 6 61 6 63 6 64 4 65 6 66 6 67 6 68 6 68 6 68 6 73 6 73 Tires Appearance Care Cleaning the Inside of Your Pontiac Care of Safety Belts Cleaning the Outside of Your Pont...

Page 247: ... you want to do some of your own service work you ll want to get the proper Pontiac Service Manual It tells you much more abouthow to service your Pontiac than this manual can To order the proper service manual see Service and Owner Publications in the Index Your vehicle hasan air bag system Before att empting to do your own service work see Servicing Your Air Bag Equipp edPontiac in the Index You...

Page 248: ...utside of your vehicle can affect the airflow around it This may cause wind noise and affect windshield washer performance Check with your Pontiac dealer before adding equipment to the outside of your vehicle Fuel The 8th digitof your vehicle identification number VIN shows the code letter for your engine You will find theVIN at the top left of your instrument panel See Vehicle Identification Numb...

Page 249: ...California Emission Standards indicated on the underhoodtune up label it is designed to operateon fuels that meet California specifications If such fuels arenot available in states adopting California emissions standards your vehicle will operate satisfactorily on fuels meeting federal specifications b utemission controlsystem performance may be affected The malfunction indicator lampon your instr...

Page 250: ...se it It can corrode metal partsin your fuel system and also damage plastic and rubber parts That damage wouldn t be covered under your warranty Fuels in Foreign Countries If you plan on driving in another country outside the United States or Canada the proper fuel may be hard to find Never use leaded gasoline or any other fuel n ot recommended in the previous text on fuel Costly repairs caused by...

Page 251: ...or on the left side of your vehicle Gasoline vaporis highly flammable It burns violently and that can cause verybad injuries Don t smokeif you re near gasolineor refueling your vehicle Keep sparks flames and smoking materials away from gasoline 6 6 ...

Page 252: ...Gasoline can spray outon youif you open the fuel filler cap too quickly This spray can happen if your tank is nearly full and is more likelyin hot weather Open the fuel filler cap slowly and wait for any hiss noiseto stop Then unscrew the cap all the way Be careful not to spill gasoline Clean gasoline from painted surfaces assoon as possible See Cleaning the Outside of Your Pontiac in the Index 6 ...

Page 253: ... one for you If you get the wrong type it may not fit or have proper venting and your fuel tank andemissionssystem might be damaged Checkinr Things Under the Hood An electric fan under the hood can start up and injure you evenwhen the engineis not running i Keep hands clothingand tools away from any underhood electricfan Things that burn can get on hot engine parts a start a fire Theseinclude liqu...

Page 254: ...Hood Release To open the hood first pull the handle inside the vehicle Then go to the frontof the vehicle and pull up on the hood release Lift thehood 6 9 ...

Page 255: ... Coolant Reservoir E Engine Fan I Brake Fluid Reservoir B Battery F Windshield Washer Reservoir J Clutch Fluid Reservoir C Oil Fill Cap G Power Steering Reservoir D Automatic Transmission H Engine Oil Dipstick if equipped K Air Cleaner Dipstick if equipped 6 10 ...

Page 256: ...Engine Coolant Reservoir B Power Steering Reservoir C Engine Oil Dipstick D Battery E Engine Oil Fill Cap F Fan G Windshield Washer Reservoir H Automatic Transmission Dipstick if equipped I Brake Fluid Reservoir J Clutch Fluid Reservoir K Air Cleaner if equipped ...

Page 257: ...ate reading the oil must be warm and the vehicle must be on level ground Th eengine oil dipstick is the yellow loop near the back of the engine If the LOW OIL light on the instrument panel comes on it means you need to check your engine oil level right away For more information see Low Oil Light in the Index You should check your engineoil level regularly this is an added reminder 5 7 LEngine Oil ...

Page 258: ...minutes to drain back into the oilpan If you don t the oil dipstick might not show the actual level Checking Engine Oil Pull out the dipstick and clean it with a paper towel or cloth then push it back in all the way Remove it again keeping the tip down and check the level 5 7 L Engine ...

Page 259: ...nge Push the dipstick all the way back in when you re through What Kind of Oil to Use Oils recommendedfor your vehicle can be identified by looking for the Starburst symbol This symbol indicates that the oil has been certified by the American Petroleum Institute BPI Do not use any oil which does notcarry this Starburst symbol If you change your own oil c the Starburst symbol on the you have your o...

Page 260: ...18 LOOK FOR THIS SYMBOL SAE SW 30 PREFERRED COLD WEATHER 00 NOT USE SAE 2OW 50 OR ANY OTHER GRADE OIL NOT RECOMMENOEO 5 7 L Engine As shown in thechart if you have the 5 7L engine SAE 5W 30 is best for yourvehicle However you can use SAE 1OW 30 if it s going to be 0 F 18 C or above These numbers on an oil containershow its viscosity or thickness Do not use other viscosity oils such as SAE 20W 50 6...

Page 261: ...SE SAE 2OW 50 OR ANY OTHER GRADE OIL NOT RECOMMENDED 3800 Engine As shown in the chart if you have the 3800 engine SAE 1OW 30is best for your vehicle However you can use SAE 5W 30 if it s going to be colder than 60 F 16OC before your next oil change When it s very cold you should use SAE 5W 30 These numbers on an oil container show its viscosity or thickness Do not use other viscosity oils such as...

Page 262: ...pkity maintenance schedule a e e e a lvlost trips are less than5 to 10miles 8 to 16km This isparticularly important when outside temperatures are below freezing Most trips include extensiveidling such as frequent driving in stop and go traffic Most trips are through dusty areas You frequently tow a trailer oruse a carrier on topof your vehicle The vehicle isused for delivery service police taxi or...

Page 263: ...acturer s warnings about the use and dispusal of oil products Used oil can be a real threat to the environment If you change your own oil be sure to drain all free flowing oil from the filter beforedisposal Don t ever dispose of oil by putting it in the trash pouring it on the ground into sewers or into streamsor bodies of water Instead recycle it by taking itto a place that collects used oil If y...

Page 264: ...heair cleaner not only cleans theair it stops flame if the engine backfires If it isn t there and the engine backfires you could be burned Don t drive with it off and be careful working on the engine with the air cleaner off I NOTICE If the air cleaner is off a backfire can cause a damaging enginefire And dirt can easily get into your engine which will damage it Always have theair cleaner in place...

Page 265: ...Air Filter Replacement To remove the air filter I 1 Remove the plastic pin by pulling it straight up 2 Disconnect the plastic clamp on the duct Pull apart the connection 6 20 ...

Page 266: ...3 Pull the air cleaner straight up Unclamp the metal clips 4 Open the air cleaner and remove thefilter 6 21 ...

Page 267: ...when the engine oil is changed Change both the fluid and filter every 15 000 miles 25 000 k m if the vehicle is mainly driven under one or more of these conditions In heavy city traffic where the outside temperature 0 In hilly or mountainous terrain regularly reaches 90 F 32 C or higher 0 Uses such as high performance operation When doing frequent trailer towing Uses such as foundin taxi police or...

Page 268: ... While pulling a trailer To get the right reading the fluid should be at normal operating temperature which is 180 Fto 200 F 82OC to 93 C Checking Transmission Fluid Hot Get the vehicle warmed up by driving about 15miles 24 km when outside temperatures are above50 F 10 C If it s colderthan 50 F lO C drive the vehicle in DRIVE D until the engine temperature gage moves and then remains steady for 10...

Page 269: ...ngine running in PARK P With your footon the brake pedal move the shift lever through each gear range pausing for about three seconds in each range Then position the shift lever in PARK P Let the engine runat idle for threeminutes or more Then without shutting off the engine follow these steps 3800 Engine TransmissionDipstick 6 24 ...

Page 270: ...ngine Transmission Dipstick 1 The transmission fluid handleis the red loop near the back of the engine Pullout the dipstick and wipe it with a clean rag or paper towel 2 Push it back in all the way wait three seconds and then pull it back out again ...

Page 271: ...fter checking the transmission fluid HOT A COLD check is used only as a reference If the fluid level is low add onlyenough of the proper fluid to bring the level up to the HOT area for a hot check It doesn t take muchfluid generally less than one pint 0 5L D m t ove 111 We reconramend you use only fluid labeled BEXRON 111 because fluid with that label is made especially for your automatic transmis...

Page 272: ...I transmissionfluid Check the fluid levelonly when your engine is off the vehicle is parked on a level placeand the transmission is cool enough for you to rest your fingers on the transmission case Then follow these steps 1 Remove the filler plug 2 Check that the lubricant levelis up to the bottom of the filler plug hole 3 If the fluid level is good installthe plug and be sure it is fully seated I...

Page 273: ...tem could indicate a problem Have the system inspected and repaired When to Check and What to Use Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to determine how oftenyou should check the fluid level in your clutch master cylin der reservoir and for the proper fluid See Owner Checksand Services and Recommended Fluids and Lubricants in the Index The proper fluid should be added if the levelis below the STEPmark...

Page 274: ...lip Differential Lubricant Additive GM Part No 1052358 Then fill to thebottom of the filler plug hole with Axle Lubricant GM Part No 12345977 Engine Coolant The cooling s stem in your vehicle is filledwith new DEX COOL8engine coolant This coolant is designed to remain in your vehicle for 5 years or 150 000miles 240 000 km whichever occurs first ifyou add only DEX COOL extended life coolant The fol...

Page 275: ...tilled and one half DEX COOL coolant which won t damage aluminumparts If you use this mixture you don t need to add anything else I Adding only plain water to your cooling system can be dangerous Plain water or some other liquid like alcohol can boil before the proper coolant mixwill Your vehicle s coolant warning system is set for the proper coolant mix With plain water or the wrong mix your engi...

Page 276: ...ant more than four times a year have your dealer check yourcooling system NOTICE If you usethe propercoolant you don t have to add extrainhibitors or additiveswhich claimto improvethe system These can be harmful Checking Coolant When your engine is cold check the dipstick on the cap of the coolant recovery tank The coolant levelshould be at COLD or a littlehigher When your engine is warm the level...

Page 277: ...Turning the raalator pressure cap when the engineand radiator are hot can allow steam and scaldingliquids to blow out and burn you badly With the coolantrecovery tank you will almost never have to add coolant at the radiator Never turn the pressure cap even a little when the engineand radiator are hot Add coolant mixture at the recovery tank but be careful not to spill it You can be burned if you ...

Page 278: ...s recommended Thermostat Engine coolant temperature is controlled by athermostat in the engine coolant system The thermostat stops the flow of coolant through the radiator until the coolant reaches a preset temperature When you replace yourthermostat an AC thermostat is recommended 3800 Engine When to Check Power SteeringFluid It is not necessary to regularly check powersteering fluid unless you s...

Page 279: ...he level should beat the FULL COLD mark If necessary add only enoughfluid to bringthe level up to the mark When the engine compartmentis hot the level When the engine compartment iscool the level should be atthe H or HOT mark should be at C or FULL COLD m ark What to Use Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to determine what kind of fluid to use See Recommended Fluidsand Lubricants in the Index Alway...

Page 280: ...ll NOTICE When usingconcentrated washer fluid followthe manufacturer s instructions for adding water Don t mix water with ready to use washer fluid Water can cause the solution to freeze and damage your washer fluid tank and other parts of the washer system Also water doesn t clean as well as washer fluid three quarters full when it s very cold This allows for expansion if freezing occurs which co...

Page 281: ...ervoir is here It is filled with DOT 3 brake fluid There are only two reasons why the brake fluid level in the reservoir mightgo down The first is that the brake fluid goes downto an acceptablelevel during normal brake lining wear When new linings are put in the fluidlevel goes back up The other reasonis that fluidis leaking out If you have too much brake fluid it can spill on the engine The fluid...

Page 282: ...the plastic seam near the base of the filler neck What to Add When you do need brake fluid use only DOT 3 brake fluid such as Delco Supreme 11 GM Part No 12377967 Use new brake fluid froma sealed container only Always clean thebrake fluid reservoir cap and the area around the cap before removing it This will help keep dirt from entering the reservoir With the wrong kind of fluid in your brake syst...

Page 283: ...f you do washit off immediately See Appearance Care in the Index Brake Wear Unless you have the four wheel disc brake option your Pontiac has front disc brakes and rear drum brakes Disc brake pads have built in wear indicators that make ahigh pitched warning sound when the brake pads areworn and new pads areneeded The sound may come and go or be heard all the time your vehicle is moving except whe...

Page 284: ... linings inspected Also the rear brake drums should be removed and inspected each time the tires are removed for rotation or changing When you have the front brakes replaced have the rear brakes inspected too Brake Pedal Travel See your dealer if the brake pedal does not return to normal height orif there is a rapid increase in pedal travel This could be a sign of brake trouble Brake Adjustment Ev...

Page 285: ...rmance you ve cometo expect can change in many other ways if someone puts in the wrong replacement brake parts Battery Every new Pontiac hasa Delco Freedom battery You never have to add waterto one of these When it stime for a new battery we recommend a Delco Freedom battery Get one that has the replacement number shown on the original battery s label Vehicle Storage If you re not going to drive y...

Page 286: ... have pressurized gas inside and can burst if you drop or scratch the bulb You or others could be injured Be sure to read and follow the instructionson the bulb package Headlamps To replace a headlamp 1 Open the headlamp doorby hand See Headlamp Doors in the Index 2 Unscrew the bezelwith a screwdriver andremove it 6 41 ...

Page 287: ...I I I k k r L t e L I 3 Remove the screws and pull out the bulb housing 4 Full out the bulband Idisconnectthe 5 Reverse the steps with a new bulb electrical connector 6 42 ...

Page 288: ...Using a screwdriver remove the plastic screws from the deflector under the vehicle Move the deflector out of the way 2 Turn and pull out the socket and the bulb 3 Pull out the bulb 4 Reverse the steps with a new bulb 6 43 ...

Page 289: ...r High Mounted Stoplamp To replace thebulb 1 Remove the two screws in the stoplamp lens 2 Gently pullthe assembly outand remove the bulb from the back of the assembly 3 Reverse the steps witha new bulb 6 44 ...

Page 290: ...Pull the carpet back 4 5 6 7 3 Remove the wing nuts Pull off the assembly from the outside To remove a socket with a tab press the tab and turn the socket counterclockwise To remove a socket without a tab turn the socketcounterclockwise To remove the bulb push inand turn it counterclockwise then pull it out Reverse thesteps with a new bulb 6 45 ...

Page 291: ...bulb 1 Remove the screw from the sidemarker assembly 2 To pull out thebulb housing tilt the housing to remove thetabbed end 3 Turn counterclockwise and pull outthe socket and the bulb 4 Pull out the bulb 5 Reverse the steps with a new bulb 6 46 ...

Page 292: ...mbly 1 Lift the wiperarm until it locks intoan 2 Press the locking tab down while sliding the blade upright position assembly down To replace the wiper blade element referto the wiper blade assembly replacement instructions To replace the element follow these steps Locate the heel end of the wiper blade assembly that has the two notches held by the wiper blade claw 6 47 ...

Page 293: ...The aim has been pre set at the factory and should need no further adjustment If your vehicle is damaged in a n accident and the headlamp aim seems to beaffected see your Pontiac dealer Headlmps ondamaged vehicles may require recalibration of the horizontal aim by your Pontiac dealer To check the aim the vehicle should be properly prepared as follows a The vehicle must havea11four tireson a perfec...

Page 294: ...iction You could have an air out and a serious accident See Loading Your Vehicle in the Index CAUTION Continued CAUTION Continued 0 Underinflated tires pose the same darlger as overloadedtires The resulting accident could cause seriousinjury Checkall tires frequently to maintain the recommended pressure Tire pressure should be checked when your tires are cold cut punctured or broken by a sudden im...

Page 295: ...of each tire to35 psi 240kPa When you end this very high speed driving reducethe cold inflation pressures to those listed on the Tire Loading Information label NOTICE Don t let anyonetell youthat underinflationor overinflation is all right It s not If your tires don t have enough air underinflation you can get thefollowing Too much flexing 0 Too much heat 0 Tireoverloading 0 Badwear 0 Bad handling...

Page 296: ...ction and Rotation Tires should be rotated every 6 000 to 8 000miles 10000 to 13000 km Any time you notice unusual wear rotate your tires as soon as possible and check wheel alignment Also check for damaged tires or wheels See WhenIt s Time for New Tires and Wheel Replacement later in this section for more information The purpose of regular rotation is to achieve more uniform wear for all tires on...

Page 297: ...ated adjustthe front and rear inflation pressures as shown on the Tire Loading Information label Makecertain that all wheel nuts are properly tightened See Wheel Nut Torque in the Index I Rust or dirt on a wheel or on the pa cJ to which it is fastened can make wheel nuts become loose after a time The wheel could come off and caus e an accident When you change a wheel remove any rust or dirt frolmp...

Page 298: ...ation of the damage Buying New Tires To find out what kind and sizeof tires you need look at the Tire Loading Information label The tires installed on yourvehicle when it was new had a Tire Performance Criteria Specification TPC Spec number on eachtire s sidewall When you get new tires get ones with that same TPCSpec number That way your vehicle will continue to have tires that are designed to giv...

Page 299: ... Quality Grading system does not apply to deep tread winter type snow tires space saver or temporary use spare tires tires with nominal rim diameters of 10to 12inches 25to 30 cm or to some lirnited pro ductiontires While the tires available on General Motors passenger cars and light trucks may vary with respect to these grades they must also conform to Federal safety requirements and additional Ge...

Page 300: ... can leadto sudden tire failure The grade C corresponds to a level of performance which all passenger cartires must meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety StandardNo 109 Grades B and A represent higher levels of performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum required by law Warning The temperature grade for this tire is established for a tire that is properly inflated and not overl...

Page 301: ...eplace them only with new CM original equipment parts This way you will be sure to have the rightwheel wheel bolts and wheel nuts for your Pontiac model Using the wrong replacementwheels wheelbolts or wheel nuts on your vehicle can be dangerous It could affectthe braking andhandling of your vehicle make your tires lose air and make you lose control You could have a collisionin which you or others ...

Page 302: ...ns They can damage your vehicle If you have other tires use tire chains only where legal and only when you must Use only SAE Class S type chains that are the proper size for your tires Install them on the rear tires and tighten themas tightly as possible with the ends securely fastened Drive slowly and follow the chain manufacturer s instructions If you can hear the chains contacting your vehicle ...

Page 303: ...hese unless this manual saysyou can In many uses these will damage yourvehicle 0 Alcohol Laundry Soap Bleach 0 Reducing Agents Cleaning the Inside of Your Pontiac Use avacuum cleaner often to get ridof dust and loose dirt Wipe vinyl or leather with a clean damp cloth Your Pontiac dealer has two cleaners a solvent type spot lifter and a foam type powderedcleaner They will clean normal spots and sta...

Page 304: ...nd mild soap If you need to use a solvent 1 Gently scrape excess soil fromthe trim material with a clean dull knife orscraper 2 Use very little cleaner light pressure and clean cloths preferably cheesecloth Cleaning should start at the outside of the stain feathering toward thecenter 3 Keep changing to a clean section of the cloth 4 When you clean a stain fromfabric immediately dry the area with a...

Page 305: ...lean with cool water and allow todry 3 If a stain remains cleanit with solvent type cleaner Cleaning Vinyl Use warm water and a clean cloth 0 Rub with a clean damp cloth to remove dirt You may have to do it more than once 0 Things liketar asphalt and shoe polishwill stain if you don t get them off quickly Use a clean cloth and a vinylfleather cleaner See your dealer for this product Cleaning Leath...

Page 306: ... not be able to provide adequate protection Clean safety belts only with mild soap and lukewarm water Glass Glass shouldbe cleaned often GM Glass Cleaner GM Part No 1050427 or a liquid household glass cleaner will remove normal tobacco smoke and dust films on interior glass Don t use abrasive cleaners on glass because they may cause scratches Avoid placing decals on the inside rear window since th...

Page 307: ...ngth windshield washer solvent Then rinsethe blade with water Check the wiper blades and clean them as necessary replace blades that look worn Weatherstrips Silicone grease on weatherstrips will make them last longer seal better and not stick or squeak Apply silicone greasewith a clean cloth at least every six months During very cold damp weather more frequent application may be required See Recom...

Page 308: ...residue fromthe paint finish You can get GM approved cleaning products from your dealer See Appearance Care and Materials in the Index Your Pontiac has a basecoat clearcoat paint finish The clearcoat gives more depth and gloss to the colored basecoat Always use waxes and polishes that are non abrasive and made for a basecoat clearcoat paint finish NOTICE Machine compounding or aggressive polishing...

Page 309: ...Chrome Wheels I Equipped Keep your wheels clean using a soft cleanclothwith mild soap and water Rinse with clean water After rinsing thoroughly dry with a soft clean towel A wax may then be applied The surface of these wheels is similar to the painted surface of your vehicle Don t use strong soaps chemicals abrasive polishes abrasive cleanersor abrasive cleaning brushes onthem because you could da...

Page 310: ...metal repair or replacement make sure the body repair shop applies anti corrosion material to the parts repaired or replaced to restore corrosion protection Finish Damage Any stone chips fractures or deep scratches in the finish should be repaired right away Bare metalwill corrode quickly and may develop into a major repair expense Minor chips and scratches can be repaired with touch up materials ...

Page 311: ... the frame should be loosened before being flushed Your dealer or an underbody car washing system can do this for you Chenf ea1 Paint Spotting Some weather and atmospheric conditionscan create a chemical fallout Airborne pollutants can fall upon and attack painted surfaces on your vehicle This damage can take two forms blotchy ringlet shaped discolorations and mall irregular darkspots etched into ...

Page 312: ...s Tar and Road Oil Remover 16oz 0 473L 1050172 Shines vehicle without scratching Ch 2 75 sq ft 1052918 16 02 0 473 L 1052925 Protects vinyl leather and rubber Armor All TM Protector 8 oz 0 237 L Attracts and absorbssoils Capture Dry Spot Remover 8 oz 0 237 L 1052930 Spray on wheel cleaner Wheel Cleaner 16oz 0 473 L 1052929 Cleans vinyl cloth tires and mats Multi Purp 12345002 16 oz 0 473 L Armor A...

Page 313: ...cationLabel You ll find this label locatedon the driver s door side It s veryhelpful if you ever need to order parts On this label is your VIN the model designation paint information and a list of all producti onoptions and special Be sure that this label is not removed from the vehicle equipment Electrical System Add on Electrical Equipment NOTICE Don t add anything electrical to your Pontiac unl...

Page 314: ...s caused by some electricalproblem and not snow etc be sure to get it fixed Power Windowsand Other Power Options Circuit breakers protect the power windows and other power accessories Whenthe current loadis too heavy the circuit breaker opens and closes protecting the circuit until the problem is fixed or goes away The wiring circuits in your vehicle are protected from short circuitsby a combinati...

Page 315: ...size you need Replace it as soon as you can FUSE USAGE CHART I n 2 1 1 3 4 3 5 1 1 6 7n e n 9 m 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 l STOP AZARD TURN 6 U PCM BATT RADIO ACCY TAIL LTS HVAC PWR ACCY COURTESY GAGES AIR BAG ClGARiACCY DEFOG SEATS Q IGN 1 3 n 1 4 PGM IGN WlPERiWASH BATT WINDOWS 1 6 0 I 7 1 7 0 IP DIMMER ACCY RADIO SEE OWNER S MANUAL FOR M O R E INFORMATION PRINTED IN U S A 10281550 Fuse Usage STOP HAZAR...

Page 316: ...sory Wire Rear Defogger Switch Timer Rear Defogger Timer Relay Power Seats Fuse PCM IGN WIPERIWASH WINDOWS I P DIMMER RADIO Usage Powertrain ControlModule PCM EVAP Canister Purge Vacuum Switch EVAP Canister Purge Valve Transmission Wiper Motor Assembly Wipermasher Switch Power Windows Switch RH LH Express Down Module Coolant Level Latching Module ConvertibleTop Switch Door Illumination Lamp RH LH ...

Page 317: ...sureValve Fuse ABS BAT 5A HORN 20A INJECTOR 15A ENG SEN 20A IGNITION 1OA Usage Electronic Brake Control Module AIR PUMPFAN 25A AIR Pump V8 Relay Pump BleedValve and Cooling Fan Horn Relay Fuel Injectors Mass Airflow Heated Oxygen Sensor Reverse Lockout Solenoid Skip Shift Solenoid Automatic Transmission Brake Switch V6 VIN K Electronic Ignition ModuleVS VIN P Ignition Coil Module Crankshaft Positi...

Page 318: ...demarker Tail Only Tail Stop Turn 1156 e 921 3157K H 6545 194 194 2057 Capacities and Specifications Engine Type VIN Engine Code K VIN Engine Code P Fuel Delivery V6 e V8 Fuel Injection Valve Arrangement Piston Displacement VIN Engine Code K VIN Engine Code P Firing Order VIN Engine Code K VIN Engine Code P In Head 231CID 3800 350 CID 5 7L 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 2 Wheel Nut Torque 100 lb ft 140...

Page 319: ...6 L VIN Engine Code P With Manual Transmission 15 3quarts 14 5 L With Automatic Transmission 15 1quarts 14 3 L Crankcase Oil and Filter Change 3800 VIN K 4 5 quarts 4 3 L 5 7L VIN P 5 0 quarts 4 7 L Fuel Tank 15 5 gallons 58 7L Manual Transmission Five Speed 6 8 pints 3 2 L Six Speed 8 0 pints 3 8L Rear Axle Lubricant 3 5 pints 1 7L Not all air conditioning refrigerants are the same If the air con...

Page 320: ...7 cm 60 7 inches 154 cm 60 7 inches 154 cm 195 6 inches 497 cm 197inches 501 cm 74 5 inches 190 cm 52 0inches 132 cm Replacement Parts Air Cleaner Filter VIN Engine Code K A1163C VIN Engine Code P A1163C VIN Engine CodeP with WS6 Option A1097C Battery 75 60 Engine Oil Filter VIN Engine CodeK PF47 VIN Engine Code P PF25 ...

Page 321: ...6 76 ...

Page 322: ...2 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 4 7 4 Introduction Your Vehicle and the Environment How This Section is Organized Part A Scheduled Maintenance Services Using Your Maintenance Schedule Selectingthe Right Schedule 7 44 Part B OwnerChecksandServices 7 48 Part C Periodic Maintenance Inspections 7 49 Caliper Knuckle Maintenance Inspection 7 50 Part D RecommendedFluids and Lubricants 7 52 P a r tE Maintenance Record ...

Page 323: ...ronment Proper vehicle maintenance not only helps to keep your vehicle in good working condition but also helps the environment All recommended maintenance procedures are important Improper vehicle maintenance caneven affect the quality of the air we breathe Improper fluid levels or the wrong tire inflation can increase the level of emissions from yourvehicle T O help protectour environment and to...

Page 324: ...ublishes See Serviceand Owner Publications in the Index Part B Owner Checks and Services tells you what should be checked and when It also explains what you can easily do to help keep your vehicle in good condition Part C Periodic Maintenance Inspections explains importantinspections that your Pondac dealer s service department or another qualified service center should perform Part D Recommended ...

Page 325: ...ntiac dealer This part tells you the maintenance services you should have done and when you should schedule them If you go to your dealer for your service needs you ll know that GM trained and supported servicepeople will perform the work using genuine GM parts The proper fluids and lubricants to use are listed in Part D Make sure whoever services your vehicle uses these Allparts should be replace...

Page 326: ... Oiland Filter Change or 3 months whichever occurs first Every 6 000 Miles 10000 km Chassis Lubrication or 6 months whichever occurs first Tire Rotation Every 6 000 Miles 10 000 km of Trailering Rear Axle Fluid Change Vehicles Towing Trailers At the First6 000 Miles 10 000 km Rear Axle Fluid Change Limited SlipDifferential Every 15 000Miles 25 000 km Air Cleaner Filter Inspection if driving in dus...

Page 327: ...or every 12months whichever occurs first Tire Rotation At the First 7 500Miles 12500 km Rear AxleFluid Change Limited Slip Differential Every 15 000Miles 25 000 km Automatic Transmission Service severe conditions only Every 30 000Miles 50 000 km Air Cleaner Filter Replacement Fuel Tank Cap and Lines Inspection Every 60 000Miles 100000 km Engine Accessory Drive Belt Inspection Every 109 000Miles 16...

Page 328: ...sion warranty or limit recall liability prior to the completion of the vehicle s useful life We however urge that all recommended maintenance services be performed at the indicated intervals and themaintenance be recorded Lubricate the steering and shift linkage A good time tocheck your brakes is during tire rotation See Brake System Inspection under Periodic Maintenance Inspection in Part C of th...

Page 329: ... and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Ernissi onControl Service 0Lubricate chassis components or every 6 months whichever occurs first See footnote Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer or has limited sliD differential ...

Page 330: ...ne oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service 0Lubricate chassis components or every 6 months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote Also see footnote DATE SERV...

Page 331: ...omatictransmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly drivenI ler one or more of these conditions In heavy city traffic where the outside temperature regularly reaches 90OF 32 C or higher In hilly or mountainous terrain When doing frequent trailer towing Uses such as found in taxi poli ceor delivery service l f you do not use your vehicle under any of these conditions change thefluid andfil...

Page 332: ...y 6 months whichever occursfirst See footnote 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote 0Change the rearaxle gear lubricantif vehicle is used to pull a trailer 21 000 Miles 35000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occursfirst An Emission Control Sewice DATE SERVICEDBY ACTUAL MILEAGE 7 11...

Page 333: ...rst See footnote 0Change therear axle gear lubricantif vehicle is used to pull a trailer 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote Also see footnote DATE ACTUAL MILEAGE SERVICED BY 27 000 Miles 45 000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service DATE SERVIC...

Page 334: ...sket for any damage Replace parts as needed An Emission ControlService See footnote An Emission ControlService 0Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under one or more of these conditions In heavy city traffic where the outside temperature regularly reaches90 F 32 C or higher In hilly or mountainous terrain When doing frequent trailer towing Uses such as fo...

Page 335: ...Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote DATE ACTUAL MILEAGE SERVICED B Y I 33 000 Miles 55000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service I DATE ACTUAL MILEAGE SERVICEDBY 7 14 ...

Page 336: ...whichever occursfirst See footnote Change the rearaxle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in theIndex for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote Also see footnote 39 000 Miles 45 000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occursfirst An Emission ControlService DATE SERVICEDBY ACTUAL MILEAG...

Page 337: ...s used to pull a trailer DATE SERVICEDBY ACTUAL MILEAGE 45 000 Miles 75000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service 0Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under one or more of these conditions In heavy city traffic where the outside temperature regularly reaches 90 F 32 C or higher In hilly or mou...

Page 338: ... 000 Miles 80 000 km Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service Lubricate chassis components or every 6 months whichever occurs first See footnote ClChange the rear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See foot...

Page 339: ... Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service Lubricate chassis components or every 6 months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer I DATE I ACTUAL ...

Page 340: ...rst An Emission ControlService 0Lubricate chassis components or every 6 months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer 0Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under one or more of these conditions In heavy city traffic where the outside temperature regularly reaches 90O F 32O C or higher I...

Page 341: ...sion fluid doesn t require change 0Inspect engine accessory drive belt 0Replace air cleaner filter delivery service An Emission Control Service 0Inspect fuel tank cap and lines for damage or leaks Inspect fuel cap gasket or any damage Replace parts as needed An Emission Control Service See footnote 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in theIndex for properrotation pattern and additional...

Page 342: ...m 0Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service Lubricate chassis components or every 6 months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote I3Change the rear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer DATE ACTUAL M...

Page 343: ...engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service 0Lubricate chassis components or every 6 months whichever occurs first See footnote Change the rear axle gear lubricantif vehicle is used to pull a trailer 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote Also see footnote 7 22 ...

Page 344: ...de temperature regularly reaches 90O F 32 C or higher In hilly or mountainous terrain When doing frequent trailer towing Uses such as found in taxi police or delivery service I f you do not use your vehicle under any of these conditions change thefluid andfilter ut 100 000m i l e s 166 000 km Manual transmission fluid doesn t require change in dusty conditions Replace filter if necessary An Emissi...

Page 345: ...curs first See footnote ClRotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information Seefootnote 0Change therear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer I DATE I ACTUALMILEAGE SERVICEDBY 81 000 Miles 135 000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emissim Control Sewice DATE SERVICEDBY ACTU...

Page 346: ...nths whichever occurs first See footnote 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Indexfor proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote Also see footnote 87 000 Miles 145000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service I ACTUAL MILEAGE 1 ...

Page 347: ...traffic where the outside temperature regularly reaches 90 F 32 C or higher In hilly or mountainous terrain When doing frequent trailer towing Uses such as found in taxi police or vyou do not use your vehicle under any oj these conditions change thefluid andfilter at 100 000 miles 166000 km Manual transmission fluid doesn t require change Replace air cleaner filter An Emission Contrul Service Insp...

Page 348: ...otation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote DATE SERVICED BY ACTUAL MILEAGE 93 000Miles 155000 km Change engine oil and filter or every 3 months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service I DATE I ACTUAL MILEAGE ISERVICED BY I ...

Page 349: ...An Emission ControlService 0Lubricate chassis components or every 6 months whichever occurs first Seefootnote 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if vehicle is used to pull a trailer 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation9 in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information Seefootnote Also see footnote 7 28 ...

Page 350: ... km Inspect spark plug wires 0Replace spark plugs 0Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly drivenunder one or more of these conditions In heavy city traffic where the outside temperature regularly reaches 90O F 32 C or higher An Emission Control Sewice An Emission ControlService In hilly or mountainous terrain Uses such as found in taxi police or delivery service Co...

Page 351: ...y and therefore haven t changed your automatic transmission fluid change both the fluid and filter DATE SERVICEDB E ACTUAL MILEAGE 150 000 Miles 240 000 km 0Drain flush and refill cooling system or every 60 months since last service whichever O C C U S first See Engine Coolant in the Index for what to use Inspect hoses Clean radiator condenser pressure cap and neck Pressure test cooling system and...

Page 352: ...ission warranty or limit recall liability prior to the completion of the vehicle s useful life We however urge that all recommended maintenance services be performed at the indicated intervals andthe maintenance be recorded Lubricate thesteering and shiftlinkage A good time tocheck your brakes is during tire rotation See Brake System Inspection under Periodic Maintenance Inspections inP a r t C of...

Page 353: ...or proper rotation pattern and additional informatiion See footnote t I DATE I ACTUALMILEAGE SERVICEDBY I 15 000 Miles 25 000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 12months whichever occurs first 0Lubricate chassis components OF every 12months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under one or more of these condition...

Page 354: ...es See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote Also see footnote 22 500 Miles 37500 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 12months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service 0Lubricate chassis components or every 12months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index ...

Page 355: ...avy city trafficwhere the outside temperature regularly reaches90O F 32 C or higher An Emission Control Sewice In hilly or mountainous terrain When doing frequent trailer towing Uses such as found in taxi police or delivery service Ifyou do not use your vehicle under any of these conditions change thefluid andfilter at JO0 OOO miles 166 000 km Manual transmission fluid doesn t require change 0Rota...

Page 356: ...An Emission Control Service DATE SERVICED BY ACTUAL MILEAGE 37 500 Miles 62 500 km C lChange engine oil and filter or every 12months whichever occurs first Lubricate chassis components or every 12 months whichever occursfirst See footnote 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in theIndex for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote An Emission Control Service DATE S...

Page 357: ...side temperature regularly reaches 90O F 32 C or higher 0Change automatic transmission fluid md In hilly or mountainous terrain When doing frequent trailer towing Uses such as found in taxi police or delivery service lfyou do not use your vehicle under any o f these conditions change thefluid and lter at 100 000miles 166 000 krn Manual transmission fluid doesn t require change 0Rotate tires See Ti...

Page 358: ... Emission Control Service I DATE ACTUALMILEAGE SERVICED BY 60 000Miles 100000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 12months whichever occurs first 0Lubricate chassis components or every 12months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly drivenunder one or more of these conditions In heavy city traffic where the outside tempera...

Page 359: ...require change URotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote IllInspect engine accessory drive belt delivery service 0Replace air cleaner filter An Emission ControlService 0Inspect fuel tank cap and lines for damage or leaks Inspect fuel cap gasket for any damage Replace parts as needed An Emission Control Service Se...

Page 360: ... Emission Control Service 1 DATE SERVICEDBY ACTUALMILEAGE 75 000Miles 125 000 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 12months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service Lubricate chassis components or every 12months whichever occursfirst See footnote Change automatic transmissionfluid and filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under one or moreof these conditions In heavy city traffic w...

Page 361: ...n in the Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote Also see footnote delivery service I DATE ACTUAL MILEAGE SERVICEDBY 82 500 Miles 137500 km Change engine oil and filter or every 12months whichever o ccursfirst An Emission Control Sewice 0Lubricate chassis components or every 12months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotatio...

Page 362: ...ffic where the outside temperature regularly reaches 90O F 32O C or higher In hilly or mountainous terrain When doing frequent trailer towing Uses such as found in taxi police or delivery service Ifyou do notuse your vehicleunder any of these conditions change thefluid andfilter at IO0 OOO miles 166 000 km Manual transmission fluid doesn t require change 0Replace air cleaner filter An Emission Con...

Page 363: ...information See footnote Also see footnote 97 500 Miles 162 500 km 0Change engine oil and filter or every 12months whichever occurs first An Emission Control Service 0Lubricate chassis components or every 12months whichever occurs first See footnote 0Rotate tires See Tire Inspection and Rotation inthe Index for proper rotation pattern and additional information See footnote ...

Page 364: ...usly and therefore haven t changed your automatic transmission fluid change both the fluid and filter 150 000 Miles 240000 km Drain flush and refill cooling system or every 60 months since last service whichever occurs first See Engine Coolant in the Index for what to use Inspect hoses Clean radiator condenser pressure cap and neck Pressure test the cooling system and pressure cap An Emission Cont...

Page 365: ...FuelFill If is importuntfor you or a sewice statim attendant tu peqfiormthese underhood checks ut eachfielfill Engine Oil Level Check Check the engine oil leveland add the proper oil if necessary See EngineOil in the Index or further details Windshield WasherFluid Level Check Check the windshield washer fluid level in the windshield washer tank and add the proper fluidif necessary See WindshieldWa...

Page 366: ...on fluid level add if needed See Manual Transmission in the Index A fluid loss may indicate a problem Check the system and repair if needed Automatic Transmission Check Check the transmission fluid level add if needed See Automatic Transmission in the Index A fluid loss may indicatea problem Checkthe system and repair if needed Hydraulic Clutch System Check Check the fluid level in the clutch rese...

Page 367: ...put the shift lever in NEUTRAL N push the clutchdown halfway and try to start the engine The starter should work only when the clutch is pushed down all the way to the floor If the starter works when the clutch isn t pushed all the way down your vehicle needs service When you are doing this check the vehicle could move suddenly If it does you or others could be injured Follow the steps below 1 2 3...

Page 368: ...nto move You orothers could be injured and property could be damaged Make sure thereis room in front of your vehicle in case it begins to roll Be ready to apply the regular brake at once should the vehicle begin to move Park on a fairly steep hill with the vehicle facing downhill Keeping your foot on the regular brake set the parking brake e a To check the parking brake s holding ability With the ...

Page 369: ...haust fumes into the vehicle See Engine Exhaust in the Index Radiator andHeater Hose Inspection Inspect the hoses and have them replalced if they are cracked swollenor deteriorated Inspect all pipes fittings and clamps replaceas needed Throttle Linkage Inspection Inspect the throttle linkage for interference or binding and for damaged or missing parts Replaceparts as needed Replace any cablesthat ...

Page 370: ... your vehicle may require additional brake service Refer to the appropriate GM Service Bulletin for the proper front caliper inspection procedure As necessary front caliperpins and knuckle brakepad abutments shouldbe lubricated at every other tire rotation Also see yourGM dealer s service department orqualified service center for additional information I W 7 49 ...

Page 371: ...or Havoline DEX COOL coolant See Engine Coolant in the Index GM P a r tNo 3634621 or equivalent with acomplete flush and refill USAGE Hydraulic Brake System Hydraulic Clutch System Power Steering System Manual Transmission __ Automatic Transmission Key Lock Cylinders Clutch Linkage Pivot Points PLUJD LUBRICANT Delco Supreme11 Brake Fluid GM P a r tNo 12377967ur equivalent DOT 3 brake fluid Hydraul...

Page 372: ...ml of Limited Slip Differential Lubricant Additiv e GM Part No 1052358 or equivalent where required See Rear Axle in the Index GC LB USAGE Windshield Washer Solvent Hood Latch Assembly Pivots Spring Anchor and Release Pawl Hood and Door Hinges Weatherstrip Conditioning FLUID LUBRICANT GM Optikleen Washer Solvent GM Part No 1051515 or equivalent Lubriplate lubricantaerosol GM Part No 12346293or equ...

Page 373: ...ed after the maintenance interval Any additional informationfrom Owner Checks and Services or Periodic Maintenance can be addedon the following record pages Also you should retain all maintenance receipts Your owner informationportfolio is a convenient place to store them Maintenance Record ODOMETER DATE READING SERVICEDBY MAINTENANCE PERFORMED 7 52 ...


Page 375: ...Maintenance Record I I I I ...

Page 376: ...ustomer Satisfaction Procedure Customer Assist ance for Text Telephone TTY Users Pontiac RoadsideAssistance Program Canadian Roadside Assistance Pontiac Courtesy Transportation GM Participation in an Alternative Dispute ResolutionProgram 8 10 Warranty Information 8 10 ReportingSafetyDefectsto the United States Government 8 11 Reporting Safety Defects to the Canadian Government 8 11 ReportingSafety...

Page 377: ...are designed to make you realize that Pontiac recognizes you as a valuable customer appreciates your purchase decision and is dedicated to taking care of the most important person YOU PONTIAC CARES is A valuable feature that comes with every Pontiac a feature that offers a multitude of benefits that cangive you safety security comfort and convenience 8 2 ...

Page 378: ... enjoyable one and are discussed in greater detail further in your owner s manual Pontiacis focusing on the changing needs of our customers and is committed to giving you an exceptional levelof customer care throughout the ownership experience Our goal is to create total customer enthusiasm in our product and our services and make you the most satisfied customer in the world Customer Satisfaction ...

Page 379: ...y the dealership without further help contact the Pontiac Customer Assistance Center by calling 1 800 PM CARES In Canada contact GM of Canada Customer Communication Centre in Oshawa by calling 1 800 263 3777 English or 1 800 263 7854 French For help outside of the United States and Canada call the following numbers as appropriate 0 In Mexico 525 625 3256 0 In Puerto Rico 1 800 496 9992 English or ...

Page 380: ... Pontiac Plaza Pontiac MI 48340 2952 In Canada write to General Motors of Canada Limited Customer Communication Centre 163 005 1908Colonel Sam Drive Oshawa Ontario LlH 8P7 Refer to your Warranty and Owner Assistance Information booklet for addresses of GM Overseas offices When contacting Pontiac please remember that your concern will likely be resolved in the dealership using the dealer s faciliti...

Page 381: ...e added serviceis intended to provide you with peace of mind asyou drive in the city or travel the open road Pontiac s Roadside Assistance toll free number is staffedby ateam of technically trained advisors who are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year We take anxiety out ofuncertain situationsby providing minor repair information overthe phone ormaking arrangements to tow your vehicle tothe ne...

Page 382: ...when other services are utilized our advisors will explain any payment obligations you might incur For prompt and efficient assistance when calling please provide the following information to give the advisor 0 Location of vehicle Telephone numberof your location 0 Vehicle model year and color 0 Mileage of vehicle 0 Vehicle Identification Number VIN Vehicle license plate number Pontiac reserves th...

Page 383: ...nsportationwhen you bring your 1997 Pontiacin for warranty service It appli esto any repair covered under the 3 year 36 000 mile 60000 km limited warranty and to any 1997Bontiacrequiring repairas a result of product recall or special policy situations For same day service you are entitledto one way shuttle service of up to 10miles 16 km If the vehicle requires multiple day repairs you re entitled ...

Page 384: ...y can assistin arriving at a solution to a disagreement regarding vehicle repairs or interpretationof the New Vehicle Limited Warranty To assist in resolving these disagreements Pontiac voluntarily participates in BBB AUTO LINE BBB AUTO LINE isan out of court program administered by the Better Business Bureau system to settle automotive disputes This program is available free of charge to customer...

Page 385: ...ntiac Customer Assistance Centerat 1 800 PM CARES Warranty Information Your vehicle comeswith a separate warranty booklet that contains detailed warranty information REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT If you believe that your vehiclehas a defect which could cause a crash or lcould cause injury or death you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administ...

Page 386: ...you ll notify us Please call us at 1 800 PM CARES or write Pontiac Division Customer Assistance Center One Pontiac Plaza Pontiac MI 48340 2952 In Canada please call us at 1 800 263 3777 English or 1 800 263 7854 French Or write General Motors of Canada Limited Customer Communication Centre 163 005 1908 Colonel Sam Drive Oshawa OntarioL1H 8P7 Ordering Service and Owner Publications in Canada Servic...

Page 387: ...d specifications for he 1997 GM transmissions transaxles and transfe r cases RETAIL SELL PRICE 40 00 SERVICE BULLETINS Service Bulletins givetechnical service informationneeded to knowledgeably service General Motors carsand trucks Each bulletin contains instructionsto assist in the diagnosis and service of your vehicle OWNER S INFORMATION Owner publications are written directly for Owners and int...

Page 388: ...e mailedwithin 10days of receipt Please allow ade uate time for postal service If further information is needed write to the address s 7lown below or call 1 800 782 4356 Materialcannot be returnedfor creditwithoutpackingslipwith return informationwithin 30 days of delivery On returns a re stockingfee may be applied against the orlglnalorder ...

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Page 390: ...Antenna Power 3 24 Antifreeze 6 29 Anti Lock Brake System Warning Light 2 80 4 7 Brakes 4 7 Anti Theft Radio 3 19 AppearanceCare 6 58 Servicing 1 26 AppearanceCare Materials 6 67 Arbitration Program 8 9 Ashtrays 2 59 Audio Controls SteeringWheel Touch Control 3 21 Audio Equipment Adding 3 22 Audio Systems 3 6 Automatic Overdrive 2 30 AutomaticTransmission Check 7 45 Fluid 6 22 Operation 2 28 Park ...

Page 391: ...rrent Feature 3 19 CertificationLabel 4 30 Care 3 23 Center High Mounted StoplampBulb Replacement 6 44 Chains Safety 4 35 Chains Tire 6 57 Changinga Flat Tire 5 26 Check GaugesLight 2 89 Checking Your Restraint Systems 1 41 Chemical PaintSpotting 6 66 ChildRestraints 1 32 Securing in a Rear Seat Position 1 34 Securing in the Right Front Seat Position 1 36 CigaretteLighter 2 59 Circuit Breakers and...

Page 392: ... Damage Finish 6 65 Damage Sheet Metal 6 65 Daytime Running Lamps 2 53 Dead Battery 5 3 Defects ReportingSafety 8 10 Player 3 14 Defensive Driving 4 2 Defogger Rear Window 3 5 Defogging 3 4 Defrosting 3 4 Delayed Illumination 2 18 2 54 Dimensions Vehicle 6 75 Dolby B Noise Reduction 3 9 Door Last Door Closed Locking Feature 2 5 2 19 LockoutPrevention 2 5 2 19 Locks 2 4 Downshifting 2 36 Driver Pos...

Page 393: ...17 Exit Lighting 2 18 Last Door Closed Locking 2 19 Lockout Prevention 2 19 Remote KeylessEntry Control Verification 2 19 Theft Deterrent Arming Method 2 20 Theft DeterrentArming Verification 2 21 Fifth Gear Manual Transmission 2 32 2 34 Filling Your Tank 6 6 Filter Engine Oil 6 17 Finishcare 6 63 Finish Damage 6 65 First Gear Automatic Transmission 2 31 First Gear Manual Transmission 2 32 2 33 Fl...

Page 394: ...al Transmission 2 32 2 33 2 34 Horn 2 43 Release 6 9 Graphic Equalizer 3 10 3 14 HydraulicClutch System Check 7 45 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 4 30 Guide en Frangais a l l Glove Box 2 58 Hydraulic Clutch 6 28 Gross Axle WeightRating 4 30 Hydroplaning 4 19 GVWR 4 30 Ignition Switch 2 23 Inflation Tire 6 50 Inside Daymight Rearview Mirror 2 56 Halogen Bulbs 6 41 Inspections 7 48 Hatch 2 10 Brakesyst...

Page 395: ...Engine Running 2 39 Lighter 2 59 Lights Air Bag Readiness 1 22 2 78 Anti Lock Brake System Warning 2 8 0 4 7 Brake System Warning 2 79 Low Coolant 2 83 Low Traction 2 82 4 9 Safety Belt Reminder 1 8 2 78 ServiceEngine Soon 2 84 Traction Control SystemWarning 2 8 1 4 9 Limited Slip Differential Rear Axle 6 29 Loading YourVehicle 4 30 Lockout Prevention 2 5 2 19 CheckGauges 2 89 LowOil 2 88 Locks 2 ...

Page 396: ...Inside Day Night Rearview 2 56 Manual 2 56 Manual Remote Control 2 56 Power Remote Control 2 57 VisorVanity 2 60 MountainRoads 4 23 MultifunctionLever 2 44 Neutral Automatic Transmission 2 29 Neutral Manual Transmission 2 32 2 34 NewVehicle Break In 2 23 Night Vision 4 16 Odometer 2 77 Odometer Trip 2 77 Off Road Recovery 4 12 Oil Engine 6 12 Overdrive AutomaticTransmission 2 30 Overheating Engine...

Page 397: ...e 2 58 Seatpassengers l 27 Towing 5 12 Window Defogger 3 5 RecliningFront Seatbacks 1 4 Recommended Fluids and Lubricants 7 50 Recovery Tank Coolant 5 17 Refrigerants Air Conditioning 6 74 Hatch Release 2 11 Keyless Entry 2 6 Rearview Mirror Inside Daymight 2 56 Remote Keyless Lock Control Verification 2 19 Replacement Bulbs 6 73 Parts 6 75 Wheel 6 56 Replacing Safety Belts 1 41 Reporting Sa etyDe...

Page 398: ...ating Sport 1 4 Lumbar Control 1 4 Manual Front 1 2 Power 1 3 Restraint Systems 1 1 Seat Controls 1 2 Securing a Child Restraint 1 34 Second Gear Automatic Transmission 2 30 Second Gear Manual Transmission 2 32 2 34 Second Gear Start 2 31 Service 6 2 Bulletins Ordering 8 12 Engine Soon Light 2 84 Manuals Ordering 8 12 Parts IdentificationLabel 6 68 Publications Ordering 8 12 Work Doing YourOwn 6 2...

Page 399: ...nvisors 2 60 Synchronization 2 8 Tachometer 2 77 Temperature Control Climate Control System 3 2 TapePlayerCare 3 23 Theft 2 12 ArmingVerification 2 21 DisarEning 2 15 Feature CD Player 3 19 Third Gear Automatic Transmission 2 30 Third Gear Manual Transmission 2 32 2 34 Tilt SteeringWheel 2 44 Time Settingthe 3 6 Tire Storing Tire and Tools 5 36 Tire Chains 6 57 Tire Loading 4 30 Tire Loading Infor...

Page 400: ...l Weight on Tires 4 35 Weight 4 33 Transmission Fluid Automatic 6 22 6 27 Transmitters Matching 2 8 Transmitters Range 2 7 Transmitters Remote Keyless Entry 2 6 Transmitters Synchronization 2 8 Transportation Courtesy 8 8 Trip Odometer 2 77 T Top Sunshades 2 66 TTYUsers 8 5 Turn Signal and Lane Change Signals 2 45 Turn SignalNultifunction Lever 2 44 Turn Signals When Towing a Trailer 4 37 Twin Lif...

Page 401: ...rque Replacement Wrench Windows Express Down Power 5 3 2 77 8 10 2 47 6 35 6 63 6 62 68 55 5 36 4 73 6 56 5 29 2 43 2 43 2 43 WindshieldWasher 2 47 WindshieldWiper 2 46 WindshieldWiper Cleaning 2 46 Blade Replacement 6 47 Wiring Headlamp 6 69 Fluid 2 47 6 35 Fluid Level Check 7 44 Fuses 6 69 Winter Driving 4 25 WreckerTowing 5 8 Wrench Whee1 5 29 9 12 ...

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Page 403: ...Iransmlssron 5 Speed Man17 7 r 6 Speed Manual Automatic WPACITIES AND SPECIFICATIONS CbNTINUfL bength Firebiramm Trans Am ...

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Page 405: ...Headlamps Conlposite ...

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Page 407: ...his section containsvery important informatior at It safetv be sage air baasand childrestraints One of the first things you ll probably want to do when y0u get in vehicle is adjust theseats Depending on your v to do this n llv or with Dower controls To set the clock press and hold HR until the ars Press ...

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Page 409: ...Fheft Deterrent Syste PASS K II 4ccessory Plug onvertible Top jteerinq Wheel a rols in Lift off Roof Panels T Tol ction Control bystem TCS ...

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