NF802 Intelligent Relay Tester User Manual
GOOSE subscription
The tester has to subscribe GOOSE information when it receives the relays’ GOOSE signal.
The GOOSE can subscribe some information under multiple MAC addresses.
When subscribing, the following specifications have to be set:
1) GoRef
2) GoID
4) MAC address, or only select “Not analyze GoRef, GoID and APPID”.Only “MAC”
address is selected to ensure receiving GOOSE message.
Map GOOSE data (such as tripping signal) to the “Binary intput (A-H)” on the tester. When
the tester recives GOOSE messages, then the message status will be reflected into the
revelant binary input. The software will judge the opration status and record trip time
according to binary situation.
The GOOSE message can be bind to the binary intput A-H in figure 4.2.6. The row, column
and position serial number will cahge. Clearing binding means cancelling the binding data.
Row number
: the number of item for testing that starts from No. 1.
Column number
: It is relevant to the data with structural body. No. 1 stands for the first data
from left body. No.2 stands for the second data from the left.
: It is relevant to the data with dua-position or bit-string. It is the first position from
the right. For example: [1000], No.1 is required to map indicating the relevant position is 4.