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Setting up the Polycom® RealPresence® EduCart






Adjust the handles by loosening the two screws
on each bar (four screws per side). Extend the
handle at or beyond the display by 1-2”. Replace
the screws and tighten. Use the same hole in the
series of holes on both sides. These handles will be
used to move the cart.  

Place the speaker brackets grill forward and
directly under the display on the outside of the
poles. Attach them with U-shaped brackets using
nuts and a 7/16” wrench.

Place the speaker inside the grill bracket and
fasten to the bracket with two M5 screws on
each side. Only one side is shown in the photo.



Connect the speaker wires. Refer to the wiring
diagram at the end of this document for details.

Attach the vanity plate on the front of
the cart between the speakers.
