• tiles and other small surfaces.
(4) - Curved nozzle:
recommended for reaching
even more inaccessible points, thanks to its cur-
ved shape.
(5) (6) - Round brushes
recommended for re-
moving encrusted dirt from very narrow surfa-
ces, such as hobs, blinds, tile grouting, bath-
room elements, etc.
Depending on the type of surface, choose the
most suitable brush for the material.
Do not use the round brass brush (
) on particu-
larly delicate surfaces.
(7) - Spatula:
Recommended for removing stub-
born encrusted dirt
(8) - Accessory for grouting:
extremely useful
for cleaning tile grouting and in any case parts
that are difficult to reach with the other accesso-
• Before attempting any maintenance operation,
make sure to always disconnect the appliance
from the mains
• We recommend that the bristles of the round
brushes are allowed to cool down in their nor-
mal position after use, so as to avoid any mis-
• To clean the body of the appliance, simply use
a moist cloth.
If the appliance requires repair, it must be re-
turned with this coupon and a receipt valid
for tax purposes attesting to the purchase.
Polti products are guaranteed to the purchaser
for 1 year from the date of purchase as shown
on a valid receipt issued by the seller. During
the warranty period, Polti will repair products
with defects present at time of manufacture in
workmanship or materials at no charge to the
customer for either labour or materials. To have
work performed under warranty, custumer must
send the appliance back to the Polti Service
Centre in the country where purchased, and pre-
sent a valid receipt issued at the time of purcha-
se as evidence of the date of purchase. War-
ranty does not cover defects due to incorrect use
or use other than that described in the instruc-
tion booklet and other enclosed literature, which
is an integral part of the contract of sale for the
product. Warranty does not cover defects resul-
ting from chance (fire, short circuit) or attributa-
ble to a third party (tampering with the product).
Warranty does not cover parts that are damaged
by wear or subject to normal wear (consumables
such as filters, brushes, etc.). Warranty does not
cover any damage caused by limescale. Polti
will accept no responsibility for any injury to peo-
ple or animals or damage to objects directly or
indirectly resulting from failure to follow the in-
structions provided in the instruction booklet or
other enclosed warning literature, in particular
the warnings and product maintenance instruc-
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