on the Pololu blog demonstrates this library and its included
example code, using them to make a robot that can be remotely controlled and monitored through
a web server running on the Raspberry Pi. This tutorial uses our
and a laser cut chassis, but the instructions for setting up your
Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi slave library for Arduino still apply for the Balboa 32U4, and we will be
releasing an updated tutorial with steps specific to the Balboa soon.
Raspberry Pi robot using the A-Star 32U4 Robot Controller.
General-purpose level shifter
In addition to the dedicated I²C level shifters, the board also makes available a single-channel,
tristatable, unidirectional level shifter that is not connected to any signals by default. Four pins are
(output enable),
(shifted output), and
(logic supply voltage).
• When OE is high, OUT is in a high impedance state.
• When OE is low, OUT matches the state of
, shifted to the voltage supplied on VCC.
Pololu Balboa 32U4 Balancing Robot User’s Guide
© 2001–2019 Pololu Corporation
3. Balboa 32U4 in detail
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