Android version Search Polaroid SZ514W in the Google
Play, and install it
iOS search Polaroid SZ514W in APP Store and install it
3.4 Open WIFI to connect with intelligent device
Connect this camera with intelligent device through Wi-Fi
1. Turn on the power of the camera and open the WIFI button
2. Select “Set” in the intelligent device [Android/iOS], and then
select “Wi-Fi”
3. Select the SSID of the camera to be connected:
4. Enter the password “1234567890” (For the first time only);
5. Return to the main page, and then start “Polaroid SZ514W”
The interface and function of the application may vary
depending on different versions of applications, please visit
the update of Google Play and APP Store for details.
3.5 Install this camera to intelligent device
Fix the camera and the attached lens on the parts bracket, as
shown in the figure below:
And put the camera connecting with fittings on the phone, as
shown in the figure below:
3.6 App interface
3.6.1. Photo mode
1. EV adjustment;
2. Autodyne setting;
3. Photo resolution selections, and show the current photo
number can be taken;
4. System settings;
5. Photo;
6. Playback;
7. WiFi signal strength symbol;
8. Battery symbol, corresponding to the battery power
indicator light on the camera;