Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1075 Digital Camera User Guide
For Macintosh® Users:
• Transferring and Viewing the Pictures and Video Clips on Mac
For MAC user, directly plug-in the camera,
no need to install the driver.
1. Turn on the camera
2. Set the Driver Type to Mass Storage mode.
3. Connect the camera to a MAC via the USB cable, the systems will
automatically recognize the MASS STORAGE drive. (System will
automatically create a Mass Storage named “untitled”)
This Drive name will vary on different versions of MAC OS systems.
4. Double click the folder “untitled” -> double click “DCIM” -> double
click “100MEDIA”.
5. You can copy the pictures and video clips from the “100MEDIA”
folder and paste them to the hard disk.
PDC 1075 US UM BF.indd
4/30/03, 4:21 PM