LCD TV User Guide
A 7 5 - o h m c o a x i a l c a b l e c o n n e c t o r i s b u i l t i n t o t h e s e t fo r e a s y h o o k u p.
W h e n c o n n e c t i n g t h e 7 5 - o h m c o a x i a l c a b l e t o t h e s e t , p l a c e t h e 7 5 - o h m c a b l e i n t o
t h e A N T. t e r m i n a l .
Cable TV (CATV) Connection
Cable TV converter/
(Not included)
RF switch
(Not included)
2 set signal
(Not included)
Cable TV Line
Please note: the RF switch is required to provide two inputs (A and B) . (not included)
A position on the RF switch (not included) ; you can view all unscrambled channels
by using the TV channel keys.
B position on the RF switch (not included) ; you can view all scrambled channels via
the converter/descrambler by using the converter channel keys.
Some cable TV companies off er premium pay channels. Since the signals of these
premium pay channels are scrambled, a cable TV converter/descrambler is generally
provided to the subscriber by the cable TV company.
This converter/descrambler is necessary for normal viewing scrambled channels.
(Set your TV to channel 3 or 4, typically one of these channels are used.
If this is unknown, consult your cable TV company.)
For more specifi c instructions on installing cable TV, consult your cable TV company,
One possible method of utilizing the coverter/descrambler provided
by your cable TV company is explained below.