Vehicle Immersion
If your vehicle becomes immersed, major engine damage can result if the machine is not
thoroughly inspected. Take the vehicle in for service before starting the engine. Your
POLARIS dealer can provide this service.
If it's impossible to take your
in for service before starting it, follow the steps
outlined below.
1. Move the vehicle to dry land or at the very least, to water below the floorboard.
2. Inspect the air box for water.
Do not attempt to start the engine if water is present in the air box. Engine damage will
result. Take the vehicle in for service before starting the engine.
3. If the air box is wet but has no visible water, dry the air box.
4. Thoroughly dry the air pre-cleaner located under the hood.
5. Take the vehicle in for service as soon as possible, whether you succeed in starting it or
not. Your POLARIS dealer can provide the required service.
6. If water has been ingested into the PVT follow the procedure on page 79 for drying.