PoKeys Pulse engine v2 documentation
Open-collector outputs
PoKeysCNCaddon board features 4 open-collector outputs with LEDs for signaling the output state.
Maximum applied voltage: 80 V
Maximum DC current: up to 50 mA
0-10 V voltage output
PWM signal is used to create the 0-10 V voltage output. PWM signal with 0% duty cycle produces 0 V
on output, while 100% duty cycle produces Vmax on output. Vmax can be adjusted using the
potentiometer 'Vout'.
In order to convert PWM signal to an analog output, a low-pass filter with the time constant of 1 ms
is applied to the source signal. In order to avoid ripples in the analog output, use PWM frequency of
10 kHz or more.
: either set the duty cycle to 100% or connect the PWM signal input to
PoKeysCNCaddon board (pin 3) to +3.3V. Use the multimeter to measure voltage between GND adn
0-10 V output. Use the Vout adjustment potentiometer to adjust the voltage to 10 V (
Additional digital inputs
There are 4 additional digital inputs: spindle error input and 3 general purpose external digital inputs,
available on the top right corner of the PoKeysCNCaddon board.