POK SAS - 18 Cours Antoine Lavoisier - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)3 37 49 53 000 - Email: [email protected] - Web: www.pok-fire.com
- Monitor 2000 lpm with swivel inlet 2.5” NST-NH
MOP_LMM_02329_EN_A - 28/05/2021 - Cop
yright© POK S
S - Illustr
ations are only informativ
procedure is not carried out in accordance with this manual.
Even if not specified in the disassembly instructions, the wearing of appropriate safety equipment is required
to carry out maintenance operations. POK SAS cannot be responsible for any damage or accident which may
occur during the dismantling. If this obligation is not met, please refer to the tools instructions guides for
more details.
Only POK SAS is able to guarantee the proper functioning and safety of the equipment after dismantling.
Accordingly, POK SAS cannot be held liable for any incidents caused as a result of the dismantling outside
of its workshops.
Do not modify the equipment, it may not work properly or be dangerous for use. Any modification not
approved by POK SAS will void the warranty.
6 • Use
Please respect the technical limitations of the equipment.
The equipment should not be used if a component is damaged or missing.
Never stand in front of the foam nozzle or point the foam nozzle at somebody. It can cause death.
During use, the monitor should be fastened firmly to a anchorage on the solid ground with
the provided strap. Not respecting these rules can cause serious material and/or bodily
injuries (reaction force: approximately 250 Kgs for 4000 l/min at 7 bar at the outlet of the
Never set the stream in a vertical position higher than 85°.or lower than 35°.
Please note that use of the monitor may cause damage in the area where stream is landing. Ensure that
the area is safe and clear before the use.
It is important to know and respect the safety rules regarding your operating environment.
It is strongly recommended to avoid using the monitor with water loaded with emulsifier. After use, if the
monitor has been used with foam agent, it must be operated under pressure with clean water to clean the
oscillator and remove all product particles from the lance body.
The recommended work pressure is 7 bar. The efficiency over this pressure is not guarantee.
The maximum working pressure is 16 bar, and the reliability of the equipment over this pressure is not
Disrespect of safety instructions and use of the monitor over the recommended pressure can be dangerous
and even cause death.
POK SAS is not responsible of any accident that may occur during operation caused by improper use or non-
compliance with safety requirements.
7 • Limits of use
POK guarantees the function of the monitor up to a maximum operating pressure of 16 BAR.
Our monitors are guaranteed to resist a maximum of 25.5 bar in a closed position.
Without explicit written authorization from POK, the warranty will be void if the pressures listed above are