the applicable period of the original warranty or ninety days from the
date of shipment of a repaired or replaced Product, whichever is
There are no warranties that extend beyond the face of the
POCKETEC limited warranty. POCKETEC disclaims all other
warranties, express or implied, regarding the Products, including any
implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
or noninfringement. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of
the implied warranties.
POCKETEC' entire liability for any defective Product shall in no event
exceed the purchase price of the defective Product. This limitation
applies even if POCKETEC cannot or does not repair or replace any
defective Product and your exclusive remedy fails of its essential
POCKETEC has no liability for general, consequential, incidental or
special damages. These include loss of recorded data, the cost of
recovery of lost data, lost profits, downtime, loss of goodwill, damage
to or replacement of equipment and property, the cost of the
installation or removal of any Products, the installation of replacement
Products, and any necessary inspection, testing, or redesign caused
by any defect or by the repair or replacement of Products arising from
a defect in any Product.
In the United States, some states do not allow exclus ion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so the limitations above may not
apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may
also have other rights that vary from state to state.