To pull on the tray for SIM card and SD card use included clip. Insert SD
card to the tray, like it shown on a figure, and slightly push until tray
will be fixed.
Before ejecting microSD card either turn the Device off or unmount
it: go to
Settings > Storage settings > Unmount SD card
. Otherwise the data stored
on microSD card might be damaged.
If your SD card or SIM card get stuck, do not try to eject it by your-
self, and immediately call Customer Support.
The Device utilizes some services, which don’t ask user’s permission
for Internet access (for example, synchronization). Consult with your mobile opera-
tor about traffic rates.
The Device supports GSM and/or WCDMA mobile networks connection
for Internet access.
Before inserting or ejecting SIM-card turn the Device off.
Install your network operator SIM-card, as it is shown on the figure,
and turn the Device on.
In case if the card is protected with PIN-code, the Device will ask you
to enter it from on-screen keyboard. PIN-code request settings can be
changed in
Settings > Security > SIM card lock > Set up SIM card lock
In this section you can set whether request or not PIN-code when you
are unlocking the screen, also you can change the SIM-card PIN-code.
In case when Lock SIM card parameter is on, you will be asked for PIN every
time when you’re unlocking the screen.
Usually mobile network operators pre-configure connection settings
(such as APN) on a SIM-card, so the Device will connect to the network
If the Device is connected to Wi-Fi network, it will have higher prior-
ity for data transfer.